Tag Archives: America

Bill Lockwood: Student Loan Debt: How Socialism Distorts Sound Reasoning 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

One of many reasons to oppose the philosophy of socialism, which has its tentacles wrapped around America, is that it distorts one’s thinking. Being engulfed in it for longer periods, as Americans have been for many decades, makes it doubly-hard to rehabilitate the reasoning process. Consider Student Loan Debt, which Democratic leaders have long pressed for, and Joe Biden is now contemplating.

Outstanding Student Loan Debt in America for 2020 is approximately $1.75 Trillion, which breaks down to about $40k average amount per borrower. Statistics also show that 43% of all college attendees have taken on debt, this includes money loaned through federal and private lenders. Biden’s socialistic plan is to “cancel” this student debt, which really means, shifting the burden of loan debt onto the backs of the American taxpayers.

Reasoning Processes Short-Circuited

To see how any type of socialism, including “forgiveness” of student loan debts, actually short-circuits the reasoning process, think on this. I recently reposted a picture on Facebook that mimicked the fact that the modern generation is “drowning in student loan debt” while at the same time spending their money on “Starbucks, Useless Majors, Cable TV, New I-Phones, Tattoos, Gucci and Cocaine.

That highlighted what are the undeniable facts of a large percentage of collegiate students today while opposing the Biden plan. One person replied that that post is “kind of making assumptions.” In answer, I simply went to the heart of the matter. “It is wrong and sinful to steal from some and give to others.”

Further, many of the degrees now obtained by Generation Z are worthless from the practical standpoint of making an honest living. Assuming the Democrat plan comes to fruition, hardworking blue-collar laborers such as welders, truck drivers, and machinists, who wisely skipped the “collegiate route” for their occupations, are now being forced to pay off those huge loans for the millennials who frittered away their loans with “Anthropology” or “Ethnic and Civilization Studies” degrees.

Now comes the interesting part. My Facebook respondent retorted: “Your posts are not speaking with God’s love! … Not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouths. If they can’t afford to pay that loan back, tell me what should they do?”

The answer is simple, I responded. “No doubt people have burdens that they cannot carry alone. However, your solution should be, ‘I (my name), will personally assist you.’ How can you say, ‘No, I am going to empower my government to forcibly take it from my neighbor, Bill Lockwood, and that’s how it will be paid back.” I could not help but add, “And for you to lecture any of us who object to Government theft and redistribution by saying, ‘you need more love of God’—comes with poor grace.”

Just to be clear here. If any of the socialist-liberals today wish to select a college student and voluntarily help them pay off student loans. Go for it. That is God’s love. But to support an unconstitutional move that utilizes dictatorial government power to shift the burden of financial responsibility onto the backs of other people without their consent—that is not Christian.

This is the stuff of which dictators are made. Socialistic force has nothing to do with the love of God.

Apparently, this particular respondent got the point regarding force. “You’re right. No one should be forced to do for others.” But blindness remains, for big government force is still the answer to these types of liberals.

It would be good to remember here the maxim reputed to have come from George Washington: Government is not reason, it is not eloquence,–it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant, and a fearful master.”

Bill Lockwood: The Hard Road to World Order 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

President Joe Biden mentioned the creation of a “New World Order” in a speech to the Business Roundtable on March 21. The United States, he proclaimed, must provide leadership in establishing that order.

Columnist Larry Greenley observed that “various ‘reporters’ and ‘fact-checkers’ of the woke media have already been falling over themselves to post articles exposing the ‘New World Order’ as a ‘false conspiracy theory.’”

However, for those who have been paying attention—that is, not reliant on the Main Stream Media for information—the New World Order has been planned for decades, and Joe Biden himself wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal in 1992 entitled, “How I Learned to Love the New World Order.” In that article he asked the question, “Why not breathe life into the U.N. Charter?”

The Hard Road

Why is it that our nation seems to be unraveling before our eyes and “we the people” seem powerless to stop it? The wealth of American taxpayers have been systematically siphoned off and funneled to Third World countries via international banks such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

The dollar continues to be crushed beneath the unconstitutional welfare state. Today it is worth less than 5 cents compared to its purchasing value in 1913, the year the Federal Reserve was created. Yet, Joe Biden continues to dole out the cash to welfare recipients and foreign governments. Money that we do not have.

How has it come about that Americans are being forced to shift toward Green Energy and Renewable Energies? What ever happened to the free market? And just when was America exposed to a robust debate on the causes of so-called Climate Change that supposedly drives this political shift?

Why has Biden made the United States reliant upon foreign sources for petroleum products, which betrays the necessity for going green to “Save the Planet?” Is it not more than interesting that every citizen is feeling pain at the gas pump and the grocery store and everywhere else in the market; Biden’s poll numbers continue to plummet; but there is no veering from the course of international dependence with his administration?

Why has the Biden Administration absolutely erased our southern border? With a borderless nation and MILLIONS of illegals pouring into the country—all at the expense of the American taxpayer—just how long will America remain a viable nation?

