Tag Archives: Obamacare

Jesse Lee Peterson: KAMALA HARRIS IS NO ROSA PARKS 0 (0)

Jesse Lee Peterson blasts socialist candidate pushing Americans to back of the bus

by Jesse Lee Peterson

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was touted as the winner of the second Democratic debate, in part, because she went after Joe Biden accusing him of opposing bussing to integrate public schools and of coddling segregationists. Biden said Harris misrepresented his record.

Biden has been criticized by some for recent comments he made about his ability to get along with Democratic Sens. James O. Eastland of Mississippi and Herman Talmadge of Georgia, both known segregationists. Biden later spoke at Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow PUSH Coalition in Chicago and defended his record on civil-rights, mostly by talking up former president Barack Obama. He cited that the Obama Department of Justice investigated discrimination by police in places like Ferguson, Missouri.

The Obama-Biden record on civil-rights is awful! For eight years, Joe Biden was part of the most anti-white, anti-police administration in U.S. history. Obama-Biden intentionally divided this country along racial lines with false claims of “racism” and “police brutality” in order to keep blacks on the Democratic plantation. They undermined trust in the judicial system. They politicized and tied the hands of law enforcement while allowing dangerous street thugs to attack cops with impunity.

Kamala Harris played the race card and scored political points. Harris’s campaign reportedly raised $2 million in the 24 hours after the debate. But like Obama and Biden, Harris is a far-left Democrat who promotes racial division and class warfare.

Harris was born in Oakland, California in 1964 to a Jamaican father and Indian mother. Her parents divorced when she was seven and Harris’ mother moved with the children to Montreal, Québec, Canada, where Harris remained until she finished high school. Like Obama, Kamala has no connection to black America’s struggle for civil rights. Just because Harris was bussed to a white school in Berkeley for the sake of integration, it doesn’t make her the modern-day Rosa Parks or a Freedom Rider! Harris is playing the race card to get black votes.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, Harris’s first major political role was an appointment by her powerful then-boyfriend and Democratic speaker of the California State Assembly, Willie Brown (three decades her senior) to a cushy California medical board that paid $70,000 per year! Today, she’s married a successful Jewish attorney.

Kamala Harris will say anything to get votes. A recent example of Harris’s pandering is her support for the legalization of marijuana, which she opposed as California’s attorney general. When questioned about her flip-flop, Harris cited her Jamaican heritage: “Half my family is from Jamaica, are you kidding me?” She said she supports legalization because smoking pot “gives a lot of people joy, and we need more joy.”

Her father, Donald Harris, took issue with his daughter’s use of the drug stereotype as she runs for president.

“My dear departed grandmothers, as well as my deceased parents, must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics,” he said in a statement to Jamaica Global.

Harris’s father has also reportedly written about their family ancestry and said that one of his grandmothers was related to a plantation and slave owner while the other had unknown ancestry.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

Kamala Harris and Democrats are more committed to taking care of illegals than they are Americans. They are not campaigning to appeal to all of America; instead, they’re trying to pander to illegal aliens, radical LGBT groups and the pro-abortion crowd.

Democrats want to give illegals everything, but they refuse to help American citizens. They promised healthcare for all (including illegal aliens) without offering a way to pay for it. When asked if they’re going to do anything to close the southern border, not a single person raised their hand; but they want to add another 30 million illegals to rely on the government. There are Americans who can’t afford to pay for healthcare as a result of Obamacare. We need to look out for the American people first!

Democrat California lawmakers are working on a proposal to let young illegal immigrants enroll in the state’s Medicaid program (Medi-Cal). Eligible people up to the age of 26 would be covered, regardless of their immigration status. The plan could cost the state as much as $98 million per year! New York State passed a bill that allows illegal aliens to get driver’s licenses. Democrats want to give illegals the right to vote, and issuing licenses is one way to do it.

Kamala Harris is for socialism. She wants free college for all, including illegal aliens! Harris wants to raise taxes on the middle class. She is staunchly pro-abortion. She is anti-Second Amendment and supported a bill ending cash bail for criminals.

Kamala Harris and the Democrats don’t care about black people. Blacks have fared much better under President Trump than any other president in recent history. Democrats haven’t done anything to help improve the inner cities – they’ve made things worse. If Kamala Harris and Democrats have their way, they will bankrupt the country with handouts to illegals and push blacks to the back of the bus.

WND: https://www.wnd.com/2019/06/kamala-harris-is-no-rosa-parks/

Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s Biography

Bill Lockwood: An Exciting Time to be a Commie Again 0 (0)

by Bill Lockwood

Communists and socialists rally under ‘Trump Resistance’, write Joshua Delk and Paul Kengor of The American Spectator. “it’s an exciting time to be a commie again.” They are speaking of claimed recent surges in the Communist Party USA and the Democratic Socialists of America since the election of Donald Trump. However, it is more than that. Our entire cultural landscape is buzzing with socialism as activists attach themselves to one leftie organization then another. Many of these come together in what is known as #The Resistance Movement. But, as Julienne Davis of Fox News observed last year, these Marxist-style organizations are not “battling the establishment.” They are the Establishment.

