Tag Archives: The United Nations

Bill Lockwood: How Did We Become a Socialist Nation? 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

It is shocking, but true. America is already a socialist nation—for the most part. All the earmarks of socialism are incorporated into our society. From the globalist socialist United Nations controlling our shameful foreign policy machine to Big Tech monitoring and censoring free speech to confiscatory taxation—America has fallen very low on the freedom scale.

Classic socialism started out being defined as “government ownership of the means of production.” This is why the government of the Soviet Union confiscated all the businesses, factories, farms and other means of production, murdering millions in the process.

However, the above definition is not an accurate definition of socialism today. Just as classic Marxism, built on atheism, has now morphed into Neo-Marxism and the Critical Race Theory, so the definition of socialism has evolved.

Frederich Hayek wrote that the definition of socialism has come to mean income redistribution in pursuit of “equality”, not through government ownership of the means of production, but through the institutions of the welfare state and the “progressive” income tax. As America is discovering, this is all so much poison for a society.

The shift began to occur particularly during the Woodrow Wilson administration, then was put on steroids during the Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) and Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) period. “It was under FDR that the Bill of Rights suffered a severe, and potentially lethal, mutilation that has progressively (double entendre intended) weakened it ever since. FDR attempted to redefine rights, asserting that every American has a ‘right to a useful and remunerative job,’ ‘a decent home,’ ‘adequate medical care,’ ‘a good education,’ and so on.”

A visitor to the FDR memorial in Washington, D.C. will be treated to this Orwellian redefinition of rights: “Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want, Freedom from Fear.” Note the shift.

According to the Founders, rights were natural rights bestowed by God and merely protected by the government. Government did not grant any right. This is emphatically clear in our own founding documents. The Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States formally states that the people retain all rights absent specific enumeration in the Bill of Rights.  In other words, God gave us rights and we only ceded a certain enumerated few to the government in order for more protection of them. But make no mistake, said the founders, if we have overlooked some of these rights in our enumeration, the people still owned those also!

Franklin Roosevelt deceptively changed all of that. Freedom of speech, for example, is far different than freedom from want. The only way one can be free from “want” (housing, food, medical treatment) is to forcibly redistribute what one segment of society produces and give it to another. But for government to forcibly redistribute actually means that it forcibly removes my personal production to meet the personal needs of others. This is not freedom. This is slavery, to one degree or another.

Now, decades later, we cannot seem to escape the clutch of this wicked socialism. The only debate seems to be how much or how little money we can unconstitutionally steal from one portion of society to give to another. Or, how much can we confiscate from our own citizens to give to foreign countries. This is to bribe them with liberal Marxist ideals such as “women’s studies” in Muslim countries or to put pressure on foreign nations to recognize homosexuality as a legitimate lifestyle. We are in the clutches of socialism.

Bill Lockwood: Antonio Guterres & Eco-Imperialism 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

The war has always been between liberty and bondage. Allow people to control their own lives with local government, or will complete control of people gravitate to the top in a statist society? The left has been about the latter, which is why the United Nations was initially created.

One tool only is in the toolbox of the UN Dictator’s Club—Climate Change, which is now upgraded to “Climate Emergency.” So bartender turned scientist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez warns. It is the crowbar to beat America over the head into economic submission. We must bow down to the Imperialism of the UN—for the environment, of course. Eco-Imperialism.

The Dictator’s Club Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calls on all the countries of the world to immediately declare a “climate emergency” (December 12 Summit). His hand-wringing last year included that President Donald Trump had withdrawn from the “Paris Climate Accord.” Trump actually exposed the truth that the Sustainable Agenda of the UN Paris Accord is nothing less than a socialist siphoning-off of billions of American dollars to redistribute around the world. Climate sins, you know.

Now that Joe Biden is in, what a relief to the globalists! His first day in office, slow of speech he may be, but he quickly began goose-stepping to the tune called down from the globalist masters, and the Paris Climate Accord has been rejoined. He can’t speak very well, but he can take orders.

That was a close one for the Global Masters of the UN. With Donald Trump at the helm, it looked like they would not conquer America after all. This is why Jeffrey Sachs, an economics professor at Columbia University, and Director of the Center for Sustainable Development, opined out loud that the most severe emergency facing the Dictator’s Club was Donald J. Trump being in office. Now that that is solved, back on the fast-track of globalism and eco-imperialistic governing from the United Nations.

A “State of Climate Emergency” has been declared by the UN. Antonio Guterres breaks it down for us. “This is a moral test. We [read, ‘America’] cannot use these resources [fossil fuels] to lock in policies that burden future generations with a mountain of debt or a broken planet.” The prime minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, suggested that the primary crime of America was that we are “major emitters of carbon dioxide.”

What about the real major emitters, China and India? Chinese President Xi offers only modest changes to cut emissions per unit of GDP by 65 percent by the end of the decade. He also promised to make non-fossil fuels account for 25% of China’s energy by 2030. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pledged no new climate commitments.

No matter. It is America the globalists want. Our liberty has rendered us immoral climate sinners. Morality has nothing to do with how many of its citizens China may torture. No. It is how much carbon dioxide society as a whole emits. Guterres knows. We must submit to the Eco-Imperialists. This is the moral thing to do. And you thought science was a study of the natural world through systematic observation and experiment. Foolish Americans.

Alex Newman: “Great Reset” Transhumanism-Merging Man & Machine 4.5 (2)

by Alex Newman

Under the new world order envisioned by the proponents of the United Nations-backed “Great Reset,” humans will be merged with machines and technology. Literally. Perhaps most incredibly, the Deep State globalists behind the efforts are coming out of the closet. These days, they are openly and literally proclaiming their intention to abolish private ownership of property and even fuse microchips into people’s brains that will be able to read and manipulate individuals’ thoughts.

Just last year, the schemes peddled under the “Great Reset” banner would have been dismissed as “crazy conspiracy theories.” Today, top globalists such as World Economic Forum boss Klaus Schwab, UN chief (and socialist leader) Antonio Guterres, IMF leader Kristalina Georgieva, and others are trumpeting their agenda from the rooftops. World leaders such as far-left Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are doing it too, despite frantic efforts by the fake media to downplay the significance.

As The New American reported this summer, shortly after the “Great Reset” agenda was unveiled, there are many elements to the plot. Everything must change, from education and business to the global economy and governance, Great Reset advocates declared during the summit announcing the scheme. However, one area that has not received nearly as much attention is the plan to fuse human beings with technology under the guise of “improving” mankind.