Inflation is skyrocketing with new predictions that it will reach above 10%. The wealth of individual families is dissipating before our eyes more quickly than I write these lines—but Congressional members and the American public seem powerless to remove Globalist Joe from the White House.

The answer to all of these questions is summed up in a 1974 statement by Richard Gardner in Foreign Affairs, the mouthpiece of the Council on Foreign Relations. The article is entitled “The Hard Road to World Order.”

In short, the ‘house of world order’ will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great ‘booming, buzzing confusion,’ to use William James’ famous description of reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.

World Economic Forum founder, Klaus Schwab, announced during the Covid-19 pandemic, that he and the global elites are pushing for a “great reset.” Schwab is simply falling in line with the global elites who have been planning this since the days of Woodrow Wilson. What we are witnessing is the “booming and buzzing” of society’s forced changes as the one-worlders push us into WORLD GOVERNMENT.

Bill Lockwood: Green Doctrine of Sustainable Development Partially Responsible for Ukraine Invasion 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

The Green Doctrine of Sustainable Development, maintained by our own government, is partially responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine. This is not to ignore the wicked dictatorial actions of Vladimir Putin, nor to downplay the atrocities of the Ukrainian war that is now being waged by Russian forces.

However, it is worthwhile for us to consider what are some of the causes of the invasion. One of those causes is our own Green Energy Doctrine that is being maintained by the ruling oligarchs in Washington, D.C.


For those unfamiliar with the methodology utilized by government elitists to force their own belief-systems on the rest of us, consider the General Theory of Evolution. Philip Johnson, in his blockbuster 1991 book, Darwin on Trial, demonstrated the complete lack of objective scientific evidence supporting evolution. Yet, evolution, treated as “fact,” has been crammed down the throats of Americans via the Academy for well-nigh over 100 years.

Consider the evolutionary position. Natural selection, in combination with mutation, is an innovative evolutionary process capable of producing new kinds of organisms. That’s the proposition. And what sort of evidence is marshalled to support it?

Douglas Futuyma wrote Science on Trial: The Case for Evolution, which has been widely used in collegiate classrooms. The “evidences” for the above position include: (1) Bacteria naturally develop resistance to antibiotics; (2) Male sparrows survived more frequently than smaller ones in the 1898 severe storm in Massachusetts; (3) The average size of birds, and their beaks, at Galapagos Islands went up appreciably through the drought in 1977.

Futuyma included others—but one can immediately sense that these do not begin to show the general theory of evolution. How did bacteria come to exist in the first place? Where do sparrows come from to begin with? How did birds on Galapagos Island come to exist? None of his examples begin to scientifically establish the general theory of evolution as explanatory of all forms of life. Yet, evolution is considered “fact.”

Sustainable Development

It is the same with theory of man-made Climate Change, a key component of the doctrine of Sustainable Development. The Green Agenda, the official doctrine of the United Nations as well as the elitists in Washington, D.C., is that of that Climate Change is human caused. That’s the doctrine. Hence, we must have draconian government control known as “Sustainable Development.” Government controlled everything.

Has there been any debate on Climate Change? No. Has there been any evidence brought forward which has been allowed to be cross-examined that humans cause Global Warming? Again, no. Has there been a “national conversation” on this subject—aside from 2-3 minute segments on news organs? No.

Nevertheless, climate change is declared to be an “existential crisis” that threatens human existence. Leonardo de Caprio picks up the Green Gospel and tells the UN that wildfires worsen in America because of human caused carbon emissions. Even more apocalyptic is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a sitting member of Congress, who says “The world is going to end in 12 years if we do not address climate change.” That was in 2019.

Doomsdayers such as these continue to multiply. It would not be so bad for Americans, except that many of them are lawmakers, or have the ear of lawmakers. The answer: shut-down America’s dependence upon fossil fuels—oil—and force us into a Green Energy world where everything will be solar or wind powered.

President Joe Biden, our chief executive officer, has completely bought into this. Not because he necessarily believes any of this doctrine—but this is the method to gain socialistic control of the economy. His primary political agenda involves unconstitutionally forcing America itself to leave an oil-based economy and into “Clean Energy.” Once again, no debate. No discussion.

Thus, as soon as he came into office Biden single-handedly, on day one, shut down the Keystone Pipeline. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, last January—within the first week of occupying the Oval Office, he issued an “executive order that introduced a sweeping, government-wide approach to climate policy.” His administration is “halting new oil and gas leasing on federal onshore lands and offshore waters.”

Biden also ordered the secretary of the interior to consider whether to adjust coal, oil, and gas royalties in order to account for corresponding climate costs, as well as ordering the Department of the Interior to take steps toward conserving 30 percent of public lands and waters by 2030 and toward doubling offshore wind production. These moves followed his executive orders to halt leasing the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and effectively suspended new leases. Other draconian measures followed.

