The Efficiency of Obama

The Efficiency of Obama

by Bill Lockwood

As escalating national crises continue to occur with greater frequency, President Obama continues to receive the benefit of the doubt on his leadership abilities. Donald Trump charged, “He is a weak and ineffective leader”.  He goes on to say, “We must get tough.” Whether it be the San Bernardino, California, Killeen, Texas Islamic shootings, the Orlando Islamic massacre or the communistic Black Lives Matter murdering policemen from Dallas to Baton Rouge – Donald Trump gives President Obama way too much credit to charge him with incompetency.

Racially divided with violent marchers in the streets is exactly what Obama desires. Our national unity and freedom have not mysteriously vaporized, they have been purposefully eroded by Barack Obama. If America had elected communists Frank Marshall Davis or Bill Ayers to the presidency, the violent streets of America would look no different than they do today.

Donald Trump: “It is not incompetency or ineffectiveness. It is Obama’s philosophy, and it has been purposeful and effective.”

Prior to Obama’s election to the presidency, while he was still a candidate, I wrote the following: Let’s look into the intellectual roots of Barack Obama. He represents himself as a candidate for Social Justice, and as such, based upon socialist ideas, he despises the roots of America – life, liberty, and property under God. Obama believes more in social justice than in the American Constitution and will seek to change American life in deference to principles originating out of radical leftist critiques of Capitalism and of Western Society.

Obama will exploit class, race and gender narratives in order to achieve his vision of social justice. As Max Eastman of a generation ago observed, he ‘will attempt to transform the political consciousness of America by convincing it that its principles of equality as envisioned by the Founders were insufficient to sustain a moral society. This vision of social justice will of necessity hew to principles of Marxism.’

As President, Obama would be necessarily constrained to effect significant changes in the way America works, but his emphasis and attempts would all come in defiance of the individual for the purposes of the collective. Obama is not incompetent, but a first-class deceiver, even until this very hour. This is because social justice or socialism itself is a philosophy conceived in deception. Envy, though condemned in the Bible (Titus 3:3), is the taproot of socialism.

This is why masses cheer when government promises to steal from the “haves” and give to the “have not’s.” People are taught to “demand benefits” from the government – goods and services that were actually produced by the labor of others since government does not actually produce anything. Socialism is that philosophy which “transforms” the services and work that others provide (such as health care) into a “right” that all individuals somehow own. ENVY is cloaked in CHARITY. This is why, even though Obama himself has been immensely successful in fundamentally transforming America, the United States of America will ultimately fail – unless we change courses radically, and very soon. Socialism has always failed because people naturally yearn for freedom, its opposite.

Max Eastman explained why socialism will always fail in his Reflections on the Failure of Socialism. “It seemed perfectly clear, once the question was boldly put, that if the socialist hypothesis were valid in general, some tiny shred of the benefits promised by it would have appeared when the Russian capitalists were expropriated and production taken over by the state, no matter how untoward the circumstances. By that time everything in Russia was worse from the standpoint of socialist ideals that it had been under the regime of the Tsar.  I did not need any additional experiments such as that of Nazi Germany, or in England, to the obvious drift in other countries, to convince me. I was sure that the whole idea of extending freedom, or justice, or equality, or any other civilized value, to the lower classes through common ownership of the means of production was a delusive dream, a bubble that had taken over a century to burst.”

So powerful was the deception of socialism upon Eastman that it required many long years to come to his senses and reject it. “I sadly regret the precious twenty years I spent muddling and messing around with this idea, which with enough mental clarity and moral force I might have seen through when I went to Russia in 1922.”

America is burning, thanks to the philosophy of Obama. Will America, the once “land of the free and home of the brave,” have enough mental clarity to see the truth? Will we have moral force enough, or be brave enough to retrace our steps to liberty?

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