Tag Archives: Paul Ryan


Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson blasts Democrat Party as worse than ever before

by Jesse Lee Peterson

The Democrat Party is evil. They are worse today than ever before – worse than during slavery, Jim Crow, lynch mobs, or the heyday of the KKK.

Most people don’t realize we are in a spiritual battle of right versus wrong, good versus evil. There are people of all cultures, male and female, on the side of good. And there are men and women of all races, all cultures, on the side of evil.

I’ve written about Oprah Winfrey before. Like most people, she’s doing the best she can. But she is on the side of evil – she is a deceitful, weak, wicked person.

Oprah gave a supposedly “rousing” speech in support of far-left socialist Stacey Abrams, a black female Democrat hoping to defeat Secretary of State Brian Kemp, R.-Georgia, in the race for governor of Georgia. However, Oprah’s speech was empty of substance and heavy on deception.

One of the biggest lies pushed on blacks by Democrats is the notion of “voter suppression” – the phony idea that voter ID laws are too burdensome to blacks. Democrats have so corrupted the system with at least 22 million illegal aliens, many millions of socialist-minded immigrants and refugees, deluded masses of indoctrinated young people corrupted by leftist “education,” easy ways to vote illegally and undetected, opportunity skew results and fake news from the activist liberal media.

Democrats are known for busing blacks to the polls. Michelle Obama encouraged them to reward themselves with fried chicken afterwards. They are against any attempt to preserve voter integrity and combat the rampant voter fraud. You’ll notice they always try to push for “more” people voting – no matter how ignorant or brainwashed. Yet the same people want less speech – they shut down free speech, and in particular true speech. They only want their side heard, lest the people hear the truth and wake up to reality.

The rise of a good man in President Trump has shaken Democrats’ hold on millions of blacks, Hispanics and young people. Because Donald Trump tells the truth with no fear – and does not back down – the people have an opportunity to see where he’s coming from and contrast it with the evil coming out of his opponents. For generations, blacks in their fallen state believed the lies of “racism” that liberals fed them. President Trump has helped many people see through the illusion of “racism” – they can see he’s a genuine leader with America’s best interests at heart.

As thousands of illegal aliens, who don’t have our values, continue their efforts to invade our country, President Trump stands as the sole voice for sanity. The liberal media endlessly campaign in favor of entitled foreigners while they demonize Americans who oppose the madness. Blacks and others have watched this in horror, and changed their mind about voting for Democrats. Blacks have been forced out of their communities by Hispanic immigrants and illegals, and Democrats have done nothing to help.

Trump called for an end to the unjust “birthright citizenship” policy, a perversion of the 14th Amendment and a scam on black descendants of American slaves. Democrats and RINO Republicans (including Paul Ryan) have allowed illegal aliens and greedy visitors to come here to drop their “anchor babies” in our country. In doing this, they create new Democratic or socialist voters out of selfish foreigners with no allegiance to America, morality or freedom.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

Enter Oprah Winfrey: She gives irrelevant history lessons about her grandmother, voting rights and lynchings to tickle the egos of blacks, women and liberals. But as we saw with the attack on Justice Brett Kavanaugh, the #MeToo movement, and the Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots – the Democrats and media support lynch mobs. They don’t believe in a man being “innocent unless proven guilty.” They hate white people. They hate Christians. They hate men and real families. They hate America. Oprah and her ilk support abortion, same-sex marriage, the radical transgender and radical feminist agendas.

The Democratic Party is outright anti-God, but most blacks who claim to be Christians support godlessness. Their excuse is this phony idea of “racism” which they use to slander the Republican Party and President Trump.

It’s time for more whites to begin speaking up without fear, to love black people enough to tell them the truth. President Trump is showing this genuine love and it’s working. The #WalkAway and #Blexit movements are just two examples of this change. Blacks and other former Democrats are leaving the corrupt party, because President Trump has unmasked the evil and violence of the left.

As evil is unmasked, it’s important to stand for good, and not hate the evil. When you hate evil, you become overcome by evil. You judge and misjudge, and play God. Your enemy looks like your friend, and your friend looks like an enemy. We’ve seen thugs attack Jewish synagogues and give bomb threats to Democrats and prominent leftist activists. With anger, you become part of the problem. President Trump fights evil on many sides by speaking out with strength and perfect love, calling for good people to unify.

Let’s overcome fear and anger, and do the same.

Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s Biography


DEMOCRATS DON’T CARE ABOUT CHILDREN – ILLEGAL OR AMERICAN– Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson targets latest manufactured political crisis

by Jesse Lee Peterson

Every other week Democrats manufacture a new political crisis.

This time, they’re wailing about illegal alien children being separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexican border.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow cried on TV while reporting on this issue. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-MD, feigned outrage during a hearing on this matter. Actor Peter Fonda called for 12-year-old Barron Trump to be ripped from his mother’s arms and “thrown into a cage with pedophiles.”