WEF chief Schwab, the chief marketer of the Great Reset who recently released a book with that title, has proclaimed that a key element of the “reset” will be the so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” And in very public statements, he has explained what this means: merging man with machines. “What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity,” Schwab explained in a speech to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs.

Schwab, whose accent and demeanor make him appear to be almost a caricature of some evil cartoon villain, even wrote a book on the subject in 2016 entitled Shaping the Future of The Fourth Industrial Revolution. In it, the globalist schemer explains how looming technological changes will allow governments to “intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds, reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior.”

“Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us — they will become part of us,” continued Schwab. “Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices — from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets — will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains.”

Among those technologies are “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies,” Schwab explained. These “implantable devices,” Schwab continued, “will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals.”

Even more creepy, perhaps, is that Schwab suggested these technologies would be used by governments to determine who may travel and even for “pre-crime” purposes. “As capabilities in this area improve, the temptation for law enforcement agencies and courts to use techniques to determine the likelihood of criminal activity, assess guilt or even possibly retrieve memories directly from people’s brains will increase,” he explained, adding that authorities might require “a detailed brain scan to assess an individual’s security risk.”

In a post on the WEF website by Danish Parliamentarian Ida Auken, the direction and goals of all this transhumanism become more clear. “Welcome to the year 2030,” Auken writes. “I don’t own anything,” including a home, and “I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded.” But her biggest concern is those who refuse to participate.

“My biggest concern is all the people who do not live in our city,” Auken explains, noting that some stubborn individuals refused to merge with machines. “Those we lost on the way. Those who decided that it became too much, all this technology. Those who felt obsolete and useless when robots and AI took over big parts of our jobs. Those who got upset with the political system and turned against it.”

The push toward transhumanism and merging with computers is becoming especially obvious in the “education” system amid the hysteria surrounding COVID. From moving everything online and sidelining teachers to bringing in Artificial Intelligence and algorithms, the technology is getting downright creepy. Huge totalitarian firms such as Google, which brazenly discriminates against Christians and conservatives, are key players as they gather enormous amounts of sensitive data on children and blatantly manipulate the public.

The WEF, which is leading the push with help from the UN and the IMF, is a powerhouse. Every year, it brings together billionaires and even mass-murdering dictators from around the world to promote globalism and technocracy under the guise of “helping” humanity. Naturally, all of the major tech companies — Facebook, Alphabet, Microsoft, and so on — are intimately involved. Fringe billionaire totalitarians such as George Soros are key players, too.

The push for the “Great Reset” is hardly the first time the elites have peddled the trans-humanist agenda. At the 2018 “World Government Summit” in the United Arab Emirates, top globalists and “world leaders” gathered to push, among other key themes, the normalization and glorification of “cyborgs.” Indeed, the confab, which brings together top leaders of government and business, offered a prominent role to a self-proclaimed “cyborg” named Neil Harbisson, who argued that governments must facilitate the transition to at least some people becoming “part-technology, part-human.”

“I have an antenna that is implanted inside my head, which allows me to extend my perception of reality beyond the visual spectrum,” said Harbisson, co-founder of the Cyborg Society and the Transpecies Society which fight for people who “identify” as non-human. “I can sense infrared and ultraviolet, and I also have an internet connection in my head that allows me to receive colors from other parts of the world, or connect to satellites so I can send colors from space.”

The year before that, globalists at the World Government Summit gathered under a replica of the “Arch of Baal,” a monument to the demon god of the Canaanites frequently referred to in the Bible. More than a few commentators saw it as an ominous sign.

Aside from the fusion with machines and technology, globalist elites are also pushing for genetic modification of everything — including humans. In fact, Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates has openly pushed for such schemes. In 2018, he touted gene-editing technology in Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the globalist Deep State organ known as the Council on Foreign Relations. More recently, he has celebrated vaccines that literally alter the genetic code of those receiving them.

The transhumanist movement has been on the fringes, under the radar, for decades. In the late 1990s, Swedish economist Nick Bostrom of Oxford and British “philosopher” David Pearce founded the World Transhumanist Association. And more recently, in his book Homo Deus, Israeli author and historian Yuval Noah Harari has also been peddling the idea that mankind is on the verge of evolving to god-like status through technology. Ultimately, humans would be re-designed using genetic modification and technological “upgrades.”

“It is very likely, within a century or two, Homo sapiens, as we have known it for thousands of years, will disappear,” Harari said at the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs recently. “We will use technology to upgrade ourselves — or at least some of us — into something different; something which is far more different from us than we are different from Neanderthals.” The establishment media has been breathlessly parroting his propaganda.

Of course, the advancement of transhumanism requires a destruction of Christian moral principles and a negation of the fundamental truths about humanity and reality that revealed in the Bible, analysts have observed. Indeed, many of the leading proponents of transhumanism believe their route to “eternal life” involves uploading their consciousness to a computer and merging with technology.

One of the prominent experts speaking out against it all is Dr. Miklos Lukacs de Pereny, a professor of science and technology policy at Peru’s Universidad San Martin. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution is literally, as they say, a transformative revolution, not just in terms of the tools that you will use to modify your environment, but for the first time in human history to modify human beings themselves,” he told LifeSiteNews, adding that he believed the COVID-19 hysteria was being engineered to enable the Great Reset transformation.

Even though world leaders are openly talking about it all, in response to a public backlash, far-left fake-media outlets such as the New York Times and the BBC are currently engaged in frantic “damage control.” Incredibly, they are even falsely claiming the Great Reset is a “baseless conspiracy theory.” Apparently New York Times writer Davey Alba is not familiar with the definition of the word conspiracy. He also reported on his efforts to pester Big Tech social-media firms about censoring people’s comments about it.

If the comments under its videos on YouTube are any indication, the globalist Great Reset is less popular than cockroaches and head lice. However, that does not mean the Deep State will give up on trying to advance its agenda under the slogan, which fits nicely with the UN and Biden, “Build Back Better” and the schemes outlined in UN Agenda 2030. It is basically the same old “New World Order” agenda, complete with the elimination of private property, privacy, self-government, and nation-states, now fused with transhumanism. Those who value truth, liberty, and humanity must resist.

Related articles:

UN-Backed “Great Reset” to Usher in New World Order

Creepy “World Government Summit” Targets America, Freedom

UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism

In Davos, Globalists Hail Leadership of Communist Chinese Tyrant

Coronavirus: Deep State Assault on Economic Freedom

Establishment Pushing “Cashless Society” to Control Humanity

Review of Patrick Wood’s “Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order”

At “World Government Summit,” Top Globalists Drop The Mask

World Government Summit Brings Together Top Globalists Under Baal’s Arch 

“Be Happy! That’s An Order!”