The Establishment today includes,

Academia. The entire education industry, unconstitutionally wrested from local and state controls by the federal managers, is completely laced with social justice, environmental justice, evolutionism, earth justice, women’s rights (aka abortion), Islamism, and every other propaganda piece that the left may conceive. At the University level open Marxist professors poison the minds of the students.

Entertainment. Few and far between are conservative actors and actresses. Awards programs have featured anti-Trump diatribes dressed up as comedy. Movies and television regularly include liberal indoctrination themes as well as hate pieces against Christianity.

The Media. Main-stream media has become indistinguishable from the Democratic Party. News-casters grow openly vitriolic against conservative values, against the Republican Party, and especially against President Trump. Every tweet of his becomes the occasion for more harangues that remind the viewer more of a rabid dog than an even-handed commentator.

The Main-Stream-Media fosters communistic-style class warfare, dividing the nation along ethnic, religious, political, sexual and every other line imaginable. According to a recent article in The Guardian America’s “identity politics went from inclusion to exclusion.” Reviewing a book by Amy Chua the article states we are at an “unprecedented time” in America. “Political tribalism has reached a new peak” leaving the US “in a new perilous situation.”

The Churches. Especially shocking to many is the fact that many mainline denominations that self-identify as Christian have become megaphones for socialism and World Government under the auspices the United Nations. The website of the National Council of Churches (NCC)  includes preachments for ‘restorative justice’ and “end to death penalty”; public education for all, affordable and accessible health care; social security; “tax and budget policies that reduce disparities between the rich and poor” (read, redistribute wealth); “sustainable communities” (rationing of goods and services); “limits on the power of private interests”; “equitable global trade”; “nuclear disarmament”; “environmental justice among the world’s religions”; and more.

#The Resist Movement

Much of today’s socialism is coalescing behind what has become known as #the Resist Movement. But what is #The Resist Movement?

From their own website they claim roots back to the anti-Vietnam War protests of the 1960’s. Those who have followed that movement know its communistic-inspired taproot complete with paid agitators, even though the Resist website claims that it has always been a “grassroots” activism that “explodes” across the country. “Resist” is about changing the “unequal distribution of power and money.” That can only come, of course, by Big Government interference.

“Unequal distribution of power and money” has always been communism’s mantra. In other words, all of this socialistic hype about which we hear so much is nothing less than communism in America’s face.

Weekly Standard’s Chris Deaton pointed out that “the progressive grassroots organization Indivisible” “created to ‘resist the Trump Agenda.’” Once more, issues of importance to Indivisible include such liberal bullet points as abortion “rights,” ObamaCare—socialized medicine, LGBTQ rights, and “our democratic institutions”—whatever that may mean. This is a communist-inspired laundry list for re-casting America.

Truthout.org glorifies the Resist Movement showing its alliance with socialistic/communistic organizations such as Earthjustice and MoveOn Civic Action as well as alignment with socialist Bernie Sanders. Earthjustice president Trip Van Noppen, for example, interviewed by truthout.org, warned that upon the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court Americans could “jeopardize” the “ability to rely on the courts to protect their health, safety, and the environment.”

Translated from socialistic lingo, that means the liberals wish the Supreme Court to act as an oligarchy to force working Americans to pay for the health care of others while also submitting to a world governing force that restricts the way we do business so that the “environment” may be protected.

Democratic Socialists of America

That the Resist Movement is a communistic strategy to create chaos in the streets can be seen by listening to the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which itself is a communistic organization. Not only claiming a surge in membership in the wake of Donald Trump’s election (18% per David Duhalde, The American Spectator), the DSA has planted itself, alongside the Communist Party, USA, (CPUSA) in the middle of the Resist Movement.

John Bachtell of the CPUSA trumpets “we are not dropping Leninism or the ideas of Lenin.” That, of course means revolution as the goal and blood will be the result. Bachtell plainly warns
“Tens of thousands will die as a direct result of the cruel and ruthless Trump and the GOP congressional policies.”

Ben & Jerry’s

Now comes Ben & Jerry’s ice cream company to join the communistic revolt against America. “Pecan Resist” is their new “flavor” featuring a label sporting a black woman holding a “Resist” sign. “Together we can build a more just and equitable tomorrow. We can peacefully resist the Trump administrations’ regressive and discriminatory policies and build a future that values inclusivity, equality, and justice for people of color, women, the LGBTQ community, refugees, and immigrants. Pecan Resist supports four organizations that are working on the front lines of the peaceful resistance, building a world that supports our values.”

It is plain that the America as we now know it or have known it to be is not what is intended. From top to bottom communism plans to change society. It is also clear from these lefties that the direction of America under former President Obama was considered to be socialism.

The four organizations that Ben & Jerry’s plans to fund are: the black activist group Color of Change; the “nativist/environmental activist effort called Honor the Earth”; the radical feminist Women’s March; and Neta, described as “an independent media platform” led by “people of color along the Texas-Mexico border” (Dave Bohon, The New American, 11-7-18).

Color of Change was co-founded by James Rucker and his self-described communist partner Van Jones. Rucker also serves on the communist-leaning Southern Poverty Law Center. Before that Rucker was a grassroots organizing director at the Soros-funded group MoveOn. Color of Change claims as “partner and ally” Islamist Keith Ellison. Enough said.