As if that’s not bad enough, leftists stormed a Mexican restaurant and screamed at Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen while she was having dinner. Then they showed up outside her home blasting sounds of Hispanic children crying.

WikiLeaks also released the names and addresses of ICE employees to the public, endangering agents and their families.

The Trump administration isn’t the first to separate adults and children at the border – but it did step up the enforcement after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced a “zero-tolerance” policy in dealing with illegal aliens who cross into the U.S.

A 2008 anti-trafficking statute dictates that certain minors must be taken out of immigration detention within 72 hours. The administration has also said it was forced to separate families because of the conclusion of a court case known as “the Flores Settlement.” That settlement, reached in 1997, required the government to limit the time it keeps unaccompanied minors in detention and to keep them in the least restrictive setting possible.

The children in HHS/ORR (Office of Refugee Resettlement) care are treated far better than in Mexico or Central America. They’re fed, given medical attention and educational programs.

But President Trump signed an executive order last week designed to keep together illegal alien families who have been detained at the border, while also retaining his administration’s “zero-tolerance” immigration policy.

Why did the Trump administration step up enforcement in the first place?

According to Homeland Security, the number of people attempting to cross the southern border illegally has increased to more than 50,000 people per month. In June, there has been a 325 percent increase in unaccompanied children coming to the border since the previous year, and a 435 percent increase in families entering the U.S. illegally.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

According to the White House, the influx of unaccompanied minors coming across the U.S. border is being used by gangs, such as MS-13, to recruit new members; one-third of already-arrested MS-13 members and associates came into the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor.

There are hundreds of thousands of victims every year who are affected by illegal alien crime – homicides, rape, assault, vehicular manslaughter and identity theft.

According to a 2011 government report, the arrests attached to the criminal alien population included an estimated 25,000 people for homicide, 42,000 for robbery, nearly 70,000 for sex offenses, and nearly 15,000 for kidnapping.

In Texas alone, within the last seven years, more than a quarter-million criminal aliens have been arrested and charged with over 600,000 criminal offenses.

In 2016, more than 15,000 Americans died from a heroin overdose. More than 90 percent of the heroin comes from across the southern border.

Democrats cry for illegal alien children – encouraged to cross the border by their own parents – but what about the American children who’ve been killed by illegal aliens and permanently separated from their parents? CNN and MSNBC won’t air their stories. But President Trump hosted some of the families at the White House.

Among the “Angel” family members invited by the White House were:

  • Agnes Gibboney, who lost her son Ronald da Silva after he was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant gang member.
  • Juan Pina, who lost his 14-year-old daughter Christy Sue in 1990, allegedly at the hands of a Mexican national who raped and killed her. Her alleged killer was extradited from Mexico last month.
  • Michelle Wilson-Root, whose 21-year old daughter Sarah was killed in 2016 following a vehicular accident allegedly caused by drunk driver Edwin Mejia – who had entered the country illegally and, as a result of “catch-and-release” loopholes, was released into the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor.
  • Ray Tranchant, who lost his 16-year-old daughter Tessa in 2007 to an illegal alien driving drunk.

Democrats don’t care about American children. If they did, they wouldn’t try to hide or dismiss the plight of these families. They would address the issue of black flight from Democrat run cities like Los Angeles and Chicago due to violent illegal alien gangs.

They also don’t really care about illegal aliens or immigrants – they only want their votes. The hysteria at the border is a crisis encouraged by Democrats. They want to emotionalize this issue to give Democrats an issue to run on in the mid-term elections.

Recently, I interviewed Border Angels activist Juan Rosas on my show “The Fallen State.” Rosas believes illegal aliens have the same rights as American citizens.

We the people must apply pressure on Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and other RINOs to ensure that they stop the chaos at the border and approve the necessary funding for the border wall. Otherwise, our country will continue to be overrun by illegal aliens, and the border chaos will get worse.

WND: http://www.wnd.com/2018/06/democrats-dont-care-about-illegal-alien-or-american-children/#L9ybqf5vMdisImUk.99

Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s Biography

Republicans are the Problem 0 (0)

Republicans are the Problem- “They are on the brink of allowing Obama to Trump them all. ”

by Bill Lockwood

As I have stated for a long time, it is not the socialist-Marxists of the Democratic Party who are problematic for Americans—it is the Republicans. The Democrats, with only a two-year window during Obama’s first term, quickly turned one-fifth of our economy on the road to socialized medicine. No fuss among them; no wrangling; no hesitation. We know where they stand. What Americans need is principled opposition to this onslaught. Now that the Republicans have control of not only the Congress but the White House, we are learning they are not the standard-bearers of these constitutional principles. They are on the brink of allowing Obama to Trump them all.