NA: https://thenewamerican.com/great-reset-transhumanism-merging-man-machine/

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook

Bill Lockwood: This is a Marxist Coup 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

Karl Marx insisted that “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it” (Theses on Feuerbach, XI). Chuck Schumer of the Socialist/Democrat Party regurgitated Marx’s mantra: “We are going to change America.” This is what Barack Obama had in mind when he called for the “fundamental transformation of America.” He was not schooled in Marxist philosophy for nothing.

If a Biden presidency indeed occurs America will see why Black Lives Matter, a proud Marxist organization which is about destroying the nuclear family, supported Biden. Now America will see why Antifa, a violent-mongering communist organization, has rioted for Joe Biden. Now America will see what “social justice” really means.  And if this election stands, Trump will be the last conservative Republican to see the oval office.

President Donald J. Trump is the most pro-American, pro-family, pro-Christian, pro-USA and anti-United Nations World Socialist Government president that we have ever seen – or will ever see–in our lifetime. This is why the world socialist leaders controlling the United Nations have been banging the war drums for the removal of Donald Trump.

Consider Jeffrey D. Sachs. He is professor for “Sustainable Development”; professor of “Health Policy and Management” at Columbia University; Director of Columbia’s Center for Sustainable Development and the UN Sustainable Solutions Network. His works are extensive in which he calls for the complete end of the free-market system. He has served as Special Advisor to three UN Secretaries-General.

Sustainable Development is a top-down controlled economy by which the United Nations will ration goods, services and resources around the globe—in the name of “fairness.” Sachs has continually spoken of the necessity of removing Donald J. Trump from office. It is a World Crisis to the Marxist-Globalists if America cannot rejoin such things as the Paris Climate Accord and pay billions of dollars to foreign nations for Climate Sins. America must help the world become “sustainable.”


Marxism has you in its crosshairs. The common-sense American who supports Making America Great Again. But first, the angry party of the Democrats must get Donald J. Trump. This does not simply mean defeating him in the election. According to Business Insider,

Lawmakers armed with subpoena power could also turn up information that federal prosecutors might not know about as the Justice Department under Joe Biden weighs whether to pursue a criminal case against Trump, who as a former president will no longer have immunity from such matters.

Columnist Luis Miguel notes, these are the same hypocritical Democrats who kept our government continually in turmoil with bogus investigations into Donald J. Trump while he was in office and who chirped that it was “inappropriate” for a President to investigate a political rival—remember Hunter Biden and the Ukraine phone call?

Former Obama spokesman Hari Sevugan highlighted the start of a “Trump Accountability Project” intended to “make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.” You can read the article by Daniella Byck at Washingtonian.com.

Sevugan served as national press secretary for the Democratic National Committee and worked as deputy campaign manager for former presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg. He tweeted last Friday that White House staff had begun looking for jobs and added that “Employers considering hiring them should know there are consequences for hiring anyone who helped Trump attack American values. Find out how at the Trump Accountability Project.”

Their website headlines, “We must never forget those who furthered the Trump agenda … those who took a paycheck from the Trump Administration should not profit from their efforts to tear our democracy apart.” If you wish for peace in America, you must REPENT, according to the Trump Accountability Project.” “Coming together starts with acknowledging the truth: These individuals (Trump supporters, Trump administration officials, bl) have shattered laws and norms that hurt our democracy …”

At the bottom of the page is this headline: “We should not allow the following groups of people to profit from their experience: Those who elected him; Those who staffed his government; Those who funded him.”

Are honest-minded Americans going to idly sit by and allow this to continue? Once they have Trump, they are coming after you. Marxists are throwing down the gauntlet of war here and promising what they intend to do.

You in the Crosshairs

The anger and vitriol from the left knows no bounds. You are the target. The left has been “heathens raging” (Psalm 2:1) ever since the American voter threw into reverse to the Marxist/Socialist final takeover of America by Barack Obama by the election of Donald J. Trump. Now with Joe Biden set to take the presidency, they are back on track—but not without unabashed furor against American patriots for getting in their way.

Jake Tapper promises blacklists against principled patriots. “At a certain point one has to think to only about what’s best for the nation (peaceful transfer of power) but how any future employers might see your character defined during adversity.” Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, not to be outdone, calls for “lists of Trump supporters.” These have had “complicity in the future.” Here the communist barmaid turned power-broker in Congress shows the hand of the left. Trump supporters have destroyed their future socialist plans. Only for a short time, however—but still–complicity.

Neocon columnist of the Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin, spells it out. Those who supported Trump should never be allowed to hold public office, serve on corporate boards, or participate in other avenues of society. One Antifa leader is launching a new website with addresses and locations of Trump supporters. Lawenforementtoday.com posts this “URGENT” message. “Website lists Trump supporters and their home addresses just days before the election” is the warning issued by author Chris Elliot. The website is designed to “stalk and harass Trump supporters.”

Then there is the former Obama staffer, Michael Simon who tweeted that he wants “retribution” against anyone who worked for the Trump administration. Add to that actress Jonelle Monae who stated in cursing language that she wants all Trump supporters “to burn.”

The founder of George Soros’ funded Transition Integrity Project, Nils Gilman, actually called for the execution of former Trump national security advisor, Michael Anton. He called him the “Robert Brasillach of our times” who “deserves the same fate.” Brasillach was a French author and journalist executed for “intellectual crimes” against the state.

Too many conservatives shrug this all off by thinking, “they can’t do all that.” Tell that to Gen. Michael Flynn. Tell that to Trump confidant Roger Stone. Tell that to national reporters such as James Rosen whom Barack Obama harassed. No, you just keep your head down, cower in the bunkers of local issues and all will be well. Allow these Marxists to finish their coup for America and keep your mouth shut. That’s the message that is being played.

Alex Newman: UN Human Rights Boss, a Socialist, Slams Trump 0 (0)

by Alex Newman

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet blasted the Trump administration for its policies on immigration, the environment, and more. According to the far-left UN boss, a Chilean socialist with close ties to mass-murdering communist dictatorships, the U.S. government threatens everything from water and children to “human rights.” Many Third World regimes, by contrast, were praised by Bachelet for their alleged progress in complying with UN demands.

Among Bachelet’s most significant targets was the White House effort to secure the border and enforce U.S. immigration law. “Restrictive U.S. migration policies raise significant human rights concerns,” the UN “human rights” chief claimed during a recent session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. “Reducing the number of people trying to enter the country should not be done in disregard of asylum and migrant protections. The situation of children in detention is of particular concern.”

