Marxism on the March

 Marxism on the March-“President Obama has been marching with these socialists/Marxists his entire life.”

by Bill Lockwood

Make no mistake. Marxism is on the move. As reported by NPR News, protests against Donald Trump’s election are erupting across the country. Crowds gathered in Union Square in New York City; in Chicago and Washington, D.C. barricades are now erected around Trump properties to keep the potential violence at bay; in Los Angeles protesters shut down the 101 Freeway and Trump was burned in effigy while others beat a Trump piñata.

Similar scenes are being witnessed in Philadelphia, Boston, New Orleans, Atlanta, Miami, Richmond, VA; Providence, RI, Omaha, NE; Kansas City, MO and Portland, ME. American flag burning was featured at least at one of the rallies. Obama did his job well.

Sponsored by such well-known communists as George Soros, who poured millions of dollars into front organizations across America in order to influence elections, young ignorant violent millennials are stunned, to say the least. These young socialists, instructed diligently by collegiate Marxist professors, led by a Marxist president, sponsored by Marxist money, are in total disbelief that freedom-loving Americans are trying to get America back.

One picture is worth a thousand words. Photos from protests in Seattle show mass-produced signs by the organization Socialist Alternative claims to be “in political solidarity with the ‘Committee for a Workers’ International, a worldwide socialist organization in 47 countries, on every continent….”

These socialists demand $15 an hour minimum wage; free education from preschool through college [read, paid for by the American taxpayer]; stop the drive to “privatize” education [read, disallow parental choice and instruction]; free health care [read again, taxpayer funded, government-controlled]; major tax increases on ‘the rich’; a minimum guaranteed weekly income of $600/week for the unemployed, disabled, stay-at-home parents, the elderly, and others unable to work; public ownership of bankrupt and failing companies; demands public ownership of the top 500 corporations and banks and dole out its earnings to the “broader public,” and on and on. One can read the rest in cliff-note form by perusing the Communist Manifesto.

Upheld as great reformers by are well-known American socialists of yesteryear such as Eugene Debs. Vladimir Lenin is lionized as a Soviet icon to follow. members are encouraged to read Lenin’s book that “shook the world” entitled State and Revolution. The online review opines, “If we want to change society, we must first understand the laws that govern its development, including the repressive institutions of the state which reflect the division of society into social classes with opposed interests.”

Though it was written 100 years ago, the ideas in State and Revolution are still relevant for socialists who seek to connect with current consciousness and point the way towards the socialist transformation of society. Every socialist can gain valuable insight on how we work today for the socialist future where a state, with all its coercive power to compel people to maintain ‘order,’ is no longer necessary, and we can finally live in free association with one another.”

President Obama has been marching with these socialists/Marxists his entire life. Hence, the divided country that we are witnessing. To the stree-protestors the promise of a New Socialist Country was within reach. And now they are beside themselves as Americans are moving toward liberty under Trump.

To those who are about 100 years behind the learning curve and are disposed to contest what is the cloth out of which Obama is cut, consider:

Obama grew up in a household that admired socialists; he was personally mentored by communist Frank Marshall Davis; his biography was ghost-written by communist Bill Ayers, with whom he began his political career for president; he joined socialist organizations during his college career; his cabinet as president originally was composed of some who were card-carrying communists (Van Jones, for example); his “pastor” for two decades, Jeremiah Wright, is a communist-sympathizer; his White House open-door policy to communist agitators such as Al Sharpton and Black Lives Matter (began by communists); and his agenda reflected Marxist ideals.

This all merely demonstrates how close modern-day socialists have believed their dreams of a United Socialist States of America were believed to be. Now that Obama has been booted from the White House, they will increase pressure to threaten peace and liberty.

Socialists do not want truth from Trump or freedom for Americans. They want radical unconstitutional lawless change in which our liberty is traded for a bowl of pottage: slavery. The real hate is pouring out into the streets, threatening to disrupt peaceful society.

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