War in Ukraine

What has this to do with the war in Ukraine? Only this. The complete executive blockage of our own oil production has forced America to rely on foreign imported oil—namely, from Russia. While impoverishing America, Biden has purposefully enriched Russia.

History professor and Hoover Institution fellow Victor David Hanson, pointed out the obvious connection with Putin’s War on Ukraine. Putin has become “adventuristic” whenever he has been flushed with cash due to limited oil production in the United States. Hanson cited the 2014 attack on Crimea and the 2008 invasion of Georgia as examples.

Who has flushed Putin with cash? Biden has forced America to do that.

Fox Business host Larry Kudlow recently made the same point.

Mr. Biden, you need to be honest about the damage you’re doing to the American energy industry. In fact, you’ve done everything you can to drive up prices and you know it because you’re dancing the radical green tune. Your jihad against fossil fuels has held down production in the face of rising demand and that has been a key factor in driving up world oil prices towards $100 a barrel. In effect, Biden’s jihad against fossil fuels is financing Vladimir Putin’s military adventures because if we were producing at 13 million BPD as we did pre-pandemic … oil prices would be substantially lower and Putin would be significantly poorer.

While the atrocities in Ukraine continue at the hand of Putin, remember that Biden has helped fund him.

Bill Lockwood: Tucker Carlson vs. Dick Morris 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

Tucker Carlson of Fox News has come under attack for his libertarian ideals. This has particularly irked the internationalists, Republican and Democrat, who wish America to be forever entangled in foreign alliances and eternally obligated to fight foreign wars.

Dick Morris writes today in Newsmax magazine that “Tucker Carlson Went Off the Rails Backing Putin, Shame on Him.” Tucker Carlson has not appointed anyone to defend himself against the internationalist campaign to discredit him, and I would be the last one to be so appointed. However, having followed Carlson carefully for a long period of time, and subscribing to the identical worldview and foreign policy ideal as he advocates, I take in hand to answer Dick Morris.

First, Morris declares that Carlson “supports” the Russian dictator, and “would back Russia over innocent Ukraine.” This is bogus. Carlson has continually, upon a regular basis, declared a position of NEUTRALITY and NON-INTERVENTION in foreign wars. To paint this as “support” for Putin and dictatorships over “innocent” people is pretty despicable. Dick Morris: how does neutrality support one over the other? Why not state Carlson’s position exactly?

To the “internationalists” of the world, which in reality means they favor continual interventionism at the expense of the American taxpayer, the most egregious transgression is non-intervention. Morris exposes himself.

Second, Morris criticizes Carlson for supposing that Biden has been pushing for war with Russia for months. Morris pooh-poohs this as pure nonsense and points out that Biden is NOT pushing for war and it is all Putin’s fault.

In other words, according to Morris, if Putin would just back off, we would not have to go to war with him. It is all Putin’s doing.

Morris is suffering from a lack of common sense. The Democrats have been painting Russia as the number one problem in the world for months and months. Their hypocritical and manufactured criticism of Donald Trump was that he was a Russian puppet and that Putin was public enemy #1.

Third, to support his US Interventionism, Morris says that it is Russia, not China who “controls the world’s largest nuclear arsenal.” Several things here. One, if so, why has the Democratic Party been involved in supporting the nuclear program of Russia, beginning with the Obama Administration’s Uranium One deal that gave Russia an interest in a large portion of America’s uranium?

Two, Morris is playing subterfuge. The largest army in the world belongs to CHINA. This is not to downplay what is going on in Ukraine at this hour, but let us not pretend that China is only an “emerging threat.”

Fourth, and the most important point, is that Morris states that Putin’s actions constitute “an immediate threat to the United States and our allies.”

Granted that our allies in Europe are immediately under attack. But Carlson’s point, and mine also, is: What has this to do with American interests? This is not to ignore the crisis in Ukraine, but to ask—What exactly is the American interest there? Listen carefully to Morris answer this:

Ukraine is not ‘vital’ to the U.S.? I guess the Sudetenland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and the Polish corridor weren’t either, until they were, and led to a cascade of troubles we now call WW II.

Boil this down. Logically, this means that any incursion anywhere in the world could possibly escalate into greater conflicts and even wars in which America must be involved. So, per Morris, we are bound by “moral obligation” to send our sons and daughters everywhere wrongs are committed and die for those nations. Am I the only one who sees something drastically wrong with this policy?

Even with the outbreak of World War II, America wanted to remain neutral. According to Navy Commander Robert Stinnett, who was later Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, and author of the book Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor, the American people were decidedly against the United States entrance into WWII. It was the duplicitous FDR who helped provoke the Japanese to attack Pearl Harbor and give us an excuse to get into the war. But Stinnett “justifies” this treasonous act of FDR because he got us “out of” a non-interventionist policy (which globalists call “Isolationism”) and helped create the new foreign policy of “internationalism.”