Honor the Earth is an “indigenous people” movement connected to environmental legislation. Their website not only glorifies the United Nations, which promotes World Government, but blatantly preaches the complete erasure of property rights. “Rather than treating nature as property under the law, the time has come to recognize that nature and all our natural communities have the right to exist…the eco-system itself can be named as a rights-bearing subject with standing in a court of law.”

All of these rights were “codified”, it is claimed, in the Ecuadorian constitution in 2008. “Soon after, in Bolivia, the World’s People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth drafted the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth.”

“Rights of nature is the recognition and honoring that natural ecosystems including trees, oceans, animals, mountains have rights just as human beings have rights.” So, there you have it. Boldly repudiating the biblical concept of man created in God’s image while asserting in pagan fashion that non-animate objects are equal in value as man, Honor the Earth appeals to a World Government to cancel American values.

Support from Ben & Jerry’s for the radical Women’s March is followed by financial contributions to Neta. What is Neta? This organization claims to be “one of the fastest-growing Latinx-run progressive media platforms in Texas and the U.S” based in the Rio Grande Valley along the US/Mexico border. It is intent on “engaging young people of color on important social issues and politics.” Neta launched on January 19, 2017, the day before Donald Trump’s Presidential inauguration.

And which “social issues” are there about which Neta is concerned? Claiming that the “border of the U.S and Mexico” is a “talking point”, Neta is interested in immigration, health care, reproductive justice, LGBTQ, and education.”

Same song; this time the Neta stanza. ‘Immigration’ means simply open borders; “reproductive justice” means socialism in the sense that taxpayers foot the bill for their abortions; LGBTQ and education is another way of saying they plan to indoctrinate all children in government schools along homosexual and queer lines.

So, the Resist Movement is nothing less than old-fashioned communism–now dressed up in ice cream packages, activist organizations for young people, earth-worshipping man-degrading concepts of the American Indian religions—all with one goal in mind. Destroying the America we know. An exciting time to be a communist, indeed.

Soros-Funded “Beto” O’Rourke Wrong for Texas; Wrong for America 0 (0)

Soros-Funded “Beto” O’Rourke Wrong for Texas; Wrong for America“Beto O’Rourke’s cumulative score on the “Freedom Index” of The New American is a pitiful 27%.

by Bill Lockwood

It ought to be a fair warning to Texans that Robert “Beto” O’Rourke is heavily financed by communist agitator George Soros. But a glance at his ultra-liberal voting record while serving in the U.S. House of Representatives from El Paso seals the deal against him with those who have any respect left for what remains of the United States Constitution, and who value freedom from a Leviathan-Government.

Beto O’Rourke’s cumulative score on the “Freedom Index” of The New American is a pitiful 27%. There is not a big government program that O’Rourke does not like, nor a diminishing of liberty for citizens that he does not favor.

Health Care

He voted against the bill (December, 2017) known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that would cut corporate income tax rates from 35 percent to 21 percent, cut individual tax-rates through 2025, and eliminate the tax penalty on Americans who do not purchase health insurance. This last was the cornerstone of the ObamaCare 2010 legislation.

On his website O’Rourke stumps for socialized medicine, using all the left’s fabricated lies to push voters in that direction. “It means,” says Beto, “that every one of us is able to get healthy and stay healthy. It means we have access to the providers, medications and help that keep us on our feet and moving forward.” This is achieved perhaps “through a single payer system, a dual system, or otherwise…”

As Beto knows, the issue has never been about “access to providers” of healthcare coverage—even though this was the patented lie of Obama. The trouble is not access but who is paying for it?  Our Emergency Rooms have been filled for over 30 years will illegals and others who have been funded by the taxpayers. Again, access is not the issue. What is at stake is a federal government program that robs one sector of society (the producers) to pay for others (the takers).

“Healthcare is a basic human right, not a privilege,” says his website. Wrong. Healthcare is a service provided by those who have invested much personal time and money into their profession. O’Rourke thinks that by calling it his “right” that these professionals serve him he has created the “right” that that somehow mandates that I must pay for his services. No wonder Soros loves him. Liberals always miss the basic issue as to what a “right” is.


Politifact says that it is “mostly true” that Beto O’Rourke wishes to disband ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) as accused by Ted Cruz. According to a Texas Tribune news story (July 2, 2018), at a town hall in San Antonio, O’Rourke was asked about “abolishing ICE.” Politifact writes,

O’Rourke discussed the need to eliminate fear in immigrant communities under Trump and to find a better way to enforce immigration laws. ‘And if that involves doing away with this agency, giving that responsibility to somebody else, changing how this agency performs, I’m open to doing that,’ O’Rourke said.

Yet he went on to flatly answer no when directly asked if he would abolish ICE, explaining that he does not currently know enough about how immigration law would be enforced without the agency.

‘I understand the urgency of this,’ O’Rourke said in conclusion. ‘I just want to make sure that we’re constructive in how we talk about meeting this challenge and that I understand what abolishing ICE would mean in terms of enforcing our laws going forward.’

Stop here a moment. Universal health care in Texas—socialized medicine paid for by taxpayers. No border enforcement, which means open borders. That is a simple recipe to say good-bye to the Lone Star State. Let’s just turn it over to Mexico, as is already being called for by some liberal groups. Perhaps Robert needs to be nicknamed “Reconquista” O’Rourke.

