Tag Archives: Jimmy Carter


by Tom DeWeese

For nearly thirty years, as some of us have attempted to sound the alarm over plans to reorganize human society into global governance, we have been mercilessly attacked and labeled as radical conspiracy theorists.

Now, as those very plans move ever closer to enforcement, many are beginning to ask questions about the origins of the plans. Who stands behind them, and where will it all lead? Will life be better? Will there be more freedom and happiness? Are we finally going to create a society free of war and strife, as promised by the promoters? Who’s right, the conspiracy theorists or the promoters?

First, a little history. One of the direct results of World War II, which had affected every nation, was the desire to find a way to prevent war. Most of all, the threat of nuclear war truly terrified everyone. This led to the creation of the United Nations as a way to provide a forum where nations could work out their problems in a public forum instead of on a battlefield. That was the selling point, at least.

The fact of the matter is, the United Nations is a club in which nations join voluntarily and pay dues for the privilege. However, from its very beginning, some envisioned a much larger role for the club. They envisioned the end of independent sovereign nations in which they charged were the root of war, strife and poverty. They claimed that for true freedom to exist, everything must be equal, including food, possessions, and opportunity. To achieve that, individual nations must surrender their sovereignty to the greater good – global governance overseen by the United Nations.

Right away, many socialist and communist-run nations grabbed hold of the concept. These were nations where the rights of the people were already determined by those in charge. In short, where government granted rights.

But there was one nation, in particular, that openly opposed this concept, because that nation had been created under the idea that every person possessed their rights from birth and that it was government’s job to protect those rights. Such a concept was completely antithetical to the growing determination to give the United Nations central power over the Earth. The United States was soon seen as the major obstacle to the globalist agenda.

Over time, a “cold war” between the totalitarians of the communist nations and the advocates of free nations erupted and the United States found itself the designated leader of the “Free World.” As a member of the UN’s Security Council, the United States used its single-nation veto power to foil many of the efforts by the communist nations to build a UN power structure. This caused major frustration to those behind the goal of global governance. A solution had to be found to bring the United States into compliance.

Finally, in the 1970s a novel tactic emerged in the form of the illusion of environmental Armageddon by way of the illusion of “Climate Change.” It was the perfect tool to propel the argument for independent nations. “It doesn’t matter what rights you think you have if you don’t have a planet to stand on!” The drive for global governance took hold, full speed ahead. One of the main proponents of the global governance movement, the Club of Rome said, “The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All of these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be over come. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” There it was! The answer. The environment doesn’t recognize political or national boundaries. Just grab control of the land, water and air, and control every nation and every human life.

It didn’t take long for the globalist forces to jump onto the concept. Again, the Club of Rome laid out the party line necessary to grab control: “Democracy is not a panacea. It cannot organize everything and it is unaware of its own limits. These facts must be faced squarely. Sacrilegious though it may sound, democracy is no longer well suited for the task at hand. The complexity and the technical nature of many of today’s problems do not always allow elected representatives to make competent decisions at the right time.” So, according to this concept, in order to replace these leaders which were elected by the people, we are going to enforce global policy created by forces unseen, unknown, and equipped with their own agenda. Yep – that will solve the world’s problems!

It didn’t take long for the communists to grasp the idea. Former Soviet dictator, Mikhail Gorbachev, after the collapse of his socialist paradise, quickly set himself up as an environmentalist to promote this new world order. He explained to the State of the World Forum, “The emerging ‘environmentalization’ of our civilization and the need for vigorous action in the interest of the entire global community will inevitably have multiple political consequences. Perhaps the most important of them will be a gradual change in the status of the United Nations. Inevitably, it must assume some aspects of world government.” And there is was — the real goal, out in the open.

The UN’s Commission on Global Governance went further to explain how it would all come about as it reported, “The concept of national sovereignty has been immutable, indeed a sacred principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation.” Now, how to set it all into place…?

 The UN began to sponsor a series of international meetings, specifically focusing on the environment and how to “save planet Earth.” After a series of such meetings where private, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), officially recognized and sanctioned by the United Nations, met with government leaders, diplomats, and various bureaucrats, began to draw up a plan for using environmental issues as the basis for regulating human activity – all through the noble guidance of the United Nations, of course. Finally, in 1992, more than 50,000 NGOs, diplomats, and 179 world leaders, including U.S. President, George, H.W. Bush, met in an “Earth Summit,” in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Here, they introduced a series of four documents and treaties for the world to accept as guidelines for UN-led reorganization to save the planet.

Most significant of these plans was one designed to create a global plan of action for the 21st Century. It was named Agenda 21, and its supporters promoted it as a “Comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” All 179 world leaders signed onto the document, including President Bush, and promised to bring its goals into national policy.

Here’s a quick overview of the Agenda 21 plan:

There are four parts: Sections 1 is titled Social and Economic Dimensions. Details include, international cooperation to accelerate sustainable development policies, combat poverty, changing consumption patterns, protecting and promoting human health conditions, and promoting sustainable development by integrating environment policy into development plans.