Bachelet, who once defected to the mass-murdering East German dictatorship, was referring to Trump’s attempts to somewhat slow the enormous flow of illegal migrants into the United States — the nation that accepts more immigrants than any other on the planet, by far. How accepting more migrants than any country on Earth could be viewed as “restrictive” was not explained. The claim about children in detention was also left unexplained, with the UN human rights chief not making clear whether she believed having children in tow should constitute a proverbial “get out of jail free” card for any and all criminals.

Another focus of Bachelet’s ire was the Trump administration’s move toward deregulation, particularly on pseudo-environmental concerns. “The United States is also rolling back environmental protections, including for waterways and wetlands,” she complained, referring to Trump’s undoing of the Obama administration’s illegal scheme to federalize control over virtually every mud puddle in the United States. “Untreated pollutants may now be poured directly into millions of miles of streams and rivers, putting ecosystems, drinking water and human health at risk.”

Of course, in the real world, pouring untreated pollutants into a river or stream — and especially into drinking water — is a crime in every single state. Under the U.S. Constitution, which delegates a few limited powers to the central government, federal authorities actually have no regulatory authority over rivers, streams, or other environmental issues. Instead, as the 10th Amendment makes clear, those powers are reserved to the states or to the people who own the property that is affected.

As if to prove that the UN does indeed intend to control every aspect of human life, even the current regulation of fuel standards in the United States is now a target of the UN’s human rights machine. “Weaker fuel emission standards for vehicles, and decreased regulations on the oil and gas industries, could also harm human rights,” claimed Bachelet, as if American energy independence and slightly less onerous (but still unconstitutional) federal regulations on the energy sector were some sort of human rights crisis requiring UN intervention.

Meanwhile, Bachelet had nothing but praises for more than a few brutal regimes that literally remain in power through terror and mass murder. Not a word of condemnation, for instance, was handed out to the mass-murdering Communist Chinese regime, which has millions of dissidents in re-education camps and continues to perpetrate forced abortions, among other horrific violations of actual human rights. Bachelet said only that she welcomes the invitation to visit to “analyze in depth the human rights situation in China,” and that other governments should “do their utmost to combat discrimination” against Chinese people in light of the coronavirus. Seriously.

Regarding her native Chile, which has been under intense attack by communist forces led in part by Venezuelan and Cuban intelligence operatives, Bachelet demanded that authorities there “address the protests’ root causes: inequalities.” In other words, to placate the violent rioters and looters seeking the overthrow of individual liberty and economic freedom with Marxism, Chile must accept more Marxism. Seriously. Her office has apparently “provided recommendations” to Chilean authorities “for a sustainable roadmap guided by human rights norms.”

Of course, this is not the first time Bachelet has attacked the Trump administration and its policies. In fact, last summer, she lashed out against the U.S. government, claiming to be “appalled” and “deeply shocked” by the enforcement of federal immigration law. Taking the globalist extremism to new heights, she even claimed the U.S. government’s practice of detaining illegal immigrant self-proclaimed “families” for prosecution may be “prohibited by international law” for being “cruel” or “degrading.”

“In most of these cases, the migrants and refugees have embarked on perilous journeys with their children in search of protection and dignity and away from violence and hunger,” Bachelet said, displaying either ignorance or dishonesty regarding the true situation at the U.S. border. “When they finally believe they have arrived in safety, they may find themselves separated from their loved ones and locked in undignified conditions. This should never happen anywhere.”

In reality, as the U.S. government has thoroughly documented, human-smuggling rings are using children — some of whom are being trafficked for sex slavery — as a pretext to avoid detention after crossing the border illegally. “They are pairing children with unrelated adults, knowing adults who enter the United States with children won’t be detained,” explained U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, citing a recent Department of Homeland Security Human Smuggling Cell report. Some of those children are kidnapped for the purpose, he continued, noting that once in the United States, they are often sold into sex or labor slavery. Many of the smugglers use fake documents to make it seem like the children are part of their “family.”

Before Bachelet’s comments, Deputy Human Rights High Commissioner Kate Gilmore lambasted the state of Alabama for trying to protect the lives of innocent children, calling the alleged attack on “women’s rights” a “crisis.” Another “human rights” spokesman for the UN also chimed in on the issue, saying the global body was “very concerned” about American states passing laws that “define all unborn children as persons.” In the UN’s view, murdering pre-born babies is a “human right,” while protecting the God-given right to life of those same children is a violation of human rights.

And before Bachelet even took over, her predecessor, a radicalized Islamic prince, was constantly attacking the United States and Trump. So extreme was Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad Al Hussein that he compared the American president’s tactics with those used by the Islamic State (ISIS). He also routinely attacked the God-given rights guaranteed in both the First and Second amendments to the U.S. Constitution, demanding “robust” gun control and draconian restrictions on free speech under the guise of “international human rights law.”

Of course, the UN has a very different view of “human rights” than Americans’ traditional understanding. America’s Founding Fathers declared that rights were endowed upon each individual by God, and that governments are created to protect those pre-existing, unalienable rights. The UN, by contrast, makes clear that governments and international instruments are the source of “rights” (really privileges) and that those pseudo-rights can be revoked or limited by government at will. In Article 29, the UN’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” states that those supposed “rights” may “in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”

To understand the depth of the absurdity of UN’s self-proclaimed role as overseer of human rights, consider the fact that the mass-murdering communist dictatorship enslaving Venezuela was recently selected to sit on the UN Human Rights Council. The regimes enslaving Communist China, Cuba, Sudan, and other nations are also welcome. Or consider Bachelet’s own background as a notorious communist operative allied with mass murderer Fidel Castro and other Latin American barbarians. Considering that reality, it is no surprise that brutal dictators are celebrated by the fraudulent UN human rights bureaucracy, while liberty-minded nations are under relentless attack.

President Trump gave a devastating blow to this fraud by ordering the withdrawal of the U.S. government from the UN Human Rights Council in his first term. However, that is not enough. As American taxpayers fork over more than $10 billion each year to fund the UN, much of that money goes into demonizing the United States and trying to subvert its sovereignty. The only sustainable solution to this grotesque reality is a full withdrawal from the UN and all of its agencies. In his second term, Trump would do well to push for that goal with the passage of the American Sovereignty Restoration Act (H.R. 204). Nothing less will do.