Other Issues

On Abortion, O’Rourke has proved consistent—consistently immoral. He has voted to fund the murder of the unborn with federal taxpayer-supplied funds; when a bill came before him to deny federal subsidies in ObamaCare from funding abortion, he voted NO; when the issue was to limit abortions, he was against that limitation; he refused to defund Planned Parenthood even for one year unless Congress could certify that that “healthcare provider” did not perform abortions. His website claims he wants a “chance for everyone to succeed”—unless, of course, you are a person awaiting birth from inside your mother’s womb.

Beto voted for raising the spending cap during Obama’s presidency; he is pro Common Core; and voted against the Death Tax Repeal which would have put to rest an ungodly law Robin Hood-style system of robbery. He is weak on the 2d Amendment as he promises to “close the gun show loophole.”

Another issue of keen interest to liberty-minded Texans is Beto’s support of the EPA’s “Waters of the United States” rule. As described by one writer, this bill (H.R. 2, May, 2018) was the “poster child of government overreach during the Obama administration” as it gives “unelected bureaucrats at the EPA the power to broadly interpret what is a navigable waterway” under the Clean Water Act. The practice of the EPA was to interpret the rule “so broadly” that “even a puddle in a farm’s drainage ditch could be subjected to Federal regulation.”

This is exactly the kind of kingship government that Beto prefers—an unconstitutional socialistic-style system that lawlessly regulates each patch of dirt in the great state of Texas. Beto is wrong for Texas; he is wrong for America.

Bill Lockwood: Socialists Are Really Digressives, Not Progressives 0 (0)

Socialists Are Really Digressives, Not Progressives “God’s system is not only productive, but is moral and right.”

by Bill Lockwood

Leftist miseducation during the past century has mislabeled “socialism” as “progressivism” to make it more palatable to consumers. In point of fact the Socialist Progressive Movement in American history, which textbooks date from about 1890 to 1920, radically expanded the size of government. This, we are told, that it might become “more efficient” in caring for the lives of citizens. This set our nation on a course toward totalitarianism in which some candidates for political office are even toying with limiting the size of families by government fiat. Ironically, socialism, which is the rage today in the Democrat Party, has dropped the “progressive” label. But it was never progressive at all–but a digression to the failed experiments of the past.

William Bradford was the first governor of the Plymouth Bay Colony, taking office in the beleaguered outpost in April, 1621. He had been a signatory of the Mayflower Compact a month before the Pilgrims landed in December, 1620.

Part of the text of that Compact reads,

Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and the Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honor of King and Country, a voyage to plant the first Colony in the northern parts of Virginia…solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a Civil Body Politic, for our better ordering and preservation …

Though honoring God in their declaration, neither Bradford nor the rest of the Pilgrims came to a full realization of the ungodliness of a socialistic system until they tried it to a miserable failure.

As first set up, the Colony set up a system of rationing from a common storehouse to which they labored to contribute their produce from the field. But, as Henry Hazlitt describes it, “a vicious circle seemed to set in. The people complained that they were too weak from a want of food to tend the crops as they should.” After that, though deeply religious, “they took to stealing from one another.” Bradford observed that the general famine that resulted would necessarily continue under those conditions.

Captain John Smith had a similar experience in the Jamestown Colony of Virginia. After the socialistic system was in place, he observed, “When our people were fed out of the common store, and labored jointly together, glad was he that could slip from his labor, or slumber over his task, he cared not how.” Even the most “honest among them” cared little for the increase, “presuming that howsoever the harvest prospered, the general store must maintain them, …”

Complaints Harvested from Socialism

It was not long before the complaints began mounting in Plymouth. Bradford says in his Journal Of Plymouth Plantation,

For the young men that were most able and fit for labor and service did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense. The strong, or man of parts, had no more in division of victuals and clothes, than he that was weak and not able to do a quarter the other could; this was thought injustice.

Injustice it was! And a failure as well. The problem was seeking to circumvent what God had ordered for the welfare of mankind: “If a man does not work, neither let him eat.” They further expressed their dissatisfaction: “And for men’s wives to be commanded to do service for other men, as dressing their meat, washing their clothes, etc. they deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could many husbands well brook it.”

Unjust. Slavery. Failure. Pretty well sums up our own complaints from the middle class who are now forcibly enrolled in America to serve the poor.

The Remedy

Bradford tells us how the Pilgrims lighted on the remedy. The colonists,

Began to think how they might raise as much corn as they could and obtain a better crop than they had done, that they might not still thus languish in misery. At length [in 1623], after much debate of things, the Governor (with the advice of the chiefest among them) gave way that they should set corn every man for his own particular [for himself and his family], and in that regard trust to themselves … And so assigned to every family a parcel of land …

The result of allowing God’s order of things to preside was remarkable.

This had very good success; for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more corn was planted than otherwise would have been by any means the governor or any other could use, and saved him a great deal of trouble, and gave far better content. The women now went willingly into the field, and took their little ones with them to set corn, which before alleged weakness and inability; whom to have compelled would have been thought great tyranny and oppression.

God’s system is not only productive, but is moral and right. To the extent that America has become a socialist nation of redistribution is the extent of our trouble and misery.