Section 2: is titled Conservation and Management of Resources for Development. This section outlined plans for promoting sustainable agriculture and rural development, integrating those policies into planning and management of land resources, enforcing sustainable policy into every body of water from seas to rivers and lakes, waste management, and conservation of “fragile” ecosystems, .

Section 3: is titled “Strengthening the Role of Major Groups. Here we get into who was going to promote these policies in a divide and conquer tactic. First, the infamous NGOs who wrote the document gave themselves a major role under the chapter entitled “Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations: partners for sustainable development.” But we were also to have “global action for women towards sustainable and equitable development.” Next, children were specifically targeted to be promoters of sustainable development. Another chapter outlined how to pull in local elected officials to promote support for Agenda 21 initiatives. Each chapter in this section of the Agenda 21 document focuses on more and more individual interest groups needed to push the agenda, from business and industry, to science and technology to farmers. No stone was left unturned in this outline to reorganize human society.

Section 4:  titled Means of Implementation. Here, finally, are the details on how it was to be accomplished. As all of the individual groups are brought under the umbrella, now the enforcers would focus on the necessary financial resources, transferring environmental technology into decision making, and  focusing on education process, not only for schools, but also for “public awareness and training.” And then, of course, there are the necessary “International legal instruments and mechanisms.”

Here it is, a complete and comprehensive outline for the agenda to completely transform all of humanity under the umbrella of globalism. And of course, it was urgent that the agenda be enforced as quickly as possible because, we were facing an environmental Armageddon caused by selfish, uncontrolled, ignorant humans, unfettered in unenlightened nation-states.

First Global Warming, and then later Climate Change became the focus of the looming disaster. And it simply did not matter if there was no true science to back up the scare tactic. As the Canadian Minister of the Environment, Christine Stewart, openly admitted, “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” There is was! The truth. This whole charade wasn’t about saving the environment, but about changing the world order with a new gang in charge.

Timothy Wirth, President of the UN Foundation, further enforced that fact when he said, “We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” There it is again – “economic policy!”

And finally, there was Paul Watson, a co-founder of the radical Green NGO called GreenPeace. He summed it all up very nicely, saying, “It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.” No muss, no fuss, just get in line and don’t question us!

However, there was still a skeptical world that had to be indoctrinated to follow the party line. So, it was important that the language, while keeping the urgent tension of environmental crisis in the forefront, used soft-peddle words to promote the policies. For example, soothing, reassuring comments such as, “we are just concerned about the environment, aren’t you?” “We want to help those less fortunate, living in poverty. Don’t you?” “Imagine all the people sharing all the world.” Nothing to worry about here, just a giant, loving, world-wide group hug. So, the agenda moved forward, with few questioning its details, motives, and true goals.

Meanwhile, forces inside the UN were determined to hurry along the real agenda — global governance. As we moved closer to the year 2000, many insiders saw the start of the new Millennium as the perfect opportunity to launch a full-scale framework for global politics. In preparation, the UN planned to sponsor a Millennium Summit to plan the future for the world. A document was prepared for presentation at the Summit called the Charter for Global Democracy. In the UN’s words, the document contained “detailed, practical measures which set out an ambitious agenda for democracy in international decision-making, now increasingly known as ‘global governance.”

The Charter contained 12 principles or goals. It would consolidate all international agencies under the direct authority of the United Nations. In addition, the UN would regulate all transnational corporations and financial institutions, along with the establishment of a new institution to establish economic and environmental security by insuring sustainable development. The Charter called for a declaration that Climate Change is an essential global security interest that requires a “high level action team” to control carbon emissions. And, the Charter called for the cancellation of all debt owed by the poorest nations, global poverty reductions, and for “equitable sharing of global resources,” including land, air and sea, plus various wealth redistribution schemes. Under the Charter for Global Democracy there would be no independent, sovereign nations, no private property or free enterprise. All would be controlled and regulated by UN edict – all in the name of environmental protection, of course.

But there is more. To establish a government, three main ingredients are necessary; a revenue taxation system, a criminal court system, and a standing army. Principle 3 of the Charter for Global Democracy demanded an independent source of revenue for the UN. Proposed were taxes on aircraft and shipping fuels and licensing the use of the global commons. The “global commons” are defined to be “outer space, the atmosphere, non-territorial seas, and related environment that supports human life.” In other words, the UN claimed control of the entire planet, its air and water, even outer space, and the power to tax use of it all.

Principle Number 5 would authorize a standing UN Army. Principle Number 6 would require UN registration of all arms and the reduction of all national armies “as part of a multinational global security system” under the authority of the United Nations.

Principle Number 8 would activate the International Criminal Court, make the International Court of Justice compulsory for all nations, and give individuals the right to petition the courts to remedy what they deemed social injustice, meaning redistribution of wealth based on emotional tirades rather than the rule of law.

There you have it, all the tools necessary to make the United Nations a full- fledged global government, a government over the whole world. But, the Charter for Global Democracy broke one major rule in the UN’s plans to dominate the world – it was too honest. It lacked the soft sell and, instead, marched brutally forward, revealing their true agenda. It was never officially presented to the Millennium Summit for world leaders to approve in front of the cameras. However, it remains a shadow agenda, with parts included in other documents. The Criminal Court does exist and there is still a drive for an environmental court. The UN continues to push for full ratification of the Law of the Seas Treaty that would give it full control of the waters of the planet. While the United States has not officially ratified the treaty, Congress has promoted regulations through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to enforce many of the same goals.

