Category Archives: Hypocrisy

Wayne Allyn Root: Hey NFL, Why Not Start Games with the Jewish National Anthem? 4 (1)

by Wayne Allyn Root

Did you hear the NFL is planning to play the “Black National Anthem” before each football game? This is the most bizarre, insulting, idiotic, ignorant, offensive and most importantly- RACIST- decision in the history of sports.

I was clearly wrong.

A national anthem for only one race of people sure sounds insulting, offensive and racist to me. I’m glad it’s not my race promoting such a divisive and intolerant idea.

But as long as the NFL is playing this insulting game…

Is the NFL creating a caste system? Is the NFL saying blacks are superior to Jews? More important than Jews? More important than any other race or culture?

I can’t be the only one feeling left out. Why isn’t the NFL playing a White National Anthem? Or Hispanic National Anthem? How about Christians, Muslims and Hindus? How about my friends who are Italian-American, Irish-American, Polish-American and Asian American? Don’t they all deserve recognition before NFL games?

A recent NFL TV ad campaign reported “The NFL is gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.” So, where are their national anthems before games?

Have I left anyone out?

Should we have NFL battles between the Polish-Americans and the Italian-Americans? The Jews vs the Christians?

Or here’s a guaranteed crowd pleaser- how about an NFL championship game between whites and blacks. I’m betting that would sell out in 15 minutes, with seats selling for a small fortune.

Personally, I’m hoping for the NFL championship game between the San Francisco Gays vs. the New York Transgenders. I can’t wait to see the cheerleaders!

Why not start games with 100 national anthems? Let’s just have a 3-hour pregame ceremony with flags and anthems for every group, race and sex in America. Like the opening ceremony of the Olympics before each NFL game.

And you thought Covid produced empty stadiums?

P.S. While you’re busy adding a Jewish National Anthem to every pregame show, it might be time for the NFL to address a burning “social justice” issue. Where are all the Jewish wide receivers? And Jewish running backs? And Jewish quarterbacks?

By the way, here’s another controversy the NFL just created. I’ll bet the NFL never thought of this one. How will black players feel when white fans who are angry, offended and insulted by this racist decision, respond to the “Black National Anthem” by KNEELING?

Now that should make pregames interesting.

Great job! The geniuses running the NFL just turned their games into angry, bitter, divided, emotional war zones.


Wayne Allyn Root is known as “the Conservative Warrior.” Wayne is the author of the new #1 national bestselling book, “TRUMP RULES”. Wayne is a CEO, entrepreneur and host of the nationally-syndicated “Wayne Allyn Root: Raw & Unfiltered” on USA Radio Network, daily from 6 PM to 9 PM EST and the “WAR RAW” podcast. Visit, or listen live at or “on demand” 24/7 at


Jesse Lee Peterson: Lyin’ Democrats use illegal immigration to destroy America 0 (0)

Lyin’ Democrats use illegal immigration to destroy America- Jesse Lee Peterson blasts leftists for callous disrespect for law, citizens

by Jesse Lee Peterson

Liberal Democrats are at war with President Donald Trump. They are preparing to sue the Trump administration over the president’s latest attempt to punish “sanctuary cities” that harbor illegal aliens.

Last month, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions warned that cities that do not assist federal immigration agents seeking to deport illegals would no longer receive funding.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra – along with other California city and county attorneys – is considering suing the Justice Department to stop the funds from being taken away from sanctuary cities and states. California was allocated nearly $18 million under a grant program in 2017.

Obama crony Rahm Emanuel also announced that Chicago is going to sue the Trump Justice Department over its new sanctuary city rules. Chicago has had more than 400 homicides this year and is on pace to surpass last year’s death toll. Yet, Emanuel is putting the Democratic Party and his selfish political aspirations over the safety of Chicago’s black residents. Shameful!

Democrats want America overrun by hordes of illegal aliens that don’t share our Christian values. They’re enticing them with handouts in exchange for their vote in the future. This is the same way they seduced black Americans. It’s all about power and votes for the Democratic Party.

