Too Big to Indict?

 Too Big to Indict? –“…Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign received an infusion of illegal Chinese cash to the tune of millions of dollars.”

by Bill Lockwood

By now Americans are familiar with the organized Criminal Syndicate known as the Clinton Machine. Led by Bill Clinton in the 1990’s, the Democrat President committed bribery and “high crimes” in what became known as “Chinagate.” The Main Stream Media did their best to cover for the Democrats by pretending that Clinton’s impeachment was all about “sex.” Today, once-again with zealot-like assistance from a fraudulent media, Hillary has expanded Chinagate to world-wide corruption and obstruction of justice as she positions herself for the White House.


Lest we forget, the “Chinagate” fundraising scandal of 1996 included Hillary. Some have labeled it the “most serious scandal in U.S. history.” It amounted to the sell-out of America’s national security to Communist China in exchange for millions of dollars contributed to the 1996 Clinton-Gore re-election effort.

Highlights were outlined in an explosive book entitled Year of the Rat. It was written by two Republican Capitol Hill staffers Edward Timperlake and William C. Triplett II who had extensive investigative experience and had worked in national security.

They factually demonstrate that Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign received an infusion of illegal Chinese cash to the tune of millions of dollars. This transfer went through an Arkansas Bank controlled by the Riady family in Indonesia. Actually, in both of Clinton’s elections to President he received huge sums of illegal cash.

Bear in mind that the illegal Chinese contributions Clinton-Gore campaign derived primarily from illicit Chinese activities, including prostitution. Clinton’s White House thereafter became a revolving door for agents of the Chinese army and the Chinese Communist Party.

In the succeeding scandal, Clinton friend Yah Lin “Charlie” Trie pleaded guilty of violation campaign finance laws. Democratic donor Johnny Chung received $150,000 from the Bank of China 3 days prior to Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff receiving a $50,000 from Chung. When the Department of Justice investigated, about 120 people connected to Chinagate either fled the country or pleaded the 5th Amendment instead of testifying.


All of the above should sound eerily familiar, for the story is unfolding once again in front of our eyes with Hillary Clinton herself. Infusions of foreign cash; staffers that plead the 5th; power-broking at the citizens’ expense; and an orgy of lies to cover their tracks.

Jerome Corsi has authored a brand new book that exposes the current operations of the Clinton Crime Machine. This time attention is focused upon the Clinton Foundation. Partners in Crime details how this Foundation has fraudulently received hundreds of millions of dollars for the personal enrichment of the Clinton’s themselves. Sources now tell us that only 6% of those funds were actually used for “charitable” work, the ostensible purpose of the Foundation.

Alex Newman reviews that “Perhaps the most troubling section of the book is the ‘State Department Scam,’ which outlines some of the ways in which the Clintons sold out America in exchange for ‘speaking fees’ to Bill and ‘donations’ to their family criminal enterprise. While occupying the secretary of state position, Hillary ‘used the office for Clinton family profit, continuing throughout her term to actively coordinate with Clinton Foundation principals.’”

As we are now learning on a daily basis, while Hillary ran Obama’s State Department she continued to use a private server in purposeful violation and defiance of Federal Law. This was under the complete and total oversight of the President himself who communicated with her on the same server, using an alias so as not to be detected by a snooping conservative media. Then, using his well-known modus operandi, Obama lied again to the American people about his knowledge of her private server.

Chinagate is being replayed all over again and we suppose Obama himself, if asked in Court about his avowals that he knew nothing of Hillary’s private server, would invoke the infamous dodge by questioning what “is” is. With the State Department, Department of Justice, and the White House all in collusion, the question now becomes: Is Hillary is “too big to indict?”

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