Meanwhile, the UN has continued to add more details, a little at a time, through documents released at yet more international gatherings. The Millennium Summit did issue 8 goals, mostly focusing on eradicating poverty, respecting nature, and “Protecting the Vulnerable.” The goals are there, just not the direct wording of the Charter. Peace, Brother!

In 2016, the UN issued Agenda 2030, containing 17 goals. They are all the same as Agenda 21 and the Millennium Goals, however each new document issued reveals a little more detail as the UN moves ever closer to enforcing all 12 principles of the Charter for Global Democracy.

Most recently, however, the Sustainable forces again took off the gloves of misdirection, and this time they have gotten away with it. This latest version is called the Green New Deal and it didn’t come as a declaration or a suggestion from another summit. This time it came as actual legislation introduced into the U.S. Congress and has been openly accepted as the center of political debate across the nation.

Even though the word “green” is in the title, it, too, is not an environmental policy. The Green New Deal is an economic plan to reorder society away from free enterprise, private property, and limited government. Gee, where have we heard that before? Oh yes, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and the Millennium Declaration!

The Green New Deal is divided into four pillars. First is the Economic Bill of Rights, demanding full employment, guaranteeing a living wage, Medicare for all, tuition-free education and the right to affordable housing. Can you find any issue there that is designed to save the planet?

Pillar 2 is labeled the Green Transition. Surely here is where we will find concerns expressed for clean rivers and air, right? Nope. We find money and tax schemes for global corporations who agree to play ball and spread the sustainable propaganda. This helps to fill their pockets as it kills competition from small, independent businesses. There’s also the usual attack on cars along with schemes to end shipping of food and products by truck or air. Each community, you see, will be responsible for providing all of its needs for the local population.

Pillar 3 called Real Financial Reform, turns banks into public utilities run by government, doing away with the stock market, all leading to higher taxes and the end of freedom of choice for your financial needs.

Pillar 4 is called a Functioning Democracy. It calls for the creation of a “Corporation for Economic Democracy” that will basically combine government agencies, private associations, and business enterprise into one big corporation, all to be controlled by one, central ruling authority. The last time I checked on such an idea it was called communism.

My colleague, climate change expert Paul Driessen, produced a very clear picture of what life will be like under the Green New Deal. Are you ready America? According to Paul’s analysis, the GND would, “control and pummel the jobs, lives, living standards, savings, personal choices and ecological heritage of rural, poor, minority, elderly and working classes.” Says Paul, the GND would turn middle America into vast energy colonies. Millions of acres of farmland, wildlife habitat, and scenic areas would be blanketed by industrial wind, solar, and battery facilities. Windswept ocean vistas and sea lanes would be plagued by towering turbines. Birds, bats, and other wildlife would disappear. As you are forced to rip out exiting natural gas appliances from your kitchen, replacing them with electric models, electrical power would only be there when its available, rather that when you need it. And don’t forget, as the GND moves to ban petroleum, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, paints, synthetic fibers, fertilizers, plastics for computers would all be gone, along with millions of jobs. Not to mention that the cost of near non-existent energy would soar.

This, then, is the future offered to us by the power-mad control freaks now plotting every day to “reorganize human society.” These policies now dominate political debate and are becoming established in more and more states and communities, yet any attempt to reveal the true goals are immediately labeled “conspiracy theories” and those sounding the alarm are called extremists.

Meanwhile, as we have all suffered through the COVID lockdowns, the forces behind these policies have been busy planning ways to use tactics they have learned from enforcing the pandemic to move forward with a “Green Reset” to tackle the so-called climate crisis. In a recent issue, Time magazine announced the “Great Reset,” asserting “The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want… to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.”

Bill Gates said that large-scale economic shutdowns are “nowhere near sufficient” to curtail climate change. Rather, we need “to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors.” He went on, “Simply shutting down (the economy) is not going to get (us) to our goal. So just like we need innovation for COVID-19, we also need to get rid of emissions from all the different sectors and bring down climate change.” Are you ready to live in a cave with no heat or running water to satisfy Bill Gates’ demands to reorganize society? What else would be the alternative if we must completely shut down our entire infrastructure of transportation, industry, buildings, electricity, etc?

Green New Deal advocates, like Gates, see the COVID-19 outbreak as a signal to the international community that it is necessary to reform humanity’s relationship with nature, pointing to concerns that “as habitat and biodiversity loss increase globally, the coronavirus outbreak may be just the beginning of mass pandemics.” That’s the new scare tactic – piled on top of climate change. Just as the Club of Rome prediction declared decades ago, the real enemy is humanity itself. So there it is, now facing us like never before – the interconnection of climate change, the Green New Deal, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Step by step, changing and controlling human society.