Since the Affordable Health Care Act passed in 2010 government mandates, gigantic premium hikes and loss of quality health care has become the norm. This was not a failure—it was the design. Throw Americans onto government-run socialized medicine, which Obama previously had announced was the entire goal.

Republicans whined, wrung their hands, and postured continually at home and in Washington, D.C. that “there was nothing we can do about it” as long as Democrats controlled both Congress and the White House.

Voters responded by giving the House of Representatives to the Republicans in 2011. Republican Representatives, however, complained to voters that that was not enough. The electorate responded in 2015 by turning over both houses of Congress, the Senate and the House, to the GOP. A huge defeat for the Obama machine.

But what occurred? With budget reins in hand, including the ability to defund each of Obama’s statist unconstitutional programs, Republican majorities in Congress continued to fund ObamaCare.

Rank and file Americans at the grassroots were suspicious—and rightly so. They suspected that the stock answer quipped by Republican lawmakers—“we have sent repeal bills to the White House; but until we have a Republican there to sign the bill, we have no hope”—was a ploy. Their suspicions are today turning into reality.

Secretly, many of the GOP evidently hoped they would never get the White House. Not because they do not know how to govern, but because too many of them fundamentally agree with government-run entitlement programs and Americans would call their bluff.

Republicans know how to govern. What they do not know how to do is govern from a soft-socialist position, which is where their hearts lie, while maintaining a conservative face for their constituents. It is easier to satisfy angry voters by chirping that they have tried to stall our slide into statism than actually to stop unconstitutional programs with which they fundamentally agree—ObamaCare being the case in point.

This is the only evident reason that many GOP lawmakers, including the John McCain’s and Paul Ryan’s, were reticent to support President Trump. They knew that Trump would call their bluff. This is where we are now. At least there was no deceit with the Democrats’ position on Health Care. They openly campaign for a single-payer socialized system. Republicans are mired in subterfuge. Vaunting love for a limited constitutional system, too many of them are on the socialist bandwagon.

RyanCare Does Not Eliminate Government Playing Doctor 0 (0)

RyanCare Does Not Eliminate Government Playing Doctor- …wearing the mantle of Franklin Roosevelt who helped turn America upside down and create a socialistic state…”

by Bill Lockwood

The proposed Republican version of ObamaCare, known as the American Health Care Act (ACHA), is just that– a lighter “version” of the Affordable Care Act—but certainly not a repeal as demanded by voters last fall. It is true that some of the provisions of the ACA, such as the individual mandate, have been cut. However, Republicans have retained their own set of Federal mandates. In the words of Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), “This is not the Obamacare repeal bill we’ve been waiting for. It is a missed opportunity and a step in the wrong direction.” Bottom line: the Republican version of Health Care, the ACHA, fails to recognize that, in the words of Ronald Reagan, “government is the problem.”

First is the AHCA regulation requiring insurers to accept all applicants and charge them the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions. This is known as “community rating.” According to Michael Tennant (The New American, 3-8-17) “community rating” is the cause of the death spiral that health insurance is now experiencing under the ACA. It encourages the sick to buy coverage immediately while the healthy are encouraged to forgo it until they need it. This is why Obama placed individual mandates in the ACA. But free markets are not created by federal pressure, either a Democrat or Republican-controlled Washington, D.C.

Second, RyanCare also prohibits caps on lifetime coverage. According to the government website hhs.gov the current law (ACA) prohibits health plans from putting annual or lifetime dollar limits on most benefits you receive. Previously, “many plans set a lifetime limit—a dollar limit on what they would spend for your covered benefits during the entire time you were enrolled in that plan” (latimes.com).  According to Fortune magazine, “Like Obamacare, ACHA also prohibits insurers from putting an annual or lifetime dollar limit on how much benefits a patient may receive.”

Let’s translate with illustration.

America is plagued with burgeoning health problems, in part caused by such practices as illegal drug use. Young and old alike are flooding into treatment centers because of one type of addiction or another. Many treatments are subsidized by the American taxpayer. This is an “entitlement” pure and simple. Again, no free market and no incentive for personal responsibility.

Third, RyanCare imposes its own mandate known as the “continuing coverage” mandate. Seth Chandler, writing in Forbes online (3-6-17) explains that section 133 of the AHCA requires insurers to charge purchasers a 30% “penalty” if they “obtain coverage in a given year without having had coverage the preceding year.” Individuals are “incentivized” to purchase health insurance “even in those years when they feel the premiums are high relative to their expected costs.”

In other words, the Republicans under Paul Ryan are keeping “mandates”–albeit in a more subtle fashion. “No one will be forced to do so—it won’t be a tax on doing nothing like the ACA imposed—but, if people know about the penalty, it might be fairly effective and feel somewhat less coercive.” It is government coercion just the same.