More to the point, however, is the fact that the Democrats do not represent progress by championing the Karl Marx philosophies of confiscation and redistribution—they represent digression. Whether by means of ObamaCare; Section 8 housing, food stamps, disability payments and a host of other handout programs–all of them are doomed not only to failure—but to make America miserable again. Real PROGRESS is moving ahead to freedom and unshackling the machinery of government regulation from the producers in our great nation.

Collectivism, Individualism & Freedom 0 (0)

Collectivism, Individualism & Freedom “…persons are considered to be only cogs in a collectivist wheel.

by Bill Lockwood

ObamaCare specifically, but collectivist socialism generally, is not only unconstitutional in America, but immoral. This does not mean that we have not or do not practice socialism via the redistribution of wealth. America has become a leading fascist or socialist nation. The Affordable Care Act is a perfect illustration. But it is at root level, immoral, and goes a long way in explaining why our streets are exploding with violence.

Think about a few concepts, then an illustration.

Consider first, individualism. As a political philosophy, America is to be a nation in which individuals, not the collective, is emphasized. Translated, this means that it is “individual freedom” which is stressed in our Constitution and other founding documents. As a concept it is rooted squarely in biblical teaching whereby “individuals” are held accountable before God—not families or societies.

For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God, for it is written, ‘As I live, says the Lord, to me, every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess to God. So then each one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Rom. 14:11,12).

Connected with this is the worth of each individual. We are crafted by God “in his image” (Gen. 1:27). “I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).

The biblical doctrine of individualism is the dominant feature of western civilization precisely because our society is founded upon God-given rights, per the Declaration of Independence. This means that the interests of individuals and the rights of persons are held paramount. This is where morality lies.

Turn attention to its opposite: collectivism.

Collectivism is any species of political and economic system in which the government, or people, as a group, own land, factories, and other means of production. It flows from philosophy where de-emphasis is upon individuals and “classes” or “groups” of society are dominant. Various species of this include socialism, communism, and fascism.

The key element here, however, is that the moral worth of the individual is counted as very little and persons are considered to be only cogs in a collectivist wheel. The “greater good” of society rules. In practice this means that whatever group or powerful politician needs to sustain his office-holding is favored. Collectivism or statism is a moral stance that removes worth of the individual. This is how America has become not only immoral but that immorality is actually encoded into our system.

I illustrate it with the story of one of my friends, named Carl.

The Story of Carl

Carl is a great Christian friend. He is self-employed as a housing contractor, builder, welder, and pretty much a doer-of-everything kind of guy. Hard working by nature, his integrity is outstanding, laboring many over-hours to accomplish his tasks.

Carl comes from the old-time school, as thousands of other Texans, where one’s word is your bond. If he tells you he will do a certain project; it will be done—under budget. It is not that Carl is slower than corporate executives that he has a blue-collar job, but because he loves to work with his hands in the great outdoors. He needs no overseer because he is conscientious about his work.

Frugal by nature, my friend saves his money. When traveling, for example, he sleeps on the side of the road in a tent to avoid paying hotel costs. A self-made man that could survive if lost on the prairie. When his truck breaks down, he fixes it; when his roof needs replacing, he does the work; when the fields need mowing, he does them.

He now has a wife and daughter. Providing for his family in a God-ordered manner is his joy. Part of this provision involves health insurance—which cost him—prior to the arrival of Barack Obama on the scene, about $300 per month. This included the entire family. Enter ObamaCare. Carl’s insurance premiums sky-rocketed to over $1000 per month.

We must take from” the workers, said Obama, and distribute to those who are not as “fortunate” as Carl. Carl was forced to drop his own insurance in order to purchase it for his wife and child. So now, he himself is without.

He continues to work just as hard as ever, laboring as a private contractor for different people. But no health insurance for himself—it is too expensive. Where is Carl’s money going?

One can witness it in a thousand neighborhoods. Free health care clinics; what used to be called Section 8 housing; free education to many children who could not care less if they were there; free medical care including costs of having children for unwed mothers; babysitting, and medical care for the children. Then, to sweeten the pot, there is the Earned Income Credit for teenagers and others who bounce around through society on a continual marijuana high and who wait for that big EIC check at the first of the year so they might purchase another car, or spend it at the Casino.

The real workers of America, such as Carl, are not the Forgotten Men of America, they are The Exploited Men. This system cannot continue; nor should it.

Reaching Across the Aisle? Arizona Senators Illustrate How Republicans are Failing America 0 (0)

Reaching Across the Aisle? Arizona Senators Illustrate How Republicans are Failing America- “Paul Ryan couldn’t persuade him. Neither could Mike Pence. And in the end, President Donald Trump couldn’t reel in John McCain either.”

by Bill Lockwood

First it was John McCain’s last-minute betrayal on ObamaCare. Now it is Jeff Flake’s unwillingness to invoke the so-called “nuclear option” to remove the same socialistic monstrosity that will bring America into the totalitarian pit. For Flake’s betrayal of conservative values GOPUSA website labels him “flakier” than McCain. Both Arizona Senators epitomize what is wrong with the Republican Party.