TNA: https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/north-america/item/35073-un-human-rights-boss-a-socialist-slams-trump

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook

Alex Newman: UN Throws Cash at North Korea to Fight “Global Warming” 0 (0)

by Alex Newman

A United Nations agency led by a Communist Chinese agent is sending large amounts of American taxpayer money and Western know-how to the mass-murdering dictatorship ruling North Korea, official UN documents show. Officially, at least, the cash and training is supposed to help the brutal regime in Pyongyang fight alleged man-made “climate change” and access even more UN money. But in reality, analysts suggested the UN funding would almost certainly be used to prop up dictator Kim Jong Un’s savage tyranny and lavish lifestyle.

The initial funding will be almost a million dollars, but that round of funds is supposed to help the regime unlock even more going forward. The decision to fund North Korean oppression with Western tax dollars was made last month by the UN “Green Climate Fund” (GCF). The outfit, often ridiculed by critics as the Green Climate Slush Fund to subsidize Third World kleptocrats, is a wealth-transfer mechanism that claims it supports “developing countries” responding to “climate change.” “GCF helps developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate change,” it says online.

As part of that, the GCF approved a program known as “Readiness and Preparatory Support for Capacity Building of NDA (National Designated Authorities) and establishment of a National Strategy Framework for engagement with GCF in the DPRK.” The confusing and deliberately verbose title serves to conceal a simple agenda: Prop up the mass-murdering dictatorship with Western money, technology, and expertise under the guise of battling the mythical bogeyman known as “man-made global warming.”

According to the dictatorship’s request for funds, which has been published online by the GCF, activities under the project will involve developing a “package of training and capacity building exercises.” These training programs will help support the regime to “better coordinate and manage GCF and other climate finance,” and to “better engage with GCF and providers of climate finance.” In other words, a team of UN bureaucrats will be teaching Kim’s minions how to keep the “climate finance” loot flowing from Western taxpayers to his regime.

The lead ministry dealing with the program in Pyongyang will be the Ministry of Land and Environment Protection, according to the regime’s submission. The 43-page document, filed in the summer of 2019, explains that North Korea needs more help preparing to access “climate finance,” and so, the regime will be working with the UN to help “address” the “barriers” that currently exist to accessing even more “climate” loot. Other ministries that will receive support under the plan include those in charge of agriculture, electronic industry, urban management, fisheries, emergency management, and even “academic institutions.”

Leading the scheme on the UN side will be the scandal-plagued UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Last summer that controversial agency, one of the UN’s largest, was brought under control of the Communist Chinese dictatorship in Beijing, a very close ally — if not an outright puppet master — of the Kim regime enslaving the people of North Korea, when it managed to get its candidate elected to run the FAO by UN representatives. According to diplomatic sources, Beijing was able to secure enough votes for its candidate, Qu Dongyu, using a combination of bribery and threats. It was the fourth UN agency that fell under Communist Chinese control.

Before that, the UN FAO was run by Brazilian communist Jose Graziano, a close ally of disagraced Marxist leader Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva, the former Brazilian president who was jailed for looting the public to help fellow communists and his bank account. Like Qu, Graziano also used FAO funds to help out his communist buddies around the world. In fact, in 2017, Graziano, infamous for persecuting journalists who exposed him, helped the communist regime of Evo Morales in Bolivia secure access to “climate funding” via the “Green Climate Fund.” That scheme was worth $250 million.

In North Korea, the UN FAO, ensuring “diverse perspectives” by ensuring “equal representation of men and women,” promised not to ignore the current UN sanctions that have been slapped on the regime. However, the UN agency vowed to seek “sanctions exemptions” to facilitate the infusion of cash and know-how. Other UN agencies such as the World Intellectual Property Organization have come under fire for violating UN sanctions by transferring sensitive, dual-use technologies to the regime. But here, the FAO vowed to stay in “compliance.”

Explaining why the FAO was chosen to lead the project on the UN side, documents reveal that the Communist Party-controlled UN agency has spent decades providing “development assistance” to the North Korean regime. Ironically, one of the areas where FAO has been helping Pyongyang is “food security.” But literally millions of North Koreans have died from famine and hunger-related diseases since the mid-1990s — almost unique in the modern world— as the regime and its leader feasted at the expense of that nation’s enslaved population.

Incredibly, the regime attributes declining agricultural productivity not to communism and the inherent failures of central planning. Instead, the regime’s functionaries claimed that “climate change” was to blame. In the real world, though, agricultural yields are increasing worldwide, which is to be expected. Obviously, with CO2 (plant food) concentrations rising and the planet getting slightly warmer, largely as a result of natural causes, crop yields should be growing, not contracting. But not in North Korea, apparently.

Establishment-minded analysts trying to put a positive spin on all this sounded almost too ludicrous to be believed. Columnist John Burton, formerly with the establishment Financial Times, claimed that “the problems North North Korea is experiencing due to climate change are also due to the fact that it sits next to much bigger producers of greenhouse gas emissions,” namely, Communist China.

But the only example of these problems cited was “yellow dust” — basically soil dust mixed with Chinese pollution, which was made worse not by CO2 emissions, but by communists in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan drying up the Aral Sea. Records of “yellow dust” go back thousands of years.

Almost incredibly, Burton goes on to celebrate the unimaginable poverty caused by communism in North Korea. “Paradoxically, North Korea’s economic backwardness is another advantage,” claimed Burton in the Korea Times column pushing for Trump to end some sanctions as part of a “Green New Deal” for North Korea. “It does not yet have an extensive fossil fuel-based infrastructure. That makes it easier to turn to renewables to power future growth if the planning is right.” Yes, the fact that North Koreans are literally starving and living in stone-age conditions is great because, if Kim plans right, he can use “renewables” if he ever decides to allow his miserable slaves to access a little electricity.

Members of the Green Climate Fund’s board of directors represent a variety of governments, including more than a few brutal dictatorships. Among the regimes represented are oil-rich Islamic theocracies such as the regimes ruling Iran and Saudi Arabia, along with more than a few socialist governments from Europe and Latin America. Analysts have described it as a “slush fund” to bribe Third World regimes into getting on board with the UN’s global agenda — more “global governance,” more power for the UN, global taxes, and global wealth redistribution. Obama illegally funneled billions of American dollars to the GCF, in flagrant violation of federal law.

Of course, this is hardly the first time the UN has funneled American money to Pyongyang, helping to prop up one of the most brutal and totalitarian regimes in all of human history. The UN Development Program (UNDP), for instance, helped build the Pyongyang Semiconductor Factory in the 1980s. According to both U.S. and South Korean government sources cited by the Nuclear Threat Initiative in Washington, D.C., the regime uses that plant to produce electronic components for missiles, many of which are aimed at U.S. forces and American allies.