This was evident on a recent forum I participated in at Politicon. I appeared on an immigration panel titled, “Mr. Trump, Tear Down This Wall.” Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif.; Hector Villagra, executive director of the ACLU of Southern California; Julissa Arce, CNBC and Huffington Post contributor; and Vann Newkirk, writer for the Atlantic, joined me on the panel. Former MSNBC host Krystal Ball was the moderator.

The panel was stacked with four highly educated and intellectual liberals. I was the lone conservative. Even the moderator was liberal and pro-illegal immigration. During our discussion, Hector Villagra of the ACLU and others made the bogus claim that there is a direct connection between the prison industry complex and law enforcement going after illegal aliens. I told the sly Villagra that the ACLU is un-American and all it does is lie!

I asked Villagra if he was troubled that law-abiding black Americans are being adversely affected by the influx of illegal aliens. He refused to answer. Moderator Krystal Ball allowed the liberal panelists to personally attack me, but when I defended myself, she repeatedly interrupted.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood

All the liberals on the panel said a border wall is “too expensive” and “ineffective.” I made the point that illegals are receiving more food stamps and handouts than ever before. Therefore, we should stop paying for illegals and put that money toward securing the border. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR, illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers $113 billion a year!

Julissa Arce and the moderator agreed with me that we need to know who is coming into the country, but Julissa said building a wall won’t keep us safe because people will still find ways to come in illegally.
Liberals claim a border wall won’t keep out criminal aliens, yet they have no problem putting up walls around their homes to secure their properties. So I asked Julissa and the rest of the panel whether they have walls around their homes. They refused to answer.

Krystal Ball said illegal immigration is good for America, including blacks. The elitism, dishonesty and callousness that these liberals showed for American citizens and the law are shocking. They intentionally blur the lines between legal and illegal immigration. I told them, unlike liberals, I don’t lie. And I made the point that we’re talking about illegal, not legal, immigration.

Democrat Ted Lieu and ACLU’s Hector Villagra said illegals commit fewer crimes than natural-born citizens. I called them out on their lies.

The Heritage Foundation reported that the Government Accountability Office released two shocking reports in 2005 on criminal aliens who are in prison for committing crimes in the U.S. and issued an updated report in 2011. The first report shows that non-citizens commit federal crimes at three times the rate of citizens. The second report was even more disturbing.

Rep. Lieu openly admitted that the goal of Democrats is to get new immigrants registered to vote. I told the audience the reason most immigrants end up voting Democrat is because the party seduces them with taxpayer-funded handouts and Obama phones!

Hector Villagra claimed Obama was the “deporter in chief.” Again, I told him he was wrong, wrong, wrong! And that he was a dishonest man. The Obama administration did not deport large numbers of illegals from the U.S. interior. It fudged the numbers by counting illegals turned away at or near the border by ICE as deportations – typical liberal deception.

Despite the Democrats’ lies, Trump’s leadership is making America great again. Republicans in Congress recently introduced bills that would put tens of billions of dollars toward completing a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Trump is making gang eradication a priority. He is urging Attorney General Jeff Sessions to get real tough with vicious illegal-alien criminal organizations like MS-13. Securing the border is a top priority for this president. Republicans must fight with him and follow through on their campaign promise to stop the illegal invasion.


Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s Biography



SELFISH BLACK WOMAN GOES STARK RAVING MAD – OVER TRUMP!-Jesse Lee Peterson spills wicked secret of rich liberal in $4.3 million homeby Jesse Lee Peterson

Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., the de facto leader of the #Resistance to President Trump in Congress, is vowing to take Dr. Ben Carson apart. Speaking at the Essence Festival – a gathering of black liberals – Waters said HUD Secretary Ben Carson “doesn’t care about people in public housing.” “He believes that if you are poor, it is your own fault,” the California Democrat added. Waters promised to “take his ass apart” when he testifies before the House Financial Services Committee.

Auntie Maxine” has been calling for the impeachment of President Trump. She hates the president and independent-thinking blacks like Ben Carson. Waters is angry at Carson over his recent remarks about the root cause of poverty in the U.S. In an interview, Carson said that a “certain mindset” contributes to people living in poverty, pointing to habits and a “state of mind” that children take from their parents at a young age.

