Gender Assignment?

Gender Assignment?

by Bill Lockwood

We have entered the fantasy world of Obama’s Alice in Wonderland in which nothing is as it seems. Not even basic scientific facts are “tolerated” in our diverse world of “political correctness”—let alone God’s Word. The only response left for thinking Americans is “Unbelievable!”

Take, for example, the new transgender policies enacted by Barack Obama via the Supreme Court. A recent eight-page letter from the U.S. Departments of Justice and Education tells school districts to be compliant with Title IX protections against sex discrimination by allowing students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms of the gender “they identify with.”

It matters not what God created in the womb (Psalm 139:13-16), or what medical science and common sense knows about an individual, be “it” male or female—Obama’s Government says: “A school may provide separate facilities on the basis of sex, but must allow transgender students access to such facilities consistent with their gender identity.” The government letter further states: “A school may not require transgender students to use facilities inconsistent with their gender identity or to use individual-user facilities when other students are not required to do so …”

But what exactly is “transgender?” How does the Obama Administration define it? “Transgender describes those individuals whose gender identity is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.” Further, the letter goes on to point out that “A transgender male is someone who identifies as male but was assigned the sex of female at birth; a transgender female is someone who identifies as female was but assigned the sex of male at birth.” Gender identity is “an individual’s internal sense of gender.” Science be hanged: How do you feel about yourself? What “assignment” made the doctor who delivered you?

What Have We Come To?

Imagine this. You and your wife are excited about the baby she is carrying in her womb. At five months of pregnancy the doctor, through modern technology, is able to determine the baby’s gender. Either the apple has a stem or it does not. Only two alternatives. But wait! That which you plainly SEE via the sonogram is not determinative of anything! The doctor only “assigns” a gender. Nothing scientific. Nothing natural. It is only an arbitrary “assignment” that is encoded on the birth certificate – “M” or “F”—which can be “changed.”

The same when the healthy child arrives. Baby boy or girl is the question. Blue or pink ribbons? You are excited to hold your baby girl. “Not so fast,” says Doctor Obama. The “boy” or “girl” question is unsettled! “We will,” promises Doctor Obama, “place female on the birth certificate. But it is only temporary.”

This is similar to having “an assignment” handed you as a graduate from Officer Training School in the Air Force. You might be “assigned” Luke AFB or Travis AFB or some other. But if you don’t like that “assignment” go get it changed. That will be difficult, if not impossible. But the Commander-in-chief will allow you to alter the “sex you identify with.” Unbelievable.

I wish to identify as a WWII decorated hero who landed on the beaches of Normandy. Shall I write my government and demand my Silver Star and Purple Heart medals? What about my Medal of Honor that is due me for heroism on the battlefield? Will President Obama hang it on my neck? After all, my “identity” is what my “internal sense” dictates—not what is reality.

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