Republicans have campaigned on repealing ObamaCare ever since the statist measure became law. John McCain and the Republicans voted for its repeal on a number of occasions. As all GOP legislators have done, they wrung their hands over it, bemoaning the fact that without a Republican president conservatives never will have a chance. That was a safe methodology. Their “repeal bills” never had a chance of passing the president’s desk as long as Marxist Obama sat in the Oval Office. Finally, Americans have what they “thought” they wished for—a Republican in the presidency encouraging the Senate to finish off Big Government in the Health Care Industry.

It was last week’s “skinny repeal” bill than even ObamaCare opponent Rand Paul supported. As Kelly Walsh writes, “The plan looked like it was going to pass until Arizona Senator John McCain dramatically provided the third and final GOP ‘no’ vote to kill the Republicans seven-year quest to repeal Obamacare.”

Politico explained: “Paul Ryan couldn’t persuade him. Neither could Mike Pence. And in the end, President Donald Trump couldn’t reel in John McCain either. The President made a last-ditch effort, calling the Arizona Senator and key holdout on the GOP’s repeal measure, as the bill’s fate hung in the balance.” All to naught.

McCain strode into the Senate after lunch and gave a dramatic “No” vote as stunned gasps echoed through the chamber. Constitution be hanged.

Now the second senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake, in an interview on “Face the Nation,” where he talked about his new book “Conscience of a Conservative,” criticizes the direction of the Republican Party saying it has “lost its way.” “We’ve given in to nativism and protectionism” he explained in a veiled attack on Trump’s “America First” agenda.

Particularly responding to President Trump’s encouragement to use the “nuclear option” which requires only a 51 vote majority instead of the traditional 60, Flake said that changing the rules to invoke the nuclear option would be a “mistake.” “We are at our best in the Senate when we work across the aisle,” he told CBS news.

What of These Things?

Americans are sick of weak-spined, if not treasonous, Republican Senators and Congressmen who continue to pretend that our nation is simply in the midst of a gentlemanly disagreement about the best policies, as if the differences between the left and right are similar to the distinctions between Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton. These softie Republicans refuse to acknowledge that we have been practically ruined by the ungodly, unconstitutional intrusion of Marxist-style street-thuggery tactics in the halls of government for almost a century and our great nation is fast being re-shaped into a totalitarian nightmare.

These are desperate times in which communist infiltration has been so thorough at all levels of American culture that radicals have almost completely destroyed the Founders’ concept of limited government. America will not be saved from the throes of socialism by the Flake’s and McCain’s who wish to “reach across the aisle.”

Why reach “across the aisle” Jeff Flake? Who can forget the pictures of “closed doors” as Obama’s Democratic Congress secretly met without one single Republican in order to push us into socialized medicine? ObamaCare passed with a 60 vote margin. Not only was this accomplished solely by Democrats—not one single Republican voting in favor of it—but Obama’s Congress later invoked the “nuclear option” in order to cram through more of its lawless agenda. All of this in spite of the fact that polls in the USA consistently showed Americans, by a large measure, disfavored the Obama agenda.

However, there is no need to reach back into even recent history. Witness the manner in which the Democrat base continues to viciously attack our President, even to the point of threatening murder and violence. Congressional Democrats, if not feeding the mindless media frenzy about Russian influence in America, have continued to threaten with nonsensical measures as impeachment. This is a nation out of control, in large part because of liberals who have never learned to put a governor on their own tongues or actions.

The Democrats demonstrated that they intend to be lewd and lawless, from the Fast & Furious controversy to the shutting down parts of the oil industry to robbing American workers to pay for socialized medicine to intruding into every neighborhood to revamp it under the HUD program called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). Yet, when Republicans are placed in positions in which they can stop this descent into political Sodom and restore sanity for the American citizen Jeff Flake wants to “reach across the aisle.” Unbelievable.

Flake and McCain may be in lock-step with the international agenda (aka, World Government) in which the U.S. Congress is merely a figurehead beneath the control of the United Nations, but to those who cherish American constitutional values and individual liberty their endorsement of and/or allowance of ObamaCare to continue to ruin the lives of hard-working Americans should be their last legislative step.

Republicans are the Problem 0 (0)

Republicans are the Problem- “They are on the brink of allowing Obama to Trump them all. ”

by Bill Lockwood

As I have stated for a long time, it is not the socialist-Marxists of the Democratic Party who are problematic for Americans—it is the Republicans. The Democrats, with only a two-year window during Obama’s first term, quickly turned one-fifth of our economy on the road to socialized medicine. No fuss among them; no wrangling; no hesitation. We know where they stand. What Americans need is principled opposition to this onslaught. Now that the Republicans have control of not only the Congress but the White House, we are learning they are not the standard-bearers of these constitutional principles. They are on the brink of allowing Obama to Trump them all.

Since the Affordable Health Care Act passed in 2010 government mandates, gigantic premium hikes and loss of quality health care has become the norm. This was not a failure—it was the design. Throw Americans onto government-run socialized medicine, which Obama previously had announced was the entire goal.

Republicans whined, wrung their hands, and postured continually at home and in Washington, D.C. that “there was nothing we can do about it” as long as Democrats controlled both Congress and the White House.

Voters responded by giving the House of Representatives to the Republicans in 2011. Republican Representatives, however, complained to voters that that was not enough. The electorate responded in 2015 by turning over both houses of Congress, the Senate and the House, to the GOP. A huge defeat for the Obama machine.