The COVID-19 lockdown has been the master experiment as to how much manipulation people will accept out of fear. It has been the grand experiment to get us to stop driving, reducing energy use, and change our living habits. All called for in the Green New Deal. Arn Menconi, an environmental activist and recent candidate for the Colorado state senate said, the “coronavirus has proved we can afford the Green New Deal and Medicare for all.”

But there is much more planned for the reorganization of human society that few have counted on. Take careful note of the growing manipulation of the free market, a main target of Agenda 21/GND policy. Global corporations, such as Amazon and Walmart, that have agreed to join in Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) with government to promote the Sustainable policies, have been allowed to continue near normal operations and they are thriving in the lockdowns. Meanwhile local, small, independent businesses have been forced to close their doors. As those small business jobs are lost, employees are left with little alternative than to seek positions in the global behemoths or accept government handouts. Soon, we will begin to see the corporations demanding that employees accept Bill Gates’ mandatory COVID vaccines or lose their jobs. That means that more and more will have no choice but too march in lockstep with the dictates of their masters. Free thought, free market competition, and free expression will no longer exist anywhere but in the minds of those old enough to remember “when”. These are all the enemies of totalitarianism and must be curtailed.        

They’ve managed to find the perfect scare tactic to get us all to “voluntarily” give up our liberties, allow government to shut us in our homes, kill our jobs, stop our schools, and destroy human contact. They have finally achieved the vision of British monarch, Prince Phillip who once said, “If I were reincarnated, I would wish to be returned to Earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”  Never tell these people a joke, because they will eventually turn it into global policy!  

How do we stop this drive to destroy our way of life? One thing the COVID lock-down has proven, is that we must regain control of local and state governments. It was mayors and governors who led the way to enforce most of the draconian controls over our ability to move about, go to work and church, see our doctors, and open our businesses. That’s why it’s imperative that those concerned about stopping this transformation must become active on the local level, organizing, researching, speaking out and running effective local government campaigns.

One major obstacle standing in the way of the forces of freedom to stop this drive for global governance is that too many on the Right have ignored the threat, joining in the chorus against we who have been sounding the alarm. Not one mainstream, Washington, DC-based conservative organization will even mention the words Agenda 21 or the many issues connected to the global agenda. Many Republicans in Congress lamely accept many of the environmental positions, instead offering lighter, “more reasonable” positions. Once they do that, they’ve already lost the argument. Today’s mainstream Conservative movement has changed little of their tactics from those used 50 years ago, when they were fighting Soviet communism. Yet, as the environmental movement takes over the American beef industry and leads the way to destroy private property rights and single-family neighborhoods, little action is taken. We cannot win if we ignore the massive loss of property in cities and farms. We cannot win if we fail to stand with the growing number of Americans who are suffering from the radical environmental assault. We have to change the debate and appeal to the growing legions of victims. And we must learn that the most effective place to begin the fight is on the local level in our communities – not on Capitol Hill.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan beat Jimmy Carter in 49 states. Think about that when you look at today’s election results. When that happened, the Left said “never again” and they began to organize. They focused on the local level and not just city council and county commission races. No position was too small or unimportant, including appointed boards, and even city hall jobs. These are the places where policy is decided and regulations, licensing, and government attitudes are prepared and carried out. When was the last time a local Republican group discussed the importance of the office of City Attorney? Yet these are the positions of power that have enforced the COVID lock-downs. After this most recent election don’t you wish we had some influence over voter registration and Board of Elections?  This is how the Democrats have managed to turn formerly red states blue. Pure determination.

Every freedom-loving American must become vitally aware that we now face the most powerful, determined force of evil to ever threaten humanity. To defeat them we must become equally determined to do the dirty work which our side has ignored for fifty years. This includes, local organization of precincts, finding viable candidates to run, and controlling the debate over issues as they appear, making sure our side is heard. We must decide to relentlessly focus on the three pillars of freedom, including protection of private property rights, taking necessary steps to help small business thrive, and assure that government is a servant of the citizens rather than citizens submitting to government.

Take such actions to secure your community as a Freedom Pod where these rights are the backbone of every decision made by your local government. If you are successful, the idea will get the attention of neighboring communities and another Freedom Pod will be planted there — and then the next and the next. These are the actions we must take to “flatten the Socialist curve” and take America back! As Winston Churchill said, “Never Give In, Never, Never, Never.”

Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence. He is also the founder of The American Policy Center. He is the author of several books.


Bill Lockwood: Red Star of Communism Over the Democratic Party 4 (1)

by Bill Lockwood

America’s globalist foreign policy-makers have for decades treasonously assisted the rise of godless and murderous communist regimes. Red China’s murderous slave-state has especially received the “most-favored nation” status while friendly nations such as Taiwan received the heel of our boot. This has been the ongoing legacy of America’ foreign policy – until Donald Trump. Trump is the first president with enough backbone to reverse course on these godless suicidal tendencies by our lawmakers. For it, he has received the ire of soft-shell Republicans and the acidic hatred of the Democratic machine as well as the press.