Under the guise of fighting “global warming,” the UN has been getting away with all sorts of criminal activities — extorting Western taxpayers, expanding its power, bullying industry, further infringements on liberty and free markets, brainwashing children with “climate education,” and so much more. Once again, allowing communists running UN agencies to transfer Western wealth to their mass-murdering allies can be added to the list. For the sake of Americans and Koreans, it is time for Congress and President Trump to step in and end these schemes now.

TNA: https://www.thenewamerican.com/world-news/asia/item/34678-un-throws-cash-at-north-korea-to-fight-global-warming

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook

Bill Lockwood: Good-bye American Heritage? 0 (0)

by Bill Lockwood

The inspiring ideals enshrined in the founding documents of our nation include a limited government that allows maximum personal freedom, equality of opportunity, and equal justice under the law. These are founded upon the pillars of inalienable rights, including the fact that all men are created by God as equal. But we have gone about “as far left” as socialist policies can take us if the Democratic debates are an indication of where America will be tomorrow.

“Our job,” Bernie Sanders spouted in the Iowa debate, “is to build the United Nations.” Not surprising from a socialist who has been photographed enjoying toasts with the leader of the old Soviet Union’s gulag communistic state. But frightening that he maintains substantial support in the Democratic Party.

The United Nations has been from its inception a design for socialistic world government. In its most recent COP 25 climate summit in Madrid, Spain, Executive Director Stuart Scott called for the UN to implement drastic population-control policies and “family planning” such as control the Chinese. Other plans include a massive transfer of wealth from “western countries” (read, “United States”) to third world poorer nations in the form of “climate reparations.” The UN is a world dictators’ dream. This is what Bernie Sanders favors. National Socialism is not brave enough—we need International socialism.

It is inescapable, however, that we have already lost so many of our freedoms that have made America the envy of the world. Whether due to taxes, to regulations on our businesses, farms, homes, cars, to our activities, to our speech, and to our abilities to exercise without government interference our religious liberty—our American heritage has dwindled.

So the issue is whether we will preserve even the semblance of our once-cherished ideals of limited government, the sovereignty of the States, the protection of life and property that is so nobly enshrined in our founding documents? Will we maintain any semblance of our freedom over our own health care or will we capitulate to the totalitarian proposals of the Democrats by which the government becomes a monopoly funded 100% by the American taxpayer? Will we continue the path to a more limited government under president Donald Trump or listen to the siren song of socialists?

Samuel Padover edited Thomas Jefferson’s letters in Thomas Jefferson on Democracy. He refers to Jefferson as “the St. Paul of American democracy.” Padover completes his introduction;

“The modern trend is in the direction of greater concentration of power in the hands of government. The problem of individual freedom within the framework of a more or less regulated economy will have to be fought out in our age, just as the question of political liberty and the free market were the issues in Jefferson’s day. … Jefferson felt that without liberty, life was not worth living. …In the difficult years that undoubtedly lie ahead, Americans will have to gather all their moral forces for the preservation of their way of life, their liberties, and their opportunities.”

These words were written in 1939.

Rich Loudenback: Trump’s advisors may ruin his legacy 0 (0)

by Rich Loudenback for American Policy Center

FR Pres. Richard Haas: “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks.” – AND, Trump Hasn’t a Clue!

Quietly, without debate, one of the most dangerous attacks on American freedom and sovereignty is moving through Congress and headed to President Trump’s desk for signing,. The USMCA agreement will create a North American Union worse than the European Union. Yet there is no voice of opposition being heard. My friend Rich Loudenback has written a urgent, detailed report on this looming disaster. He shows clearly that this is not an improvement over NAFTA as claimed. In fact it contains most of the provisions of NAFTA, plus a lot more. It will be a disaster to American industry, especially for agriculture. Efforts to change some of the worst provisions have been ignored. Why do you think Nancy Pelosi has allowed it to pass the House? Please read and share with as many people as possible. This must be stopped now! Tom DeWeese

President Trump is being lied to by his trusted advisors and he is clueless about their deceit.  Why is he clueless? Because he can’t possibly be supporting something that is so comprehensively bad for America and even antithetical to his wall.  Perhaps he so strongly wants to believe in the USMCA, that he’s been easier to be ‘covertly convinced’ about ‘the deal.’

Lest one good American with his ear can open his eyes before this arrives on his desk, it’s a real ‘done deal.’ It appears he is ready to sign it immediately, leaving with these advisors, his trust.  He will be screwed!  And America will be ‘transformed’ into a different world.

Believe it or not, I have actually had a couple people tell me they think it’s possible that Trump does know the truth about the USMCA, which would make him also part of the problem.  Like most devout Trumpers, I choose to believe that that’s not possible.  I am all in for him, but this USMCA just doesn’t comport with his many, many incredible accomplishments and persona projecting American greatness.

Trump’s signing the USMCA will, in fact, be the biggest mistake of his presidency to date and unfortunately will probably become his enduring legacy.  He will be ‘The US President That Signed Off America’ to be run by the UN/globalist community steered most largely in America by the clandesant deep state managers at the Council on Foreign Relations in lockstep with their UN/globalist comrades.

Once he signs this monstrosity of deception with all its controlling tentacles that will render our government and our Constitution feckless, President Trump doesn’t get a do-over.  He was able to cancel TTP and TTIP because they were still looming bills in congress.

When he signs this as law, that’s it!  It has a six year review written into it and an 18 year renewal statement.  Trying to get out of it will be like England’s’ BREXIT but tougher, because a lot more money will be easily spent to hold us down since we are the globalists’ biggest threat.

Short of a literal civil war or a long standing BREXIT type ordeal we will be ‘cooked’ as a once breathing, sovereign, free nation.  Oh, we will probably still be allowed to keep our name for comfort’s sake, like the former nations now under the tenacity of the EU umbrella, but gone will be many of our freedoms we’ve enjoyed as Americans.  All of America will be forced into the Agenda 2030 UN program with its controlling ‘Sustainable Development’ 17 Goals.  See:  Welcome to Agenda 2030 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

One of many negative issues for the United States is cited by Christian Gomez in his article ‘What’s Really in the USMCA’ stating, “In the name of protecting fishes and other marine life, the United States would have to surrender its sovereignty over all of its waterways and miles of coastal oceans (including everything under, on, in, and above them) over to the jurisdiction of UN international law.”

