Portland, Oregon: Home of the Party That Brought Us “Anti-Bullying; Tolerance; Co-exist; and Safe Spaces”

Portland, Oregon: Home of the Party That Brought Us “Anti-Bullying; Tolerance; Co-exist; and Safe Spaces”-“The students are treated by collegiate staffs like so many spoiled children.”

by Bill Lockwood

Demonstration is always better than argumentation. Exhibit A: Portland, OR.  The city endured a third consecutive day of anti-Trump violence since the Republicans’ election. Thursday night the Obama rabble turned violent, smashing cars at a dealership and riotously destroying business facilities. One woman in another city told television crews that some people will have to “die” until “our voices are heard.”

These are the children, known as “Snowflakes”, that have been raised in government-run school systems which have replaced classical education with “anti-bullying, tolerance, and safe spaces.” Many of these rioters probably drove to the place of public disorder in small cars with bumper stickers reading “Co-Exist.” So much for liberal clap-trap.

These are the crowds whose Halloween costumes were all strictly tailored so as not to “offend” any group. But their mantra is strictly all TRICKS when there are no taxpayer- funded TREATS.

What do these demonstrators actually “demonstrate?”

First, the anti-bullying nonsense that has filled our schools means only one thing—schools need to return to teaching academics. Schools are designed to teach academics not to be behavioral adjustment facilities. When the educational system treads over the line—as ours has—the behaviors do not improve and the academics suffer. The place to teach “behavior” is the home. If the home is destroyed, public schools cannot make up the shortfall but only exacerbate the problem.

Second, the university sponsored co-exist theme really means only one thing: ‘conservatives be quiet lest you offend me.’ “Safe spaces” at colleges translate this way: “a place where I don’t have to hear or see any opposing view.”  Multiple are the “choice rooms” on campuses where blacks tell whites to leave. They don’t want them there.

As outrageous as these concepts are the spineless faculties actually support them. The students are treated by collegiate staffs like so many spoiled children. The fruit of this babying and spoiling we are witnessing on television in Portland, Oregon and other places in America. But caving to whiney children only results in temper tantrums. Throwing toys while screaming at mommy as kiddies turns into smashing windows while screaming on camera as young adults.

The entirety is epitomized by one Portland girl interviewed who expressed that in the wake of a Trump presidency she was afraid that her birth control access would be limited. Let us translate for her: “I am afraid that Trump will quit using the government to FORCE wage and salary-earners PAY FOR MY BIRTH-CONTROL.” Birth control, of course, is always available. What may not be accessible is my pocketbook to pay for her licentious lifestyle.

Third, Portland, Oregon is what always occurs when customary socialist re-distribution policies are threatened. When the gravy train of freebies at my expense is called into question violence erupts. Witness Greece several years ago. Same now in America. People disrespect the private property of others since they have been taught by the government from the time of FDR that my private property is NOT sacred, but is free for their taking as long as an ungodly government forces me to cough it up. Earnings of other people somehow belong to them as some kind of right.

This is just one more area where our university system has failed America. Instead of encouraging right and rational thinking to be conducted in an orderly manner, the leftist advocates who dominate are goose-stepping graduates through the degree line. All of this is exactly why the founders of our nation warned against socialism from the beginning. Portland, Oregon demonstrates what happens to a society when liberty is eroded by socialistic policies.

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