The guilt of aiding and abetting Red China’s gulag lies at the feet of both Democratic as well as Republican administrations. From the period of FDR through the no-win wars of Harry Truman, LBJ and Richard Nixon, into the political machinery of the Clinton and Obama eras, America has encouraged the rise of communism around the globe. It is no less with presidential hopeful Joe Biden.


The core of communism is systematic militant atheism and godless materialism. The latter is a fruit of the former. Vladimir Lenin did not express his own personal view of Christianity when he commented that it was the “opium of the people,” but was giving expression to the nature of the communistic beast itself.

And, Karl Marx, the father of the communistic system, which is responsible for the murders of more human beings than any dictatorship in history, stated, “The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it.” Indeed, changing the world has been Marx’s followers mission. Red China alone has amassed a body count of between 34 million to 64 million by 1971.

In 2014 the Global Times published an opinion piece by Zhou Weiqun, director of the Subcommittee of Ethnic and Religious Affairs at the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. In it he emphasized that communism continues to demand that “CCP (Chinese Communist Party) members must not have any religious beliefs and have firmly to uphold Marxism and “materialism.’ One might think that the bloody history of communism and its hatred of God might turn Americans away from that philosophy. Not so. Aiding and abetting murderous regimes is particularly pronounced in the Democratic Party.

Democratic Cooperation

Democratic cooperation with Chinese Communism has a long history. When mainland China fell to Mao Tse-tung’s Communist forces in 1949 and Chiang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist Army was forced to escape to Formosa (Taiwan), the culprit was the notorious Franklin D. Roosevelt who promised Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference in 1945 the northern Chinese province of Manchuria in exchange for Soviet entrance into the war against Japan.

The Soviet army was supplied with FDR’s lend-lease equipment and was sitting along the Manchurian border. After the atomic bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima, the Red Army of the Soviets invaded Manchuria and captured Japanese arms which they immediately made available to the Chinese Communists. The balance of power shifted in China to Mao-Tse-tung’s army.

It was not merely Joseph McCarthy who stated that U.S. policy-makers lost China, John F. Kennedy did as well. He told the House in January 1949, “The responsibility for the failure of our foreign policy in the Far East rests squarely with the White House and the Department of State.”

After that planned catastrophe, the United States entered two no-win wars; Korea and Vietnam. Curtailed by the globalist President Harry Truman, Douglas MacArthur was forbidden victory. He was denied the right to pursue enemy planes that attacked our own; the right to bomb hydro-electric plants along the Yalu River as well as every plant in North Korea; the right to bomb the extremely important supply center at Racin in northeast Korea. Racin was a staging center utilized by the Soviet Union as they forwarded supplies for the North Korean Army.

America’s foreign policy looks as if it is built on assisting communism around the globe. Indeed, this is what occurred.
Jimmy Carter terminated diplomatic relations with our friends in Taiwan in December of 1978 and established diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China on the first day of 1979. Carter betrayed America’s friend, the Shah of Iran, and helped give Iran to the mullahs. And America continues to pay the price for that sabotage.

Bill Clinton

And how about the treasonous actions of President Bill Clinton pertaining to the People’s Republic of China (PRC)? Clinton’s Chinagate scandal involved:

• Receiving enormous illegal campaign contributions into his coffers from Red Chinese operatives in exchange for favorable “foreign policy” decisions

• The appointment of Johnny Huang, a suspected Red Chinese agent to high positions in the United States government whereby secrets might easily be stolen

• Enormous efforts to allow the Long Beach Naval Station to be utilized by the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO)

• The reception from Yah Lin “Charlier” Trie, a member of the Red Chinese-linked Triad crime syndicate, of $460,000 into the Clinton-Gore campaign

• Refusal to impose sanctions on Beijing for its export of military technologies to terroristic states—despite the fact the he was required to do so by law—one that had been specifically written by none other than Al Gore

• The obstruction by Attorney General Janet Reno of any Congressional investigation of the above matters even when pressed by the FBI itself to do so

Barack Obama

Obama was no different.

• The United States saw Chinese troops on U.S. soil for the first time during the Obama years

• Obama pledged a “joint-effort” to “fight global warming” with China despite its ongoing stealing of sensitive government material

• Secretary of State John Kerry promised “more cooperation” with China in spite of the fact that known Chinese espionage had accelerated to a larger degree than ever before. It had reached “unprecedented proportions”

• The Chinese regime’s massive intelligence-gathering apparatus aimed at the United States did not concern Obama. American money continued to flow to China and global “climate change” deals were ratcheted up to siphon off more money to China

Joe Biden

Where is Joe Biden in this equation? Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden is cut out of the same treasonous mold. Having served with President Barack Obama, who never met a communist he did not like, Biden has an impressive resume for favoring the Chinese communists.

• He supported China’s entry into the WTO in 2001 which led to permanent normal trade relations with the United States

• Biden considers China a “developing nation” and has made certain that China has access to Wall Street. For example, “In 2013, the Obama administration allowed Chinese companies to invest in U.S. capital markets without having their books inspected by U.S. regulators” (Epoch Times, quoting Brian Kennedy, chairman of the “committee on the Present Danger: China.” 9/9-15/20).