What is particularly sickening about this horrendous climax about to befall America is that literally all the supporting conservative talking heads on TV & radio have bought into this because they believe in our great President and don’t fathom that his enthusiasm for it is the product of ingenious ‘stealth programming’ of him by others.  Virtually no one has done any vetting.  Worst of all, our apathetic citizenry is not present on most issues anymore and totally oblivious on this one since there has been no causations to notice for concern.

How many patriotic Americans are going to tolerate President Trump’s much vaunted USMCA once it begins being implemented by the powers of the UN globalist, once our patriots see what the USMCA really does.  It will:

This is all hard to believe isn’t it, since virtually all the talking heads in the media including all of them on Fox News choose to believe our wonderful President who is so busy and wants something so badly that is better than NAFTA, he is willing to follow the recommendations of his ‘trusted advisors’ who are to the one, all blatantly poker face lying to him.   See:  Why All ‘Free Trade Agreements’ Must Be Banned, They are Sovereignty Stealing, Deceitful Tools of Globalists: Some History & Facts

Since this is truly so hard to believe, then do something none of the media talking heads nor, unfortunately, none of the 348 House Democrats and Republicans who just voted ‘YEA’ for the USMCA obviously did not do:  Read the damn document!

We should be livid, because they generally like to say they voted for the ‘bait’ woven into the document for them to justify their votes, like they are pearl-like gifts for dairy farmers or other special interests.

This is a national crisis and quite literally nobody is aware of it.  We will morph into what will more than likely become the North American Union which will in turn become a segment of the UN run global government, ‘think New World Order.’  Again, should you have doubt, just read the document.

Read: THE FULL ACTUAL DOCUMENT: USMCA | United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement

However, it runs for 1,809 pages — 1,572 pages for the treaty chapters, 214 pages for additional annexes, and 23 pages of side letters. Obviously, the mammoth size of the agreement should set off alarm bells that much more is involved than “free trade,” which should mean the absence of government intervention.

A much easier approach to learning all that’s in this scheme to ‘transform’ (sound familiar) America into a member state of a regional UN run government via this fine- tuned instrument of deception and guile, is to look at Christian Gomez’s spectacular expose’ of it in his article What’s Really in the USMCA? – A MUST READ!

Gomez’s genius approach to revealing the USMCA is to expose the UN’s controlling tentacles within the Trojan Horse agreement in his article and then allow you to go to his in-depth ‘USMCA Issues Index’ at the bottom of the article that features links to any of your concerns that take you directly to them in the actual agreement.  You will save a lot of time and be convinced quite quickly why this is all a ruse to take utter control of our freedoms and our government rendering The United States of America null & void.

“The pact is even worse than NAFTA regarding undermining American sovereignty and self-determination, in favor of North American integration extending beyond trade to include labor and environmental policies. It is, in fact, so bad that the globalists who had lambasted Trump for renegotiating NAFTA praised him afterward,” says Gomez.


“A side-by-side comparison of the USMCA and the TPP shows extensive overlap. Virtually all of the problems inherent in the TPP are likewise contained in the USMCA, such as the erosion of national sovereignty, submission to a new global governance authority, the unrestricted movement of foreign nationals, workers’ rights to collective bargaining, and regional measures to combat climate change.” – Quote from Christian Gomez in his New American Magazine special report ‘USMCA – A TPP Redux?’

Guess who was the chief negotiator in both NAFTA and TPP?

Answer: Robert E. Lighthizer, who is also a member of the globalists’ Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  See:  The Council on Foreign Relations: the Deep State’s Leaders ‘In their Own Words’

Larry Kudlow, President Trump’s Chief Economic Advisor assures Trump that Lighthizer is the best negotiator we have and the USMCA is just what we need.

Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haas said “The USMCA looks to be the trade pact formerly known as NAFTA plus 10-20%. Hope it becomes a precedent for TPP. I suggest the US-Pacific Trade Agreement (USPTA),” Haass said on Twitter, adding, “What matters is that the US joins it; doing so would bolster our strategic position visa-vis China and our economy.” The next day, Haass again took to Twitter, where he reiterated his renewed hope of the United States rejoining TPP. Haass tweeted: “USMCA is NAFTA plus TPP plus a few tweaks.”

The USMCA — the NAFTA replacement — represents the next globalist step toward the economic integration of the United States, Mexico, and Canada into an EU-style North American Union.

Oh, and they said NAFTA would boost our trade in large numbers and add at least 177,000 new jobs.  Yet, after having had a trade surplus for years, we immediately went to a $15.8 billion deficit the first year and it has increased every year since and we LOST at least 700,000 jobs stated Robert E. Lighthizer in his remarks on a NAFTA renegotiation, Aug. 16, 2018

Now VP Mike Pence’s office states, “The U.S. International Trade Commission says that within five years, the USMCA could add up to $235 billion in new economic growth and 589,000 jobs to the U.S. economy. 

Yet, The United States International Trade Commission website usitc.gov, their article ‘USITC Releases Report Concerning the Likely Impact of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA)’ those claims differ markedly:  “The Commission’s model estimates that USMCA would raise U.S. real GDP by $68.2 billion (0.35 percent) and U.S. employment by 176,000 jobs (0.12 percent). The model estimates that USMCA would likely have a positive impact on U.S. trade, both with USMCA partners and with the rest of the world. U.S. exports to Canada and Mexico would increase by $19.1 billion (5.9 percent) and $14.2 billion (6.7 percent), respectively. U.S. imports from Canada and Mexico would increase by $19.1 billion (4.8 percent) and $12.4 billion (3.8 percent), respectively.“  ???  Right.

The late, Professor Robert A Pastor, one of the leading architects of the European Union wrote in Foreign Affairs, the journal of the Council on Foreign Relations: “NAFTA was merely the first draft of an economic constitution for North America.”


Making the strongest of statements on how bad this monstrosity must be,  the person that would do about anything to hurt Trump, Nancy Pelosi, all of a sudden is pushing for its passage, in fact, its reported that after having a lot of new Progressive stuff inserted into it at the last minute, she is even now trying to take credit for the bill and its passage.  That is all most true Constitutional conservatives should need to hear to ‘catch on.’

If this passes by the Senate and Trump eagerly signing it, there is NO second chance!  Trump was able to cancel the TPP/TTIP on the 3rd day of his Presidency because it was still just a bill in progress.  Once he signs this giant win for the globalists it would take Congress and Trump to repeal it.  Good luck with betting on Congress.  This could be tougher to accomplish than BREXIT in England, given the kind of money that would be available for our sorry LOBBYI$T loving legislators and see how frustratingly BREXIT has been going, going and going.  It’s possible that spirited American patriots may be more inclined toward civil war than putting up with absolute control by unelected, unaccountable, global elitists who know what’s best about everything for everybody in a Socialist world.