Unfortunately, Morris suffers from being an “internationalist” first, and an American second. The American people are tired of the warmongering of our leaders across the globe while we ourselves are under assault on our southern border, turning our inner cities into war zones. If we cannot even control our own borders or clean up our own cities, why bang the drums for war on foreign soil?



John L. Kachelman, Jr.: By the Marxist Playbook: Protestors being punished!!! 4 (1)

by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Wanton destruction is traumatic. The fact that a person, a mob, or even a governing body acts in a “wanton” manner ought to initiate justice fueled with righteous indignation. “Wanton” describes actions that are malicious, unjustified, and cruel. It is behavior that is deliberate and unrestrained. This action is consumed with self-serving edicts and mandates. This action is the epitome of “xenophobic” (to use a term bandied by the Leftists). The strategy is to divide and conquer—emphasize the differences; exaggerate the differences; encourage factiousness based upon differences. And this game plan works very well.

America! Will you never learn? While you casually shrug off the wantonness of POLS, your freedoms and values are being erased? A nation, once a world empire, fell because of the same indifference evident in the USA. The walls were breached, and the citizens were led out as captives through the smoldering ruins. Outside the city was a prophet who asked, “Is this nation’s ruin of any concern to you?” The query was never answered but the understood “No” is in the text. The citizens thought “this will never happen.”
America! Will you never learn? You act as a spoiled school child who thinks he is exempt from all requirements. He never learns and eventually has to face his failure.

America! Will you never learn? History’s chronicles inform you of evil’s designs and the only remedy is a heroic challenge that confronts, conquers and marks as criminals those who sought to Rule the Ruled.

This is NOT a “conspiracy.” This is factual history. This is not a footnote in history but is voluminous! The evil rule of tyranny will arise throughout civilization. History seeks to caution about this wanton tyranny.
America! Look at recorded history and be alarmed at the position we currently occupy.

The trucker protest in Canada must be applauded. A similar protest in the USA and Europe is long overdue. The protest legitimately expresses anger at the onerous, illegal, and discriminatory “mandates.” These are 100% peaceful—unlike the Burn Loot Murder “mostly peaceful protests” and unlike the ANTIFA insurrections.
Frame the trucker protests in its historical perspective you immediately uncover an evil tyranny seeking justification for the Rulers to dominate the Ruled! History is teaching the USA a significant lesson. Will the USA listen and learn?

Lenin and the Protestors in the Urals

Advocates of Marxism herald the value of protestors for their cause. Our courts and law enforcement release these “protestors” and their subversive, criminal and destructive actions are excused because they were “protesting.” They get a free pass to burn, loot, murder, and stir insurrection because they are “protestors”!
This wanton attitude is displayed by commending certain protestors and condemning other protestors. Those who instigate destruction are accepted while those who civilly protest are imprisoned. “The legs of the lame are not equal” (Proverbs 26:7). Inequality in civil matters cannot be ignored. Wanton actions make the POLS, the Judiciary and the Executive despicable, contemptible and forces ridiculous positions.

Marxism embraces protestors only if they are useful. If protestors are not useful then they are removed. Marxism embraces the “worker,” only until the worker protests the Elite. Protestors who are counter-productive to the Ruling Elite are subjected to punishment.

In 1920 Lenin confronted protestors—these belonged to the “worker class.” However, the protestors in the Urals were not protected. In fact, Lenin called for the execution of “a large number of strikers for the crime of sabotage.” Earlier there was a worker strike at the Putilov factory. This retaliatory punishment of the Putilov workers is significant because it is commonly thought the workers strike at Putilov was the catalyst for the Bolshevik Revolution. It is interesting that the location of protestors for Lenin’s revolution was a few years later the very location of a cruel response to opposition protests! (Please do not miss the irony.)

How did Marxism treat opposition protestors? He arrested 900 workers and executed 200 of them without trial. It is estimated that thousands were executed for participating in strikes in the USSR during the Lenin dictatorship. Do we not witness a similar response to protestors who are opposed to the Ruling Elite today?
Do you see the historical validation? Protests are embraced only if they work to satisfy the agenda of the Ruling Elite. This is a simple historical fact. Under Lenin, you could protest if you upheld the Party’s view. If you protested the Party’s view you were arrested, imprisoned and executed without legal protection. Under Marxism there is no legal protection for the opposition! Lenin himself urged the execution of “a large number of strikers”!

Lenin gained the support of the workers by promising them peace, land, and bread if they embraced the ideals of Engles/Marx communism. Lenin gave the workers hope for a better future under communism. But it was a LIE! Lenin manipulated words to feed the population’s yearnings but brought constant war, seizure of lands, and starvation. Once again historical validation is found in recent times. Obama boasted of “hope and change.” But history records it was a LIE! He removed hope and his change resulted in a divided population ruled by racism!