I think poverty, to a large extent, is also a state of mind. You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee in a little while they’ll be right back up there,” he said during an interview on SiriusXM Radio. “And you take somebody with the wrong mindset, you can give them everything in the world, they’ll work their way right back down to the bottom,” Carson said.

Ben Carson is right!

Black Americans are worse off today than they were under Jim Crow. In 1950, the marriage rate for whites and blacks were roughly the same, 67 percent and 64 percent, respectively. Blacks were moral, they owned businesses, and they weren’t as angry at whites as they are today. Maxine Waters has been a career politician for the past 40 years. She lives in a $4.3-million home in a predominantly white neighborhood. But she wants her black constituents to remain in the projects.

Dr. Carson is a self-made, highly accomplished neurosurgeon. A working-class, single mother in Detroit raised him; he knows what it takes to succeed it in this country. Waters attacked Carson at a black festival in New Orleans – a city plagued with intractable crime and poverty – because he is a member of President Trump’s cabinet and he seeks to improve the condition of inner-city blacks.

Just how bad is crime in New Orleans? Murders are up by 41 percent from last year. Per capita, New Orleans has had more killings than Chicago. So what is the mayor doing about the crime problem? Not much. Democrat Mayor Mitch Landrieu has been preoccupied, calling for the removal of Confederate monuments. Now, Landrieu wants to shift his focus from crime to fighting the effects of “climate change” and “resisting” Donald Trump.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood

Mitch Landrieu and Maxine Waters don’t care about blacks. Liberal social engineering broke up black families, and it has fueled the increase in crime, poverty and blacks’ dependence on government. Now, the very people who created the problems in black America want to “resist” President Trump and those who offer real solutions to help them.

Liberals don’t want blacks to become independent. They want them to remain reliant on crumbs they receive from the government. They want to take from successful whites and “spread the wealth” to those who don’t deserve it.

Today, more than 70 percent of black children are born out of wedlock. As a result, angry single, black females are raising black children. There is no respect for authority, and they don’t value life whatsoever.

Recently in Chicago, more than 100 people (mostly black) were shot, and 15 people died over the Fourth of July weekend. A shooting at a black nightclub in Little Rock, Arkansas, injured 28 people. NYPD Officer Miosotis Familia was fatally shot by a black ex-con with a vendetta against police officers.

Mike Mayor Landrieu, left-wing New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio thinks climate change is a top priority. While NYPD officers are being executed, Bill de Blasio attended anti-capitalist protests at the G-20 summit in Germany. The Trump administration is trying to reverse 50 years of dependency, while Maxine Waters and others on the left are only interested in power, wealth and self-aggrandizement.

In an attempt to root out waste and make the agency more responsive to the needs of citizens, the Trump administration has proposed $6.2 billion in cuts to HUD funding for fiscal 2018. The proposal puts increased responsibility on state and local governments and calls for the private sector to do more to meet community needs, a key goal of HUD Secretary Ben Carson.

This is the perfect time for our nation to have honest discussions and put forth real solutions to fix the problems that plague inner cities. To help blacks and change the urban areas, we must first focus on rebuilding families. President Trump is committed to fixing the problem, as is Dr. Carson. Let Maxine Waters and the left “resist,” while we the people support the president and his team in their effort to Make America Great again.


Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s Biography

The Abject Hypocrisy of the Left 5 (1)

The Abject Hypocrisy of the Left-“Through the past decades, liberalism shamed conservatives to give it a place at the table. ”

by Bill Lockwood

Liberalism is a dangerous cancerous disease that erodes one’s common-sense. It brags on inclusion; but lacks inclusion for conservative values. It boasts “multi-cultural” standards, but despises the American limited government under God standard enshrined in our Constitution. Liberals major in ferreting out “hate speech” from schools while they are exploding with hateful rhetoric against Trump across the country. Liberals have replaced traditional education with “anti-bullying” education while their leading mayors like Rahm Emanuel or Bill De Blasio are trumpeting lawless bullying tactics before our eyes on television.

As we knew all along, anti-bullying, hate speech, “ inclusion” standards  and a hundred other progressive mantras have been nothing more than slates by which to further the liberal agenda. That agenda is to move us away from liberty into socialism. Through the past decades, liberalism shamed conservatives to give it a place at the table. Now there is only one item on the menu—liberal unconstitutional immoral nonsense.

