Civil War Coming to America?

Civil War Coming to America?“The complicity of the left to destroy America knows no limits.”

by Bill Lockwood

Communists have threatened to bring Civil War to America for decades. Now it seems they are on the brink of doing so. The black community, after enjoying a black president, are more hate-filled than ever. They are stirred and agitated. Everything offends them. On another front, student activists rage in the streets. Civil unrest and open threats against the President of the United States are the order of the day. Civility be hanged.

A state Democratic Senator from Missouri, Maria Chappell-Nadal posted on Facebook “I hope Trump is assassinated!” in response to what she believed was an improper response by President Trump to violence in Charlottesville, VA. She refuses to resign.

Communist Van Jones, who by orientation belongs to a world-view which designs violent revolution for America and who is therefore a center-piece for CNN, dramatized tears that President Trump did not follow the liberal script and blame only “right-wingers” for what occurred in Charlottesville. Agitation is the name of the game.

Ever the pink supporters, Hollywood actors also stoked the fires among the ignorant and simple-minded. Rob Reiner, for example, tweeted: “Let’s be clear. The hatred we’re seeing in Virginia lies at the feet of Donald Trump. Stoked during the campaign his silence condones this.” Reiner is just one of many communist sympathizers in Hollywood.

Aided and abetted by the Mainstream Media, this is all pressure from above.

Pressure from below is also building. As reported by Andrew West (, Aug. 22) the boiler plates are being turned up as the Antifa movement “prepares for an all out assault on America” in November.

 Alt-left agitators are planning to stage mass riots in major cities on November 4 during which they hope to instigate a ‘civil war’ that will lead to the ‘regime change’ of the Trump administration.

Demonstrations are planned for cities across the country, including New York City, Austin, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco.”

A glance at the Revolutionary Communist ( website show the featured diatribe by Andy Zee in which revolutionary action is advocated for Antifa sympathizers.

What Exactly is Antifa?

Antifa is short for “anti-fascist.” It is an anti-government, anti-capitalist, anarchist movement which aligns with communism. Their protests purposefully foment violence. According to researcher Jerome Corsi, its roots trace back to the Weimar Republic in Germany and owes its birth to the Communist Party’s opposition to the Nazi fascist movement of post-World War I Germany.

Corsi points the reader to Jonah Goldberg’s 2008 excellent book, Liberal Fascism. Goldberg explains that communists and fascists are closely related. They are “historical competitors for the same constituents.” The Antifa movement is a return to the communist paramilitary riot tactics that “developed to fight the Brownshirts of the Weimar Republic.”

Noteworthy it is that Antifa has been declared a terrorist organization by the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security (June 12, 2017). The New Jersey authorities point out that Antifa is a subset of the anarchist movement “with the goal of rubbing raw social and class tensions in order to de-legitimize the U.S. Constitution.” Its goal is the establishment of a communist state in America.

Damning evidence it is that the mainstream media and the entire establishment, including the likes of Condoleeza Rice, focused entirely on the so-called “right” of the Charlottesville, VA violence—totally and purposefully ignoring the Antifa movement that was involved.

In keeping with the communist pedigree of Antifa, the website writer Andy Zee recommends books authored by the chairman of the Revolutionary Communist Party, Bob Avakian. Avakian’s books are   The Truth About Right-Wing Conspiracy… And Why Clinton and the Democrats Are No Answer and The Coming Civil War.

Avakian is further lionized by West as the “architect of the new synthesis of communism.” In keeping with this, calls agitators to “Take to the streets and Public Squares” on November 4! They promise this will continue “day after day and night after night” until “our DEMAND is met.”

What is their demand? Because of such things as “immigrants living in terror;” “Muslims and refugees demonized and banned and cast out;” “women … denied the basic right to control their own reproduction;” “LGBTQ people stigmatized, ostracized and denied civil rights recently won;” and “the whole planet in peril from a regime that denies global warming and shreds all environmental protections”—a “qualitative change” in America is necessary. Says “This nightmare must end: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!”

In part, stirred by these same type of communist threats, the mayor of Phoenix, AZ, Greg Stanton, a Democrat, is pleading for Trump to “stay away” from the capital of Arizona.

The complicity of the left to destroy America knows no limits. One cannot even begin to imagine the Mayor of any town in the United States pleading with Barack Obama to “stay away” from their city during or after his presidency due to opposition from the right. Every journalist and public official would have publicly gagged on television at such an idea while calling for the head of any person who so recommended. “We must have free speech!”

All of this causes one to realize why it was the Democratic Party which so hated the now defunct House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) which operated between 1938 to 1975. It continually exposed public leaders who held “anti-American” views. Its demise allowed communism to grow unimpeded with no exposure until it has verily taken over the entire Left in America, which not only calls for street revolution, but now tweets for open assassination of our president.

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