Lenin used terror, torture and murder to impose his totalitarian regime even as he claimed to be defending the “workers.” From November 1917 to January 1924, Lenin’s legacy leaves these facts:
• More than a million people murdered for political or religious reasons
• Between 300,000 and 500,000 Cossacks killed
• Hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants killed for striking
• 240,000 killed in the suppression of the Tambov rebellion
• More than 50,000 White Russian prisoners of war executed
• Between 3.9 million and 7.75 million deaths from famines among Russians, Kazakhs and Tatars

The Gdańsk protests

Two protests separated by ten years offers interesting insight to how the Rulers view the protests of the Ruled. The first protest was on December 14, 1970. It was a “workers protest” against the inequity between the Political Elite and the common citizen. The demonstration was peaceful. They were attacked by the military police of the communist regime. The Gdańsk protestors increased in numbers and that brought more repression by the Rulers. Intimidation increased. The Rulers sent Army forces equipped with machine guns and heavy weapons to Gdańsk. This violent repression left seven dead, several hundred injured and some 500 protesters arrested.

The following day, the Rulers ordered soldiers to fire on the demonstrators. The Marxist Rulers used wanton cruelty to suppress valid protests. How were the protestors treated by the Ruling Elite?
• 27,000 soldiers were position
• 9,000 military police were involved
• 550 tanks rolled out to meet the protestors
• 750 armored personnel carriers were mobilized
• 2,100 military vehicles of other types were mobilized
• 108 airplanes and helicopters
• 40 military ships
• 150,000 cans of smoke and other chemicals were thrown at protesters
• 46,000 bullets of various caliber were fired

All wanton actions were excused based on “ensuring public order/safety.” One would hope this wanton savagery is only in the “past.” However, addressing the possibility of counter-protests in our nation, Biden commented: “If you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.” Lenin could not have used such wanton threats to intimidate counter-protests! USA, are your listening??

The Ruling Elite and Protestors in our current time

Using the perspective of history, look at current comments by the Rulers regarding any counter-protests. It does not take a brain-surgeon or rocket scientist to connect the dots.
The trucker protest in Canada and similar protests being urged in the USA and European nations, have been characterized with the most insidious insinuations of insurrection! Trudeau accuses these protestors of “hateful rhetoric” and “violence.” The MSM has joined the propaganda effort by announcing the trucker convoy is a “cult.” This imagined slander is designed to divert attention from the fact the Rulers are embracing Marxism’s evil.

The horrendous treatment of those arrested, persecuted, hunted down by the FBI, wrongly imprisoned, and treated with wanton savagery following the January 6, 2021 protest in Washington, DC is an embarrassing truth for the Elite Rulers. The unbelievable statement, “I hope they go to jail…they deserve it” embraces the Marxist agenda to quash any opposition to the Ruling Elite. And this wanton group includes the DEMS/REPUBS/COURTS as they march in lockstep with the illegal, immoral and uncivil Administration occupying the White House.

The U.S. Constitution is trashed by the Rulers because it opposes the Marxist philosophy. The absolute “inalienable” rights of individuals are sacrificed on the altar of Political Lust—money and power fuel the ambition of the puppet masters pulling the strings of those elected to uphold and defend the citizen’s right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because justice is meted without bias.
The treatment of protests today, follow the Marxist playbook of yesterday. The prophet’s lament, “Are you not concerned about the failed state of your nation?” is a query to be answered by the American citizen today.

John L. Kachelman, Jr. is a Christian patriot, preacher, and missionary for Jesus Christ to foreign countries. He lives in Montgomery, AL.

Bill Lockwood: Preparing for the Revolution 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

What exactly is occurring to America? We have erased our borders. Since Comrades Biden and Harris took the reins they have purposefully and illegally poured 2 million of the world’s poor Hispanics into our nation. Many more are on their way. Is this simply the result of “policies gone awry?” Is this all simply about importing more Democratic voters? Or, does diluting the population with millions of more welfare minorities from third world countries have a more sinister angle?

Consider the fact that, since the time of Barack Obama, the black communities in America have been mobilized for violent action, beginning at Ferguson, Missouri, where the Obama team inserted itself and maliciously fomented violent riots. Black Lives Matter, a communist organization, was born during his period. With the assistance of Antifa, another communist group, mobs rioted, looted, killed and burned their way across America in the summer of 2019—with the sponsorship of those today in power.

Wonder if this could happen again? Anger and violence continues to grow in America. Before looking at the end goal, let’s note the root.

Revolution and the Fundamental Transformation of America

Increasing anger and hate is traceable to the anger of Karl Marx, whose specter walks the halls of universities and colleges and whose philosophies are being ingrained in millions of collegiate “useful idiots”—as Vladimir Lenin called them. In his blockbuster new volume, The Devil and Karl Marx, author and professor Paul Kengor thoroughly documents how Marx’s demonic anger flowed through his economic theory and called for action—for violent revolution.

Recall that Barack Obama called for a fundamental transformation of American society, which merely echoed his real tutors, Marx and Engels through figures such as Frank Marshall Davis and Bill Ayers. Marx explained that in order to achieve “communist consciousness, and for the success of the cause, it is necessary that man himself should suffer a massive change.”

