Kathleen Marquardt: The Big Picture

The Big Picture: Recent Globalist Actions with Huge Implications for a Free America – “…Technocracy as the sole global economic system while destroying capitalism and free enterprise. ”

by Kathleen Marquardt

Okay, so far, so good. We have elected a president who says he is going to Make America Great Again. One of his first steps was hiring Myron Ebell to head EPA transition. Ebell, director of the Center for Energy and Environment at Competitive Enterprise Institute, has been at this since back in the Wise Use days. If all of Trump’s choices are this good, we can be happy.

But we have two more months of executive orders from Obama and the onslaught of directives on Sustainable Development and other UN initiatives to take control of the world. Quito was the scene of the most recent SD attack, once again putting ICLEI in the driver’s seat. With Habitat III finished, what are cities’ next steps toward implementation?

The Habitat III conference wrapped up last month in Quito, Ecuador, where nations adopted the New Urban Agenda — a 20-year vision on sustainable urbanization. “The agenda sets an important precedent: For the first time, national governments fully embraced much of the language on local sustainable development that has been used by local and subnational governments for the past 20 years. ICLEI has defined three strategic actions that local governments can take, starting tomorrow.

Three actions
1. Establish local commitments.
“Equally important will be to start building the political capital and commitment necessary to push forward sustainable development policies. This can be done by creating campaigns and movements across the political spectrum in order to ensure continuity of action, regardless of changes in the leadership of administrations through elections. “Similarly, local authorities can immediately start developing multi-stakeholder partnerships with local businesses, civil society and academia.

2. Seek sustainable and innovative financing mechanisms.
“Local governments also can advocate for more and better financing opportunities. ICLEI’s Transformative Action Program (TAP) is one important way to connect potential funders and cities with high ambitions and low resources.

3. Raise awareness and advocate for support.
“City leaders can explain the SDGs to citizens and all stakeholders, including local and multinational business, aiming to mobilize them to participate in their implementation. They also will need to put pressure on national counterparts so that they put in place enabling frameworks and inclusive approaches in defining national strategies for SDGs implementation.

Finally, local leaders can seek to develop urban sustainability alliances engaging a variety of stakeholders. This would help giving momentum to concerted local action to implement the SDGs.”
[Read More]

********** FLASH: This came in as I finished putting this blog together:

EPA Chief Urges Staff To Finish Obama’s Agenda Before Trump Takes Over
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) urged employees to finish out the last weeks of the Obama administration “running” to finish implementing what they can of the president’s environmental agenda. “As I’ve mentioned to you before, we’re running — not walking — through the finish line of President Obama’s presidency,” EPA Administrator Gina […]

Another venue for destroying American free-trade is the TPP. In early November, the Republicans were bragging that they had the votes to help Obama push it through. The big questions now are, did they hear the message from the people and are they going to listen? If so, they will back off a vote for the TPP, and maybe live (politically) to see another election.


Read Kathleen Marquardt’s Biography


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