Jesse Lee Peterson: Trump and Syria: Good message or bad war?

Trump and Syria: Good Message or Bad War? – Jesse Lee Peterson calls for prayer, watchful eye on president’s influencers

by Jesse Lee Peterson

An American president finally smacked Syria for its chemical weapons violations. Was it correct? Very few people know exactly what’s going on there. I don’t pretend to be one of them.

But this much is clear: Barack Obama failed to deal with Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad and his chemical weapons. For eight years we heard talk, but no action. Obama’s weakness and indecisiveness allowed evil to grow in Syria and around the globe.

In January, Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, had the gall to go on NPR touting the success of their Syria policy. Rice claimed all the chemical weapons in Syria had been removed. We now know that’s false. Rice misled the American people then just as she repeatedly lied about Benghazi and about the surveillance of Donald Trump and his top advisers.

With a precise and decisive strike, President Trump delivered a loud and clear message to Bashar al-Assad via 59 Tomahawk missiles: America is back, and we won’t sit on the sidelines while dictators run roughshod over international laws and slaughter innocents.

This message went far beyond Syria, to Russia, its sponsor (and to Iran, who is allied with both). The message was also sent to China, whose president, Xi Jinping, was meeting with President Trump at Mar-a-Lago at the time of the strike, and by extension, China’s client North Korea, whose despot leader has been threatening the U.S. and South Korea with intercontinental ballistic missiles.

This is all positive, and it’s great that we have a serious and decisive man as president – thank God! But what concerns some of his most ardent supporters is where this may be going. Was this strike a message-delivering “one off,” or does Trump intend to force regime change?

Interestingly, John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Hillary Clinton are speaking in unison, calling for more bombings against Syria. CNN and other left-wing media outlets are also beating the war drums. When I see RINOs, left-wing Democrats, and the mainstream media praising Trump and getting all-hawkish, it’s reason to pause.

At a meeting of the U.N. Security Council, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley blasted the Russians for being complicit in allowing Assad to maintain and use chemical weapons against his own people. She said the U.S. is prepared to do more in Syria. She also told CNN’s Jake Tapper, “There’s not any sort of option where a political solution is going to happen with Assad at the head of the regime.”

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

Is Haley talking about ousting Assad with military force? This is what makes many conservatives nervous. Some on the right see President Trump’s actions in Syria as a departure and a distraction from his bold “America First” domestic agenda. They fear America will once again be dragged into a war where our national security interests aren’t clear, and we will waste blood and treasure to set up a democracy in a nation that doesn’t have the civil society in place to hold on to it.

Removing the Syrian dictator would create a vacuum just like Trump railed against in Iraq. The vacuum created by the U.S. taking out Saddam Hussein has led ultimately to the rise of ISIS. The same could happen in Syria with the same results. I believe this is what Obama and company wanted all along. Obama encouraged and supported the “Arab Spring,” which caused refugees, mostly Muslims, to flood into Europe and, to a lesser extent, into the United States. Obama also allowed terrorists to take back Iraq, and the regime changes he engineered in Libya led to the Benghazi outrage.

We need to carefully watch the people advising President Trump. Yes, there is some fake news surrounding reports about the “shake up” within his inner circle because the press loves to create the impression that the administration is in disarray. Yet there may be a grain of truth there.

President Trump is a good, strong and wise man. He has great instincts. Even Rush Limbaugh said the following after a private meeting with him in Florida last February: “There’s no indecision about anything. He never once asked me about what I thought he ought to do. He never asked me what I think of this or that.

My impression is this man is more self-informed and decisive than anybody I’ve ever met.” This is a great compliment – especially coming from a truth-teller like Rush. Even though this should put conservatives at ease, Trump is going up against very powerful institutions and players both in the U.S. and overseas. They don’t want him to stop the decline of the U.S. and to drain the swamp; after all, the elites in Washington and the globalist power brokers have been profiting under the status quo for decades.

God answered the fervent and faithful prayers of Americans and installed Donald Trump as the leader of the free world. But that was just phase one. We need to continue in prayer, be ever vigilant of our government and be particularly watchful of those who wish to influence our president.


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