This change could only come about through “a revolution”, a process of “overthrowing” the old “filthy yoke and founding a new society only in a revolution.”

Liu Shao-Chi was the Chairman of the Peoples’ Republic of China and head of state from 1959-1968. In his 1965 book, How to be a Good Communist, he sums up the fact that Marxism-Leninism is the “science of revolution.”

Marxism-Leninism is the science of proletarian revolution, the science by which the working class builds socialism and communism … The science of Marxism-Leninism is of little value or no use to anyone who is not a genuine revolutionary, who is not a proletarian revolutionary to the core, who does not want to bring about socialism and communism throughout the world and emancipate mankind, to anyone who does not want revolution or is unwilling to carry it through to the end and wants to stop half-way.

Reading Marx and other socialists such as Shao-Chi is a good antidote against the childish notion that Marx was only about “theory” and that the real teeth was later put into the movement by Vladimir Lenin. “’Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement.’ But Marxism emphasizes the importance of theory precisely and only because it can guide action.” Action. Marx was all about action. The proletariat (working class) against the bourgeois (property-owners).

Enter the Critical Race Theory

This revolution is already underway in America. It has come to us in the modern form of Critical Race Theory, an offshoot of Marxism. In pop culture it is called Woke Ideology, which, like its father Karl Marx, is atheistic in nature, and provides a seed-bed for revolution.

A fabulous read by one who lays it all out in a nutshell is the book Awake, Not Woke: A Christian Response to the Cult of Progressive Ideology, by Noelle Mering. Ms. Mering explains what is Woke Ideology.

The term woke refers to the state of being alert and attuned to the layers of pervasive oppression in society. While it originated specifically with regard to racism, it has since broadened to include all areas of social oppression commonly considered to be along the lines of gender, race, and sexuality. Specific acts of injustice are used to serve the larger goal of furthering the ideology that sees all of human interaction as a power contest.

The CRT simply substitutes gender, race and sexuality for Marx’s bourgeois and proletariat. The game has not changed. Stir the underclass with dissatisfaction. Stoke resentment of the “peasants” into fierce rage.

Sweeping through present day America is the fire and rage of long simmering cultural revolution that has boiled over into months of violence and rage in the streets. Bystanders are accosted by angry mobs demanding they raise a fist in their air in support of Black Lives Matter. Crowds descend on residential neighborhoods in the middle of the night with bullhorns chanting profanity-laced screeds for residents to literally and figuratively ‘Wake Up.’ … Like the revolutionaries in Maoist China, their goalposts move swiftly from justice to vengeance to abolition—of the police and ultimately of authority itself.

In the end, the entire movement is destructive in nature and revolutionary in orientation. This is what is occurring in America with rapid speed. This is why Joe Biden flagrantly violates not only the immigration laws in our nation but is openly practicing human trafficking as he transports illegals into various cities in the middle of the night. This amounts to a standing army.

How is this going to work, you might ask? Good question. Imagine for a moment that an anti-Establishment Republican such as Donald J. Trump were to be elected into the presidential office again. Imagine further that his agenda includes turning back the ungodly and unconstitutional Roe v. Wade abortion decision. Or, just suppose that there might stand up enough solid Republicans with him to reverse the Obergefell decision that allowed for homosexual marriage in our nation.

I ask you: what are the streets going to look like when this occurs? Exactly. Now you know what the Left is up to.

John L. Kachelman, Jr.: A “Stark Warning” of National Calamity 4 (1)

by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

The unraveling of the American culture and society is neither a sudden nor unexpected phenomenon. What is witnessed today is the deterioration of our national foundations from folly in the past decades. A horrible reality is now appearing. The representative republic is morphing into a totalitarian state. An arrogant elite is issuing “mandates” that are enforced as legislated laws.

The anecdotal validation of this transition is undeniable. Its comedy and senselessness would be entertaining except for the escalating suffering by those in opposition. Incrementally those who live in denial of this transition are beginning to realize the evil reality. Their denial “such cannot happen in the USA,” is being exposed as unreal.

The explanation as to how and why this transition is occurring is an interesting study and will consume volumes in future historical analysis. The erosion of individuality, the advocacy of excellence and exceptionalism, and the governing by representation will be studied as hallmarks of our “history past.”
Many will read our history in unbelief. They will be perplexed as to why the citizens, of such an amazing nation, would allow such to occur. The readers will be mystified that the governing separation of powers and the checks and balances designed to safeguard our Republic, were so easily circumvented.

History will assess a weighted and damning blame to The Legislative Branch for its failure to legislate; to the Judiciary Branch for its failure to adjudicate “blind” justice; and to the Executive Branch for its glaring failure to assure that the laws of the nation (passed by the Legislative Branch and not “mandated” by “pen and phone”) are followed and that the responsibilities of government are fulfilled.

I love the way that past history charts the future and explains the present. It is undeniable. It is ignored. It is reimagined and reinterpreted. But the basic principles and outcomes of history are always the same.
Hannah Arendt is an interesting person. She preferred to describe herself as a “theorist” and not a philosopher. She is embraced by all in the philosophical spectrum.