• Biden continues to desire Chinese “investment” in the United States. So he said at a roundtable meeting in Beijing in 2011.

• This week, emails found on son Hunter Biden’s computer reveal that Hunter Biden would be able to profit to the tune of tens of millions of dollars from the Red Chinese while, according to the text that he wrote his father, Joe Biden would be able to take half of the money.

• Michael Johns, former speech White House speech writer for George H.W. Bush and a Heritage Foundation foreign policy analyst, told The Epoch Times that Joe Biden, throughout his 47-year career in Washington, been supporting … “one of the biggest foreign policy lies ever told: that china’s economic ascent would lead to more moderation and liberalization in its approach with the U.S. and the free world, and in its human rights conditions at home.”

Many Democrats do not wish to be associated with “communism.” However, their own party not only favors socialism in all areas, but openly assists godless communism on its rise over the world. These liberals are marching beneath the Democratic flag that has a red star of communism emblazoned upon it.

Wayne Allyn Root: The Trump Economic Miracle Is the Best Revenge 0 (0)

by Wayne Allyn Root

I got a kick out of a letter to the editor I saw about my last column. It was from another bitter liberal – Is there any other kind? — who complained that I’m a liar. The writer argued that President Donald Trump’s economy is not so great and said it’s actually worse than the economy under former Presidents Barack Obama and Jimmy Carter.

This just shows that the more liberals say, the better Trump looks to voters.

The November jobs report came out Friday. Set aside the fact that Trump has produced one of the greatest stock markets in history; that gross domestic product is far above its pace during the administrations of Obama or Carter, who both produced disastrous economies that nearly destroyed the middle class; that 3.5% unemployment is the lowest in 50 years; that the highest number of Americans are working in history; and that black and Latino unemployment are the lowest in history.

The latest jobs report is better news than all of that.

There were 266,000 jobs created in November. That’s 79,000 jobs more than economists expected … in a month. The number of jobs was also revised upward by 41,000 for the two preceding months.

Manufacturing jobs soared by 54,000 in November, the biggest monthly gain since 1998.

Wages were up 3.1%. That’s the 16th month in a row wages are up 3% or higher. Ask any worker if a bigger paycheck for 16 months in a row matters. I dare you.

CNBC called it “a blowout jobs report” and said, “You can’t contradict that these are the best numbers of our lives.” CNN said, “A couple of generations of people have not seen this kind of unemployment rate continue to be that low.” Fox Business reported, “This is one of the best reports. … What a way to end the decade, on this report. It’s outstanding.”

So, I ask all my readers: Who is the delusional one?

I don’t need to wait for an answer. Just look at the latest Rasmussen presidential approval poll. It was already a robust 49% for Trump before the latest impeachment hearing on Wednesday. That’s when Democrats trotted out a bunch of America-hating, capitalism-hating, Ivy League law school professors to testify in front of the nation.

Smart move. This group even makes Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren seem likable.

The very next day, Trump’s approval soared to 52% — just a smidge below the highest of his presidency. Those law professors made quite an impression. I’m surprised Democrats didn’t trot out used car salesmen and dentists.

On Friday, Trump’s approval was 51% — significantly above where Obama was on the same day of his presidency — even though Trump has faced overwhelmingly negative news coverage.

Among white voters, Trump’s approval is positive, 53% to 46%. Among male voters, it’s positive, 59% to 40%. And, most shocking, Trump’s approval rating is 31% among black voters.

It’s clear what voters think about President Trump and the ECONOMY. It’s clear who they believe and who they think is lying. But please keep the angry, delusional liberal letters to the editor coming. You’re making my job so much easier.

I’m honored to report I received an invitation from President Trump to visit the White House next week. I’ll be sure to tell him congratulations and thank you from all my fans who have good jobs, higher wages and far higher retirement accounts thanks to his policies.

All I can say is the Trump economic miracle is the best revenge.

TH: https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2019/12/07/the-trump-economic-miracle-is-the-best-revenge-jobn2557628


Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network and the host of “The Wayne Allyn Root Show” on Newsmax TV nightly at 8 p.m. ET.


Jesse Lee Peterson slams politicos more concerned about welfare of illegal aliens

by Jesse Lee Peterson

MoveOn.org and other left-wing agitators have planned demonstrations across the U.S. for Presidents Day in response to Donald Trump’s decision to declare a national emergency for border wall funding.

“Donald Trump has declared a #FakeNationalEmergency – an illegal power grab from an unhinged man to push his racist, dangerous policies,” MoveOn.org states on its site.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), “The Wicked Witch of The West” with the low IQ, went on MSNBC and called on Americans to protest across the country to send President Trump a message that his declaration of a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border is “fake.”

As President Trump predicted, Democrats have become unhinged by his move to fund the border wall. In addition to their protests, Democrats have filed lawsuits to slow or block attempt to allocate funds towards a border wall by challenging the president’s declaration of an emergency.

Trump did everything possible to work with Democrats before declaring an emergency. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., refused to negotiate in good faith, and Democrats left the president no choice.