But what occurred? With budget reins in hand, including the ability to defund each of Obama’s statist unconstitutional programs, Republican majorities in Congress continued to fund ObamaCare.

Rank and file Americans at the grassroots were suspicious—and rightly so. They suspected that the stock answer quipped by Republican lawmakers—“we have sent repeal bills to the White House; but until we have a Republican there to sign the bill, we have no hope”—was a ploy. Their suspicions are today turning into reality.

Secretly, many of the GOP evidently hoped they would never get the White House. Not because they do not know how to govern, but because too many of them fundamentally agree with government-run entitlement programs and Americans would call their bluff.

Republicans know how to govern. What they do not know how to do is govern from a soft-socialist position, which is where their hearts lie, while maintaining a conservative face for their constituents. It is easier to satisfy angry voters by chirping that they have tried to stall our slide into statism than actually to stop unconstitutional programs with which they fundamentally agree—ObamaCare being the case in point.

This is the only evident reason that many GOP lawmakers, including the John McCain’s and Paul Ryan’s, were reticent to support President Trump. They knew that Trump would call their bluff. This is where we are now. At least there was no deceit with the Democrats’ position on Health Care. They openly campaign for a single-payer socialized system. Republicans are mired in subterfuge. Vaunting love for a limited constitutional system, too many of them are on the socialist bandwagon.

United Nations Healthcare v. The Bible 0 (0)

United Nations Healthcare v. The Bible- “The only Constitutional and biblical solution to America’s health-care problem, therefore, is to repeal ObamaCare.”

by Bill Lockwood

As the Health Care debate wages in Congress and across America, the United Nations, fulfilling its world “governance” destiny, is seeking to influence our laws. Dainius Puras, the UN “Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health”, warned the Trump Administration in February that “repealing ObamaCare” would violate “international law.” The United States, in going back to a more constitutional government, would become a “human rights violator.”

This is more than merely meddlesome political pressure for Puras declares that it is the duty of the UN to manage America. “It is my responsibility, under the mandates provided me by the Human Rights Council, to seek to clarify all cases brought to my attention.” Puras demanded not only more information from the Trump Administration, but asserted the UN’s supposed responsibility to “prevent” violations by the United States. The Republicans would be committing illegal actions by International Law if ObamaCare is repealed because, according to the UN, healthcare is a “right” for all citizens to enjoy.

Back to Basics

Seeing the mass confusion on this issue led by the socialists of the world at the UN, let’s go back to pick up basic concepts.

First, if there is no God, there are no so-called “rights.” A “right” as normally defined refers to a moral or legal entitlement to something or to a certain behavior. But an “entitlement” by definition means “to give a right” or to “bestow a privilege.” The atheistic UN has no ground upon which to argue that any nation “ought” to do this or “ought not” to do that. Omitting God as the UN has done removes the basis from which to argue that anything should be “given” to some by others. Things just are. “Human rights” are just the personal tastes of those who populate the World Dictator’s Club known as the United Nations.

Second, the inalienable “rights” of mankind, as set forth in our Declaration of Independence, are posited on the ground that they are gifts of God. Important it is for Bible students to recognize that nowhere does God actually speak of “man’s rights” in the sense of “entitlements.” One might argue that rights to life, liberty and property are implied due to the fact that murder and theft are forbidden (Exo. 20:15; Dt. 5:21) and the ability to own private property is assumed. So also is my ability to earn a living wage (1 Cor. 9:9-11).

But it is just as important to recognize the fact that these privileges are actually blessings from God and not entitlements that are owed to me by my Maker.

Third, good health is actually itself not a “right” but a blessing from God. Not every person in the world is born with good health. Many have defects and diseases due to the sin-cursed earth upon which we live. Resentment can easily be created in persons who have disabilities if they assume the notion that they are “entitled” to good health by God. If we consider good health in life a “blessing” from God we are much closer to a biblical frame of mind.

Fourth, maintaining my health is a personal responsibility which I have, not a “right” to which I am entitled. My body actually belongs to God and is considered a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:9-11). My physical body is a “gift” from God which prevents me from abusing it or destroying it with health-altering drugs or lifestyles. How many myriads of people deliberately abuse their bodies into poor health? Whose is responsible for addictive behaviors or poor choices that people make pertaining to their bodies?

Fifth, health care is a service provided by some people on the behalf of others. Becoming a doctor or nurse is no different than becoming a carpenter, plumber, or even an attorney—except for the amount of training that is necessary. These are all occupations by which people serve others for profit. Health care therefore is the means whereby I can fulfill my God-ordered responsibility to my body and to family members under my care. There is no difference in principle in my hiring a doctor to serve myself or my family than hiring a carpenter to build my house. Health care is not a right owed to me by others.

Government intrusion via ObamaCare and all socialized medicine schemes are actually forcing individuals who are in the professional business of providing health-care to serve some people for little or no compensation—or, for compensation provided by a taxpayer.

There is no difference between this and slavery. For government to overstep its God-ordered bounds of maintaining order to extract money from me in order to provide for others who may or may not have the means to care for themselves is a form of slavery, pure and simple. Government run Health-Care also enslaves health care providers by forcing them to provide for others at either their own expense, or others’ expense.