Here is one quote succinctly framing the current thinking in America: The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.

Read it again…why is it that some are so blind, or so accepting, or so insulated from today’s political, moral, religious, and social crises? Arendt answers, “These have lost the ability to discern. They confuse fact with fiction and truth with lies.”

When the ability, or willingness, of the citizens to discern is removed, they become senseless soldiers marching to the messaging of their masters. Two separate groups eventually develop—the RULERS and the RULED. The Rulers masterfully utilize fear to manipulate the Ruled into desired behaviors.
This is the essence of totalitarian governing…the Ruled do not have basic personal rights because the Rulers decided everything for them!

Illustrating this is the amazing announcement that North Korea bans laughing for 11 days during mourning for anniversary of Kim Jong-Il’s death. The North Koreans have been banned from laughing for 11 days as the totalitarian country commemorates the 10-year anniversary of the death of Kim Jong Un’s father and predecessor, Kim Jong Il. “During the mourning period, we must not drink alcohol, laugh or engage in leisure activities,” a resident of the northeastern city of Sinuiju told Radio Free Asia’s Korean Service. Even grocery shopping is banned on the exact day of the elder Kim’s death — December 17.

The average American citizen hears of North Korea’s totalitarian oppression, shrugs and says, “That’s not us. That will never happen here in the ‘home of the free.’” Such is the confession of the controlled citizen. As Arendt observes, these are “people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.”

John L. Kachelman, Jr. is a Christian patriot, preacher, and missionary for Jesus Christ to foreign countries. He lives in Montgomery, AL.

Wayne Allyn Root: If the Vaccine is So Great, Why are So Many People Dropping Dead? 4 (1)

by Wayne Allyn Root

Heart Attacks Skyrocket, Children Suffer Heart Problems, Soccer Players Dropping on Fields, ICUs Overwhelmed From Coast to Coast

The Covid vaccines are clearly causing a global health disaster. There are so many warnings from all around the world. I’ll list just a few in this column. But the U.S. media remains silent. They’re as quiet as a church mouse. Why?

Japan’s Health Ministry just announced that the “the Moderna and Pfizer Covid vaccines could cause heart-related side effects in younger males.” Health experts in Japan have witnessed
skyrocketing rates of myocarditis and pericarditis in young men and teenagers. And they’ve seen the same nonstop heart issues with middle aged Japanese and seniors.

All over America, and all over the world, cardiac arrest, heart inflammation, and heart attack deaths are exploding. Young athletes are dropping right on the field; star soccer players in Europe are dropping dead in the middle of games; referees, coaches and even fans in the stands are having cardiac emergencies. It’s something no one has ever seen before. It’s an epidemic.

In America the media is filled with reports of hospital Emergency Wards and ICUs overwhelmed with seriously ill patients. From coast to coast, there are so many sick people lined up, there aren’t enough beds or nurses. Sick patients are lying on gurneys along the hallways. Doctors and medical experts call it a “mystery” why so many Americans are sick. They can’t understand what’s happening.

But I can solve the mystery. These are Covid vaccine injuries overwhelming ERs and ICUs. The very illnesses that are most prevalent in this mysterious health emergency-heart attack deaths, cardiac arrest, strokes, blood clots, multi-organ failure- are all the same Covid vaccine side effects listed in the VAERS report (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).

What a coincidence.

But it’s not just in the USA. It’s happening everywhere. In the UK, the Evening Standard newspaper reports up to 300,000

British citizens are facing sudden heart related illness and cardiac arrest.

UK medical experts are blaming PPSD- “post-pandemic stress disorder.” 300,000 Brits aren’t dying and crippled from the vaccine. Of course not. They’re all nuts. It’s all in their heads.

These brainwashed Kool aid drinkers can’t see what’s right in front of their faces. Or perhaps doctors, scientists and researchers are too afraid of losing their medical licenses, or losing multi-million-dollar government grants, to speak up.

In the case of the media, it’s all about greed. Big Pharma buys a large proportion of the ads on every TV news network in America. Offend Big Pharma with stories of vaccine deaths and injuries and the media could lose billions of dollars in revenues. Half the newsroom could be fired.

Not to mention stock prices would collapse in these media companies. There goes the retirement accounts of Lester Holt, Don Lemon, Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow. So the truth is hard to come by.

What’s the truth? All anyone with a shred of credibility, morality and decency has to look at is a few key factors.

First, the FDA has just announced they need 75 years to fully release the Pfizer Covid vaccine data. If I told you to “Trust me, I’m selling the world’s best health tonic, but I can’t disclose any of the test results or ingredients for 75 years, until everyone asking is dead.” Would you trust me? Would you buy what I was selling? Would you inject it into your body?