The Constitution gives Congress sole authority for appropriating funds when it passes budgets. But Congress passed the National Emergencies Act in 1976, giving the president vast powers in the event of a national emergency. The declaration will allow the president to divert billions of dollars of federal money towards the wall. The White House said it has identified up to $8.1 billion, including over $6 billion from the Pentagon, that will be available to fund the border wall now that the emergency is declared.

Democratic Presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama – along with Republican Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush – have declared national emergencies prior to Trump’s declaration.

Democrats are insane, evil or both. No rational person or group would knowingly encourage the invasion of their homeland. Maxine Waters and Democrats opposed to the border wall are playing politics with the lives of the American people, and they pose a serious threat to our national security.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

Waters called the president’s national emergency declaration “fake.” The only thing fake is her concern for the black Americans who live in her district. Maxine Waters has been in Congress for 28 years. Most of her district is crime-ridden, impoverished and overrun by illegal aliens. Waters doesn’t live in the district she represents, so she doesn’t understand the plight of her constituents. She lives in a multi-million-dollar mansion in a very affluent part of Los Angeles.

Waters’ 43rd Congressional District consists of 697,985 residents. It ranks 37th out of 436 other congressional districts in the U.S. as to the number of foreign-born residents; as of 2012, that number stood at 31.6 percent of a population. Of those, 36.6 percent were categorized as white and 23.9 percent were categorized as black. Of these, 46.9 percent were counted as Hispanic or Latino. Therefore, those counted as white – not Hispanic or Latino – represented 14.4 percent of the district. No wonder she’s advocating for illegal aliens!

The illegal alien population in California is estimated at 3 million. Illegal aliens create an enormous financial burden on Californian residents. The annual expenditure of state and local tax dollars on services for illegal aliens is $25.3 billion. Nearly half of those expenditures ($12.3 billion) result from the costs of K-12 education for the children of illegal aliens. According to the Federation For American Immigration Reform (FAIR)), billions more are spent on public assistance services, administration of justice functions, and general governmental services for illegals.

According to a Pew Research Center study, there were 12.0 million immigrants from Mexico living in the U.S. in 2016 (just from Mexico alone!).

In addition to the financial burden, the drugs and crime flooding across the southern border is wreaking havoc on American towns and cities. Every day, 130 Americans die due to opioid overdoses. Ninety percent of the heroin that reaches America comes through Mexico. Almost 25 percent of federal inmates are illegal aliens.

Maxine Waters and Democrats are more concerned about the welfare of illegal aliens than they are about American citizens. The Democrats’ support for open borders and the abolition of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is threatening our national security and allowing dangerous criminals and drugs to flood across the border.

Border security is the most important issue facing our nation. The mass invasion by illegal aliens and the crime and drugs that follow hurts all Americans. It’s especially devastating to low-income Americans who are forced to compete for jobs, education and healthcare services with illegal aliens. Inner city blacks and those living in border states are hurt first and foremost.

Maxine Waters and the Democrats are out of touch with the American people. Waters doesn’t care about blacks – she only cares about power. The Wicked Witch of The West must go!

WND: https://www.wnd.com/2019/02/lets-declare-maxine-waters-and-democrats-crazy/

Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s Biography

America’s Neo Pravda 0 (0)

 America’s Neo Pravda- “With the election of Donald Trump they are in full-bore emergency mode. ”

by Bill Lockwood

Pravda, the Russian word meaning “Truth”, was the official Communist Party news “filtering” organ of the Soviet Union. As an official arm of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) Pravda news controlled the flow of information. A dictatorship by definition not only “manages” the entirety of government, but relies heavily upon keeping the sheeple in a state of ignorance by managing what intelligence they are fed.

Signaling how close once-free nations are to totalitarian control—for there is little difference between “managing” your health-care and and “managing” your news-President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have both openly waged war against “fake news” while recommending some regulatory board for information made available to the public. After all, said Obama, if he had had a diet of anything but the Main Stream Media he would not have voted for himself either! That says it all.

With the shocking election of Donald Trump and the obvious loosening of the hold that the MSM has on the general public, globalists around the world are stepping up their campaign to manage the news for the public. In the words of Merkel, “Today we have fake sites, bots, trolls—things that regenerate themselves, reinforcing opinions with certain algorithms and we have to learn to deal with them.” “We must confront this phenomenon and if necessary, regulate it.”

When Merkel suggested regulation and Obama publicly opined for a “filtering” agency of some sort, they are not willing for these opinions to stand in the free-marketplace of ideas. No. Time for censorship. They are moving to put teeth into some sort of regulation.  The European Union (EU), which Obama openly admires, is doing just that. A non-legislative resolution came out of the EU Parliament last week which calls for the cracking down on “propaganda.” European bureaucrats that fill the EU Parliament are initiating steps to manage the communication flow, for the “public good,” of course.

There is, however, already in place a Neo Pravda in America. Better known as the Main Stream Media, comprised of individual organs such as CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The NY Times, The Washington Post, Media Matters, MoveOn.org, MSN, Politico, and The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), these agencies are not simply behaving “childish” or “acting like sore losers.” With the election of Donald Trump they are in full-bore emergency mode.