The only Constitutional and biblical solution to America’s health-care problem, therefore, is to repeal ObamaCare. This may make America, in the eyes of the UN, a “human rights violator,” but according to the world body, it prefers communist dictatorships to freedom.

As Jefferson famously observed, “…a wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.

RyanCare Does Not Eliminate Government Playing Doctor 0 (0)

RyanCare Does Not Eliminate Government Playing Doctor- …wearing the mantle of Franklin Roosevelt who helped turn America upside down and create a socialistic state…”

by Bill Lockwood

The proposed Republican version of ObamaCare, known as the American Health Care Act (ACHA), is just that– a lighter “version” of the Affordable Care Act—but certainly not a repeal as demanded by voters last fall. It is true that some of the provisions of the ACA, such as the individual mandate, have been cut. However, Republicans have retained their own set of Federal mandates. In the words of Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), “This is not the Obamacare repeal bill we’ve been waiting for. It is a missed opportunity and a step in the wrong direction.” Bottom line: the Republican version of Health Care, the ACHA, fails to recognize that, in the words of Ronald Reagan, “government is the problem.”

First is the AHCA regulation requiring insurers to accept all applicants and charge them the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions. This is known as “community rating.” According to Michael Tennant (The New American, 3-8-17) “community rating” is the cause of the death spiral that health insurance is now experiencing under the ACA. It encourages the sick to buy coverage immediately while the healthy are encouraged to forgo it until they need it. This is why Obama placed individual mandates in the ACA. But free markets are not created by federal pressure, either a Democrat or Republican-controlled Washington, D.C.

Second, RyanCare also prohibits caps on lifetime coverage. According to the government website hhs.gov the current law (ACA) prohibits health plans from putting annual or lifetime dollar limits on most benefits you receive. Previously, “many plans set a lifetime limit—a dollar limit on what they would spend for your covered benefits during the entire time you were enrolled in that plan” (latimes.com).  According to Fortune magazine, “Like Obamacare, ACHA also prohibits insurers from putting an annual or lifetime dollar limit on how much benefits a patient may receive.”

Let’s translate with illustration.

America is plagued with burgeoning health problems, in part caused by such practices as illegal drug use. Young and old alike are flooding into treatment centers because of one type of addiction or another. Many treatments are subsidized by the American taxpayer. This is an “entitlement” pure and simple. Again, no free market and no incentive for personal responsibility.

Third, RyanCare imposes its own mandate known as the “continuing coverage” mandate. Seth Chandler, writing in Forbes online (3-6-17) explains that section 133 of the AHCA requires insurers to charge purchasers a 30% “penalty” if they “obtain coverage in a given year without having had coverage the preceding year.” Individuals are “incentivized” to purchase health insurance “even in those years when they feel the premiums are high relative to their expected costs.”

In other words, the Republicans under Paul Ryan are keeping “mandates”–albeit in a more subtle fashion. “No one will be forced to do so—it won’t be a tax on doing nothing like the ACA imposed—but, if people know about the penalty, it might be fairly effective and feel somewhat less coercive.” It is government coercion just the same.

Fourth, then there is the “tax credit.” The GOP plan retains ObamaCare “tax credits” for the purchase of insurance. These “credits” may sound like tax “cuts,” but in truth they are not. The Cato Institute’s Michael Cannon noted, “To the extent that the bill’s modified tax credits are tax reduction … they are the functional equivalent of ObamaCare’s individual mandate.”

This is because the “tax credits” are available only to those who purchase health insurance. Those who do not purchase health insurance must pay more to the IRS than those who do. This is a mandate and another entitlement.

For all the trumpet-blasting by the Republicans as they convene to rid America of the socialistic morass in which the health care industry is now engulfed, they cannot bring themselves to return to a Constitutional concept of limited government where more personal responsibility is required of citizens. Instead, they are wearing the mantle of Franklin Roosevelt who helped turn America upside down and create a socialistic state wherein the workers of America continue to be robbed to pay for more entitlements.

Most importantly, federal government involvement in health care is unconstitutional. Though America is used to thinking of the Constitution in terms of what federal judges, including the Supreme Court, may say it means, those who crafted it were very clear. Samuel Adams, though not of the Constitutional Convention, was Governor of Massachusetts and a delegate to the Continental Congress. He noted,

The utopian schemes of leveling [income redistribution], and a community of goods [central ownership of property], are as visionary and impracticable as those which vest all property in the Crown. [These ideas] are arbitrary, despotic, and, in our government, unconstitutional.”

Benjamin Franklin, the most elderly delegate to the Constitutional Convention, warned us of the collectivist left and its raft of “entitlements.” After living many years in Europe and witnessing redistribution programs first-hand, he had plenty to say about the evils of those systems into which we now have been led. To a friend he wrote, “I have long been of your opinion, that your legal provision for the poor [in England] is a very great evil, operating as it does to the encouragement of idleness.”

Entitlements are the problem. Retaining government mandates and entitlements by RyanCare sustains this unconstitutional system and is why the Republican ACHA is a “step in the wrong direction.” Our politically correct society is churning out young people who have been given subsidized education, food, housing, health care, and even subsidized incarceration. Entitlements incentivize poor choices while punishing responsible choices. RyanCare continues this sad legacy.


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