Fourth, then there is the “tax credit.” The GOP plan retains ObamaCare “tax credits” for the purchase of insurance. These “credits” may sound like tax “cuts,” but in truth they are not. The Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon noted, “To the extent that the bill’s modified tax credits are tax reduction … they are the functional equivalent of ObamaCare’s individual mandate.”

This is because the “tax credits” are available only to those who purchase health insurance. Those who do not purchase health insurance must pay more to the IRS than those who do. This is a mandate and another entitlement.

For all the trumpet-blasting by the Republicans as they convene to rid America of the socialistic morass in which the health care industry is now engulfed, they cannot bring themselves to return to a Constitutional concept of limited government where more personal responsibility is required of citizens. Instead, they are wearing the mantle of Franklin Roosevelt who helped turn America upside down and create a socialistic state wherein the workers of America continue to be robbed to pay for more entitlements.

Most importantly, federal government involvement in health care is unconstitutional. Though America is used to thinking of the Constitution in terms of what federal judges, including the Supreme Court, may say it means, those who crafted it were very clear. Samuel Adams, though not of the Constitutional Convention, was Governor of Massachusetts and a delegate to the Continental Congress. He noted,

The utopian schemes of leveling [income redistribution], and a community of goods [central ownership of property], are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the Crown. [These ideas] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional.”

Benjamin Franklin, the most elderly delegate to the Constitutional Convention, warned us of the collectivist left and its raft of “entitlements.” After living many years in Europe and witnessing redistribution programs first-hand, he had plenty to say about the evils of those systems into which we now have been led. To a friend he wrote, “I have long been of your opinion, that your legal provision for the poor [in England] is a very great evil, operating as it does to the encouragement of idleness.”

Entitlements are the problem. Retaining government mandates and entitlements by RyanCare sustains this unconstitutional system and is why the Republican ACHA is a “step in the wrong direction.” Our politically correct society is churning out young people who have been given subsidized education, food, housing, health care, and even subsidized incarceration. Entitlements incentivize poor choices while punishing responsible choices. RyanCare continues this sad legacy.


What’s the Problem, Republicans? 0 (0)

What’s the Problem, Republicans?- “Turn it around. Repeal ObamaCare now…”

by Bill Lockwood

According to The Washington Post, Republicans have voted a total of 54 times to repeal, revoke, or tweak the ObamaCare (Affordable Care Act) law during President Obama’s tenure in office. Voters continually heard the whining from Republicans that they, at first, did not have enough votes to repeal it completely. Then we gave them both houses of Congress. Whimpering from Republicans took on a new form: “President Obama will just veto our bills.” Now Republicans have both houses of Congress as well as the Oval Office. But, according to multiple media reports, a plan by Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) will simply “repair” it. This is deception.

According to Ken Cuccinelli, the president of Senate Conservatives Action, the plan written by the House includes advanceable, refundable tax credits to buy insurance—a costly new entitlement. More empowering of the IRS to write checks to people who pay no taxes is not what the Trump Revolution is about!

Ryan’s plan also includes retaining portions of ObamaCare, including Medicaid expansion. Growth of government. Senator Majority leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), another leading Neo-Con, is poised to accuse the opposition to RyanCare of “blocking repeal”, when in point of fact they are betraying the American Voter.

This reminds me of what President Reagan used to lament: government programs are the nearest thing to eternal life found on this planet. Especially is this the case when Republicans have not the backbone, will, fortitude, or desire to roll back government expansion that citizens might enjoy God-given liberty.

Former Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), who now heads the Heritage Foundation, says it just right: “We must and we can repeal ObamaCare now… They should send that same bill to President Trump right now.” I suggest that conservatives take the position of the much criticized Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). She said, “Let’s pass it [ObamaCare] to find out what’s in it.” Turn it around. REPEAL ObamaCare now—then we will worry about what are the effects and what to do about them tomorrow.

Democrats complain that up to 18 million insured will lose their coverage. This argument illustrates that the Democrats are always playing fast-pitch hardball and the Republicans are playing slow-pitch softball. What did Obama “care” that millions would lose their current coverage; pay higher premiums; pay huge deductibles; have inferior plans; be forced to purchase coverages that they did not need; be forced into poorer care?

Costs of coverage under ObamaCare in Arizona have sky-rocketed over 100%. In Oklahoma it is the same as well as numerous other states. Jonathan Gruber, the chief architect of ObamaCare, admitted that they had to LIE to the American people in order to get it passed, which Obama was nimble enough with a compliant media to do. Democrats knew full-well that all of this turmoil would ensue after cramming through mandated medicine. They were simply elated to push us into a more socialized state.

If Republicans cannot get as excited to return to a more limited government by negating the most unpopular expansion of government since the time of FDR—Repeal ObamaCare Now—they will ensure that Donald Trump will be a one-term president.