This is the same news core that yesteryear reported that Mao Tse-Tung was only an “agrarian reformer”—nothing to worry about. Having turned neither right or left, but full-course ahead, this is the same Round Table that decries Trump’s phone call to Free China: Taiwan. This is the same liberal establishment who sent “news” ambassadors to welcome the Bolsheviks into power in Moscow and gave the American public glowing reports of the wonders of collectivism.

This is the same fraternity of “progressives” who initially praised Adolf Hitler for his collective experiment; the same that openly assisted Fidel Castro to be installed as communist dictator in Cuba; the same that openly lied to the American people through voices such as Walter Cronkite about the war in Vietnam; the same that assisted Jimmy Carter to throw Iran to the Ayatollah and Muslim wolves by cutting the Shah’s throat; the same which put Marxist Obama in the oval office without a single dissenting news reporter questioning his credentials.

Behind the façade of “concern” for “fake news” lies an ugly truth. Elitism. Unmitigated, unbounded arrogance. Government leaders, elected or not, consider themselves an aristocracy. The nobility. We know better than you. All men are not created equal; some of us should plan, manage, care for, control and manipulate the others. An oligarchy has arisen and it is evident that the Obama’s and Merkel’s of the world do not consider their positions to be “servants of the people,” but a cabal of upper-crust gentry that wishes to lock the under-class into the steerage of the ship of state.

Bill Lockwood: The Earth is the Lord’s 0 (0)

The Earth is the Lord’s & the Fullness Thereof- “Landmarks were regarded as sacred among other nations besides Israel. Romans, for example, enacted the death penalty against those who removed them. “

by Bill Lockwood

Tucked away in an unexpected passage dealing with “meat sacrificed to idols” the inspired apostle Paul underscored the fact that the earth was created by God, and for man. The natural conclusions that flow from his short statement are as profound as they are apropos to the current cultural scene in America.

First, the Context. At issue in 1 Corinthians 10:23ff is whether or not a Christian living in Corinth may purchase meat from an open-air marketplace, called in the first-century a “Makellon,” and consume it—with the possibility that that meat may have been butchered by a pagan priest and offered to an idol. Answering that question in the affirmative, the apostle of God then gives the reason for it: “for the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”

This quotation Paul takes from Psalm 24:1 and means simply that all the food and provision with which the earth has been filled has been filled by God for man’s usage. “The fruit and products of the earth were designed by God, the Great Proprietor, to the use and subsistence of mankind …” (Matthew Henry, 2263).

Second, the Context of the Creation. In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth God specifically stated that mankind, who was created “in His image” (Gen. 1:26) was to “have dominion over” the earth and its products and to “subdue” it (Gen. 1:28). These phrases speak clearly of God’s intention for the created earth and the environment—that mankind is to manage it. “The dominion of man, the God-like king, only begins with his natural realm, …extended by cultural conquest over all the creation kingdoms …The subordination of both animal and plant kingdoms to man’s royal service …” (Eerdman’s Bible Commentary, 83).

It is from this premise of dominion that the concept of Private Property flows. Biblical truth assumes that since man “has dominion over” the earth, men have also the right to own property. “Thou shalt not steal” is built on this framework. So also is the familiar Old Testament law forbidding one from “removing his neighbor’s landmark” (Deut. 19:14).

Landmarks, or boundary markers in the OT, designated one’s private property and were considered “sacred.” To “move” the markers was to “steal” property. Thus, a curse was placed upon those who “removed them” just the same as a curse was pronounced upon one who cursed his father or perverted the rights of orphans and widows (Hos. 5:10; Prov. 22:28; 23:10). Landmarks were regarded as sacred among other nations besides Israel. Romans, for example, enacted the death penalty against those who removed them. Private property rights rest on man’s dominion.

Third, the Context of America. Ancient paganism and its modern Green version, represented by many in the environmental movement, disavow that the earth was created by the One God for man’s usage. Therefore, instead of “subduing” the earth pagans “worship” it. Imagining that the world is a personification of a goddess ancient pagans consider the earth “sacred” and celebrated its seasonal cycles with religious observances. The modern counterpart of ancient paganism is represented in part by The Millenium Institute which presses for “Sustainable Development.” This doctrine demands that mankind submits to global management in which the products of the earth are rationed.

Man is denounced as the problem with this new philosophy. One prominent globalist told Gerald Barney, the author of Global 2000 for the Jimmy Carter Administration, that “Christianity is the menace of the earth.” The Clinton Administration championed Al Gore who began his crusade for a New Earth Ethic with publication of Earth in the Balance in which he sought to re-write the Bible’s account of Genesis. Not only man, but all of nature was created “in God’s image” was the manner in which he argued with Moses.

From the Pagan Federation International website we are informed that earth must be “venerated.” The very first paganistic principle echoed there is that we all have a “love and kinship with nature” which is defined as “reverence for the life force and its ever-renewing cycles of life and death.” The earth itself therefore is “sacred” and the natural year is marked by festivals “which offer access to different divinities according to their affinity with different times of the year.” This “new earth ethic” in which man is described as the plague, is actually thousands of years old. It is rooted in ancient paganism.

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