America’s Neo Pravda

 America’s Neo Pravda- “With the election of Donald Trump they are in full-bore emergency mode. ”

by Bill Lockwood

Pravda, the Russian word meaning “Truth”, was the official Communist Party news “filtering” organ of the Soviet Union. As an official arm of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) Pravda news controlled the flow of information. A dictatorship by definition not only “manages” the entirety of government, but relies heavily upon keeping the sheeple in a state of ignorance by managing what intelligence they are fed.

Signaling how close once-free nations are to totalitarian control—for there is little difference between “managing” your health-care and and “managing” your news-President Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have both openly waged war against “fake news” while recommending some regulatory board for information made available to the public. After all, said Obama, if he had had a diet of anything but the Main Stream Media he would not have voted for himself either! That says it all.

With the shocking election of Donald Trump and the obvious loosening of the hold that the MSM has on the general public, globalists around the world are stepping up their campaign to manage the news for the public. In the words of Merkel, “Today we have fake sites, bots, trolls—things that regenerate themselves, reinforcing opinions with certain algorithms and we have to learn to deal with them.” “We must confront this phenomenon and if necessary, regulate it.”

When Merkel suggested regulation and Obama publicly opined for a “filtering” agency of some sort, they are not willing for these opinions to stand in the free-marketplace of ideas. No. Time for censorship. They are moving to put teeth into some sort of regulation.  The European Union (EU), which Obama openly admires, is doing just that. A non-legislative resolution came out of the EU Parliament last week which calls for the cracking down on “propaganda.” European bureaucrats that fill the EU Parliament are initiating steps to manage the communication flow, for the “public good,” of course.

There is, however, already in place a Neo Pravda in America. Better known as the Main Stream Media, comprised of individual organs such as CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, The NY Times, The Washington Post, Media Matters,, MSN, Politico, and The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), these agencies are not simply behaving “childish” or “acting like sore losers.” With the election of Donald Trump they are in full-bore emergency mode.

This is the same news core that yesteryear reported that Mao Tse-Tung was only an “agrarian reformer”—nothing to worry about. Having turned neither right or left, but full-course ahead, this is the same Round Table that decries Trump’s phone call to Free China: Taiwan. This is the same liberal establishment who sent “news” ambassadors to welcome the Bolsheviks into power in Moscow and gave the American public glowing reports of the wonders of collectivism.

This is the same fraternity of “progressives” who initially praised Adolf Hitler for his collective experiment; the same that openly assisted Fidel Castro to be installed as communist dictator in Cuba; the same that openly lied to the American people through voices such as Walter Cronkite about the war in Vietnam; the same that assisted Jimmy Carter to throw Iran to the Ayatollah and Muslim wolves by cutting the Shah’s throat; the same which put Marxist Obama in the oval office without a single dissenting news reporter questioning his credentials.

Behind the façade of “concern” for “fake news” lies an ugly truth. Elitism. Unmitigated, unbounded arrogance. Government leaders, elected or not, consider themselves an aristocracy. The nobility. We know better than you. All men are not created equal; some of us should plan, manage, care for, control and manipulate the others. An oligarchy has arisen and it is evident that the Obama’s and Merkel’s of the world do not consider their positions to be “servants of the people,” but a cabal of upper-crust gentry that wishes to lock the under-class into the steerage of the ship of state.

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