Second, a federal judge demanded some of that data be released immediately by Pfizer. Just in the first few pages, detailing results from just the first few weeks of vaccines, Pfizer admits in their own data, their vaccine killed 1,223 Americans and produced 42,086 adverse effects. Among the most prominent adverse effects were heart attacks and heart problems.

Third, the VAERS system is reporting 19,886 deaths from the vaccine, and just under one million adverse effects- including tens of thousands of hospitalizations, crippling injuries and permanent disabilities. That’s just in America. The EU numbers are even higher.

Now let me let you in on a terrible secret. My insider healthcare sources are reporting so many victims are filing reports with VAERS, the system is hopelessly overwhelmed and backed up. There may be 20,000 or 40,000 or 60,000 more deaths waiting to be processed into the VAERS system. They tell me the numbers are staggering.

Now you know why hospital ERs and ICUs are overwhelmed with people seriously ill.

So, my question is, shouldn’t someone be investigating this escalating health disaster? Shouldn’t someone in the media be reporting on this unimaginable tragedy? Should politicians be protecting us?

One thing I know- something very bad and very evil is happening.

GWP: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/12/wayne-root-if-the-vaccine-is-so-great-why-are-so-many-people-dropping-dead-heart-attacks-skyrocket-children-suffer-heart-problems-soccer-players-dropping-on-fields-icus-overwhelmed-from-coast-to/

Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network and the host of “The Wayne Allyn Root Show” on Newsmax TV nightly at 8 p.m. ET.

Bill Lockwood: The Black Community & The Disintegration of America 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

That love of order and obedience to the laws, which so remarkably characterize the citizens of the United States, are sure pledges of internal tranquility—Thomas Jefferson.

The disintegration of America is happening before us in slow motion. We are witnessing the complete erosion or our society by violence and mayhem, deliberately brought about by leftist policies that are completely hamstringing not only law-enforcement, but the entire adjudication process as well. In this wake, smash-and-grab gangs of mostly black thugs are now smashing store windows in major cities and robbing merchants blind.

One area where this is particularly harmful is found in dealing with criminal behavior among the black-communities of America. Running from the slur “racism,” the majority-culture has allowed soft-on-crime policies to go unchecked when it comes to minorities. From the school-house to the court-house, to the open-border sponsored by the Biden Administration, a consistent enforcement of rules is a thing of past.

Heather Mac Donald

Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute. She is also a best-selling author of many books on cultural issues as well as contributing editor of City Journal. She appeared as a guest on the Tucker Carlson show (guest-hosted by Brian Kilmeade) a few days ago and offered what I consider to be the best “in-a-nutshell” analysis of what is going on in America. Below is the transcription I made.

They were discussing specifically the ending of “cash-bail” for minorities, particularly in light of the Christmas parade homicides committed by Darrell Brooks, Jr. in Waukesha, WI on Nov. 23. Heather Mac Donald speaks first about the growing lawlessness in our society.

She mentions “disparate impact.” This is the concept that policies and procedures and rules appear to have a “disproportionate” impact on minority groups. The assumption is that more blacks are incarcerated, or ticketed, for example, because whites are racist in application of the law. Mac Donald shows that this is nonsense.

Heather: “Brian, we are witnessing the disintegration of civilization right before our eyes. When massive numbers of individuals know that they can rampage through stores, plundering and looting, confidant of their immunity from the law, there is nothing left of the civilized order. The protection of property is the cornerstone of a stable, prosperous society. Merchants have to know they can put their goods in the stream of commerce without being robbed blind.

“Now, the common thread in the shameful looting, in the Waukesha Christmas parade murders, and rising gun violence, is the concept of disparate impact. And unless that concept is explicitly refuted and rejected there’s no way we are going to get a handle on this rising crime.

“The reason that felony theft laws are not being enforced, and the reason Darrell Brooks was put back onto the streets despite an active warrant and a 50-page rap sheet is because enforcing theft laws, … requiring bail, has a disparate impact on blacks.”

Continuing, she adds, “But law enforcement has a disparate impact on blacks, not because its racist, but because the black crime-rate is so high.

“But when you stop enforcing the law in order to avoid disparate impact its blacks who are hurt the most.”

Brian: “Look at the stats; raw numbers. More Blacks are committing crimes than other minority groups, than whites.” “That’s why the arrests are greater and that’s why they are more in jail. Is that what you are saying?”

Heather: “Absolutely. Law enforcement is a function of criminality. It is not driven by racism. The blacks die from homicide at 13 times the rate of whites, that’s because they are committing homicides at 13 times the rate of whites. In NYC, … blacks commit about 75% of all shootings, … even though they are only 23% of the population.” “Whites commit less than 2% of all shootings though they are 34% of the population.”

“So, the solution here is not to stop enforcing the law. That means more mayhem, more deaths. The solution is to tackle – despite what Chesa Boudin (San Francisco DA) thinks is the root cause of crime … he would say poverty and racism—the root cause of inner-city crime is family breakdown.” “As long as that problem goes unaddressed our only solution is to enforce the law in a color-blind just fashion.”

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