Republicans are the Problem

Republicans are the Problem- “They are on the brink of allowing Obama to Trump them all. ”

by Bill Lockwood

As I have stated for a long time, it is not the socialist-Marxists of the Democratic Party who are problematic for Americans—it is the Republicans. The Democrats, with only a two-year window during Obama’s first term, quickly turned one-fifth of our economy on the road to socialized medicine. No fuss among them; no wrangling; no hesitation. We know where they stand. What Americans need is principled opposition to this onslaught. Now that the Republicans have control of not only the Congress but the White House, we are learning they are not the standard-bearers of these constitutional principles. They are on the brink of allowing Obama to Trump them all.

Since the Affordable Health Care Act passed in 2010 government mandates, gigantic premium hikes and loss of quality health care has become the norm. This was not a failure—it was the design. Throw Americans onto government-run socialized medicine, which Obama previously had announced was the entire goal.

Republicans whined, wrung their hands, and postured continually at home and in Washington, D.C. that “there was nothing we can do about it” as long as Democrats controlled both Congress and the White House.

Voters responded by giving the House of Representatives to the Republicans in 2011. Republican Representatives, however, complained to voters that that was not enough. The electorate responded in 2015 by turning over both houses of Congress, the Senate and the House, to the GOP. A huge defeat for the Obama machine.

But what occurred? With budget reins in hand, including the ability to defund each of Obama’s statist unconstitutional programs, Republican majorities in Congress continued to fund ObamaCare.

Rank and file Americans at the grassroots were suspicious—and rightly so. They suspected that the stock answer quipped by Republican lawmakers—“we have sent repeal bills to the White House; but until we have a Republican there to sign the bill, we have no hope”—was a ploy. Their suspicions are today turning into reality.

Secretly, many of the GOP evidently hoped they would never get the White House. Not because they do not know how to govern, but because too many of them fundamentally agree with government-run entitlement programs and Americans would call their bluff.

Republicans know how to govern. What they do not know how to do is govern from a soft-socialist position, which is where their hearts lie, while maintaining a conservative face for their constituents. It is easier to satisfy angry voters by chirping that they have tried to stall our slide into statism than actually to stop unconstitutional programs with which they fundamentally agree—ObamaCare being the case in point.

This is the only evident reason that many GOP lawmakers, including the John McCain’s and Paul Ryan’s, were reticent to support President Trump. They knew that Trump would call their bluff. This is where we are now. At least there was no deceit with the Democrats’ position on Health Care. They openly campaign for a single-payer socialized system. Republicans are mired in subterfuge. Vaunting love for a limited constitutional system, too many of them are on the socialist bandwagon.

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