Our Mission

Back to Homepageourmission.headerOur Ultimate Goal is to…

Call all fellow Americans back to the Constitution – formatted upon Christian principle – which is our best security against an over-reaching government.

We Stand For…

The Constitution of the United States of America, which is the best plan ever conceived by uninspired man to assure freedom. It has at the same time released the creative industry of man while guaranteeing each individual, created in the image of God, life, liberty and property.

These keys have made possible the American way of life. Our standard of living and excelled freedom is not the product of selfish men, but the natural result of godly principles engrafted into our Civil Institutions by the Founding Fathers. Consequently, our Constitution is a landmark in man’s struggle for freedom. “We are the freest people since the time of Adam and Eve” is how John Adams put it.

The Constitution is the palladium of our liberties, the shield and armor of our freedom. Only to the degree that we understand and implement it do our freedoms remain. On the other hand, the rise of the welfare state in the last 100 years, creating “entitlements” for segments of our population, marks a sharp decline in Constitutional thought and, unless checked, will spell the end of our success as a free people.



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