We have almost no time left to wake up Senators and especially President Trump.

I really want to believe in President Trump enough to think he would nuke this masterpiece of sovereignty destroying, evil deception as soon as he recognizes the truths about it.

If we could only find one person who has his ear to open his eyes.  In the meantime all we can do is all we can do.  Please spread the word and make phone calls ASAP.

Mitch McConnell has said that he won’t bring this up till after impeachment trials in January.  But then, he could bring it up tomorrow.  I do not trust Mitch McConnell!

Call and log your opposition to this American sovereignty killing bill, the USMCA:

President Trump at 202 456-1111 or 456-1414

Your Senators at 202 224-3121

Your Representatives at 202 225-3121- Ask how your representative voted!

APC: https://americanpolicy.org/2020/01/10/cfr-pres-richard-haas-usmca-is-nafta-plus-tpp-plus-a-few-tweaks-and-trump-hasnt-a-clue/

Rich Loundeback:  An Idaho native, Rich spent 40+ years in sales, management, and publishing. He worked at factory and distributor levels in the high-end appliance industry, published a trade newspaper and worked for a management consulting company covering 9 states and 4 provinces of Canada. After living in 6 mostly southeastern states and working in all but Maine and Hawaii, he retired in 2009 in Hayden, Idaho and began writing again and now serves as the North Idaho editor for Gem State Patriot News.

Alex Newman: School Children Terrorized About Death from “Climate Change” 0 (0)

by Alex Newman

MADRID — Inmates at government schools in Canada and beyond are being absolutely terrorized with “climate” alarmism, to the point that some of them were convinced that they will die in just 8 years unless the United Nations is given more power and money. Scientists have compared the tactics and hysteria to those used by cults and dictators.

The poor children were absolutely terrified. “We are gonna die! I don’t want to die!” screamed one little child during a propaganda session on “climate” forced on 2nd and 3rd graders at a public school in Toronto. A concerned parent who reached out to FreedomProject Media about the scandal, Lejla Blazevik, said her 8-year-old daughter told her the rest of the class had joined in, too.

Her own daughter, Joylaea Blazevic, got home from school after the indoctrination and recounted what happened at school that day: “She’s like: ‘Mommy, they said that we’re going to die in eight years.’” Even believers in the man-made global-warming hypothesis, including child psychologists, told media outlets reporting on the traumatic incident that it was “inappropriate.”

Among other things, the video featured Swedish girl Greta Thunberg scolding adults. The video included the now-infamous remarks: “People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!” After that, a clock counting down 8 years was shown to the students, causing panic.

Ms. Blazevic vowed not to give up in this fight. “Again, my concern is for the 7- and 8-year-old children in this grade 2nd and 3rd class who may still believe that they’re going to die,” the mother told The Newman Report in an email before the story became an international scandal following an article in Canada’s National Post. “Also, the parents of these children need to be notified.”

School officials have issued contradictory responses to the scandal, ranging from denying and downplaying it, to apologizing and claiming it was for the children’s own good. On several occasions, according to emails obtained by The Newman Report, administrators claimed that it was just one student who yelled about dying. School officials also later claimed that the student in question had a habit of shouting that.

But not according to Ms. Blazevik, who wondered which of the contradictory statements by school officials were lies. “It was most of the children in the class who exclaimed ‘I don’t wanna die’ and not only one child,” she told The Newman Report. Indeed, the concerned mother spoke to a 7-year-old girl from her daughter’s class in front of that girl’s father, “and she said that she was happy that she’s going to die soon because that meant that she didn’t need to get married,” Blazevic recounted.

School officials also later claimed that students were “debriefed” and that the “nerves” of the children were “likely calmed” by re-assurances that they would not die from supposed man-made warming in 8 years. “My daughter is the best student in class, she attends school regularly and she is sure that the class was never corrected, not even on that day, during the presentation,” Blazevic said, expressing concerns that government-school employees were misleading parents and students.

School officials claimed the purpose of the propaganda video was actually to help the children to “resolve” the supposed problem of man-made climate doom. “Once again, we regret the impact the video and clock had on Joylea,” Prinipal Michael George told Blazevic in an e-mail obtained by FreedomProject Media. “Our intent is always to create critical thinkers & problem solvers with a perspective of contributing to the well-being of our global community.”

Meanwhile, in Germany, outraged citizens protested after the state-broadcaster showed video footage of young school children being taught to sing that their grandmothers are “pigs” for eating meat and driving gasoline-powered cars. “Every day my grandma fries herself a pork chop,” the seemingly happy children sing. “She does it because discount meat costs nearly nothing, my grandma is an old environmental pig!”

All over the United Nations COP25 “climate” summit in Madrid in December, meanwhile, brainwashed children ran around screaming about the alleged need to dismantle free markets, patriarchy, the economy, Western civilization, and more. They also demanded that the UN loot Western taxpayers, ban airplanes and “fossil fuels,” restrict meat consumption, and much more.

Leading scientists in Madrid, such as Princeton physicist and Trump advisor Dr. William Happer, warned that this was the behavior of a dangerous “cult.” “I hope sooner or later enough people recognize the phoniness of this bizarre environmental cult and bring it to an end,” said Happer, who added that the UN and governments were “wasting our time talking about a non-existent climate emergency.”

Clearly, though, the children are being prepared for something big. Former Vice President and discredited “climate” guru Al Gore, for instance, was quoted in the UN’s propaganda book “Rescue Mission Planet Earth: A Children’s Edition of Agenda 21” calling for a “worldwide monitoring system staffed by children … designed to rescue the global environment.”


The mass-murdering totalitarian regimes of the 20th century such as those of National Socialist (Nazi) Adolf Hitler and Chinese Communist butcher Mao Tse-Tung relied on remarkably similar tactics to those now being deployed against Western children. With a combination of fear-mongering, indoctrination, and propaganda, these savage regimes drove a wedge between parents and their children, turning the children against their families to facilitate the destruction of liberty.

The results were deadly and catastrophic. Indeed, those tyrants collectively slaughtered hundreds of millions of people and enslaved billions more. It is time for parents to step in and put a stop to it — now — before it gets too far out of hand.

TNR: https://freedomproject.com/the-newman-report/1285-school-children-terrorized-about-death-from-climate-change

Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook

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