Then came the election of Donald Trump. Honest Americans who were being edged out of their cherished God-given freedoms have been overjoyed. Tired of seeing our nation forcibly taken from them by soft-shell Republican and Democrat-controlled Illegal Immigration, Americans heard Trump promise to enforce our immigration laws.

Sickened by the erosion of our national sovereignty via international “trade” agreements, Trump recognized that America’s economy should work for Americans first. Laboring under increasing tax burdens which siphons off hard-earned wealth, citizens long for the tax relief upon which Trump campaigned. Irritated by Marxist and socialistic indoctrination taught via Common Core, Americans across the nation heard Trump promise to “give back” education to the parents. Government, per Barack Obama, does not know best how to train our children.

Frightened more by socialized medicine than supposed Global Warming, liberty lovers have been anticipating a Donald Trump to repeal ObamaCare and push government off of the backs of producers and job-creators. People are weary of being lied to about The Environment so that more socialized control can be levied. War-weary Americans who have been puzzled as to why our tax dollars should be utilized to police the world have felt fresh air when Trump resolves to put an end to endless military commitments.

Thoughtful Americans are worn-out being lectured by liberal intelligentsia that Islam is a “religion of peace” while they watch the followers of Mohammed explode with violence throughout the Middle East and Europe while quoting the Koran. Tired of being slammed for suggesting a vetting process for Muslims entering the country, conservatives are relieved that at least one man, Donald Trump, seems to understand that Islam is not a religion of peace.

Energy producing states which have been hammered by Obama’s regulatory crush are seeing some light with president-elect Trump. Allowing people to labor without demonizing the Coal Industry, for example, is a welcome boon to our livelihood.

Reaching Across the Aisle? With Trump’s victory, we hear Democrats chattering about “reaching across the aisle.” There is that inclusion talk again. The message: Trump will only be successful if he includes Democrat-socialists in his plans. Where was that inclusion speech during the ObamaCare debates? What impertinence! What abject unabashed hypocrisy! Reach across the aisle to the party that gave us socialistic nightmares and continues at this moment to threaten even our freedom of speech?

For more hypocrisy, consider that we are told Hillary won “popular” election (no, she did not gain more than 50% of popular vote). Therefore, Trump’s presidency is “illegitimate.” What do Democrats care about the majority? ObamaCare (socialized medicine) always has had more than 50% disapproval rating. Yet, Obama pompously informed America that “elections have consequences” and it was full steam ahead as they crammed it down our throats. Obama is going to have to take his own “medicine” though we may have to hold his nose for him to swallow it!

Today, liberals are threatening disruption of the entire country if ObamaCare is repealed. Where is your “anti-bullying” campaign now, Barack Obama? Where was the anti-bullying exemplified from the liberal ignorant actors of “Hamilton” who blind-sided a “captive” audience about the dangers of Trump?

Trump is “not my president!” screams The Marxist Left. When Obama was elected it was the left which was incensed that conservatives simply did not “celebrate” his inauguration. I was one of those that did not rejoice. I did not march or threaten, but as most of my fellow Constitutionalists, I simply mourned and prayed. No marches. No riots. No threats. No weeping episodes on U-Tube. Just a deep lament that America was thumbing its nose at the conservative values that made America great.

For my non-celebratory attitude I was harangued continually by Democrats who walk in the darkness. They were “offended” that Constitutionalists showed alarm that a Marxist-trained community-organizer began occupying the White House. They were absolutely indignant that we did not celebrate. It must have been because I was “racist” they said. Where are you Democrats now?

Brandon V. Dixon, the ‘Hamilton’ star who lectured Mike Pence and America and who declares he has “nothing to apologize for” must have been motivated by racism against a white president. Is that what we are to conclude? When conservatives rightly recognized the Marxist label that describes Barack Obama, liberals lectured that “He is your president!” They wanted absolutely no examination of Obama’s credentials or lack thereof. Now that Trump is president-elect, it is open season on mocking and openly challenging what is the anticipated agenda. Where is that “He is your president!” talk now?

The Whoopi Goldberg’s of the world have lost their right to be heard. The hypocrisy is disgusting. By the way, wasn’t she to leave the country?