Tag Archives: Tea-Partiers

Bill Lockwood: Former Army Officers Laying Groundwork for a Military Coup against Trump? 4 (2)

by Bill Lockwood

If Donald Trump refuses to leave office at the expiration of his constitutional term, the United States military must remove him by force …” “the one-unthinkable scenario of authoritarian rule in the United States is now a very real possibility.” The “clock will strike 12:01 PM, January 20, 2021, and Donald Trump will be sitting in the Oval Office.” So write two retired Army officers, John Nagl and Paul Yingling, to General Alexander Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to a news release of defenseone.com.

“The street protests will inevitably swell outside the White House, and the ranks of Trump’s private army will grow inside its grounds. The speaker of the House will declare the Trump presidency at an end, and direct the Secret Service and Federal Marshals to remove Trump from the premises. These agents will realize that they are outmanned and outgunned by Trump’s private army, and the moment of decision will arrive.”

Nagl and Yingling suggest that “U.S. military forces escort the former president from the White House grounds” while urging the senior officer of the United States that his “duty is to give unambiguous orders directing U.S. military forces to support the Constitutional transfer of power.”

America is not only seeing the systematic demonization of law enforcement by the Democratic Party, the gutting of police forces throughout the nation, but now an organized effort is already in the works to legitimize a military coup against President Donald Trump.

Yingling & Nagl

Both Yingling and Nagl are retired Lt. Col.’s from the Army. Yingling fought in the Gulf War and has been deployed to Bosnia. He later earned a degree in international relations from the University of Chicago and taught at West Point. Nagl is a Rhodes scholar from Oxford University, a former instructor at West Point, and is currently the headmaster of The Haverford School for young men in Haveford, PA.

Their letter is addressed to General Mark A. Milley, U.S. Army general and current the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Using the Socialist/Democratic playbook of fearmongering in order to manipulate the public, the retired officers raise the specter of president Donald Trump refusing to leave the White House. “We do not live in ordinary times,” they warn. President Trump “is actively subverting our electoral system, threatening to remain in office in defiance of our Constitution.”

This dire admonition is due to the fact that Trump has questioned the integrity of an election based upon mail-in voting, for which the Democrats are now pressing. However, it was House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) who warned in 2004 that paper ballots are “extremely susceptible to fraud.” Now that Trump issues the identical warning it is taken as a secret plot to remain in the White House despite an election. The legs of the lame are not equal.

Trashing the Constitution?

The Army officers worry about Trump ignoring the Constitution. Where were Yingling and Nagl as President Obama single-handedly shredded the Constitution with scores of unconstitutional actions such as the 2011 Invasion of Libya without congressional approval; the unconstitutional full-court press for ObamaCare built upon the grand public lie that “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”; the vicious targeting of Tea Parties by the IRS; the inauguration of public policy called DACA for illegals– solely from Obama’s hand, plus the issuing of work and residence permits despite Congress’ lack of movement on the topic; or Obama’s EPA Cap and Trade orders in 2015 which set limits on carbon dioxide emissions which Congress had specifically rejected in 2009; and a host of other dictatorship actions?

The imperial presidency of Barack Obama did not bother the Army commanders as much as that Trump has expressed concerns with mail-in voting. “Mr. Trump may refuse to leave office,” they gravely warn.

Once again, gentlemen, that was President Obama, whose socialist comrades in Congress supported a repeal of the 22nd Amendment—the removal of the two-term limit set on presidents. This striking move was offered by NY Rep. Jose Serrano in order to allow the dictatorial presidency of Obama to continue.

Yingling and Nagl even wring their hands that to solidify Trump’s unconstitutional stay in the White House, the president has raised a “private army” of “little green men” that will have to step aside for a “good morning’s work for a brigade of the 82nd Airborne.” If the US military remains “inert” the “Constitution dies.”

Once more, Yingling and Nagl have been firing their weapons in the wrong direction on the range. It was former President Obama, while campaigning in July 2008, who ominously called for a national police force.

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.” That was no problem with these veterans. But the fiction of a private army of “little green men” that will have to be swept aside by military force is a real possibility.

It is difficult to imagine a greater danger to the Republic of the United States that rogue commanders such as Nagl and Yingling actually floating ideas to the Joint Chiefs of Staff against President Trump. They are evidently laying the groundwork for a military coup against him and should be disciplined in military court. Instead, they will receive backing from the Democrats.

It is a later hour than one might think.


ROSEANNE’S LYNCHING IS AN INSULT TO BLACKS- Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson skewers leftist double-standards

by Jesse Lee Peterson

After Memorial Day, longtime actress and comedian Roseanne Barr was fired from her number-one hit TV show reboot “Roseanne.” ABC cancelled the entire program, reportedly pulled reruns of the sitcom and began considering an off-shoot show without Roseanne’s character.

Why such strong, sudden moves by elitist media giant ABC? Roseanne put out a funny tweet discussing a Wikileaks report about the corrupt Obama administration. Valerie Jarrett’s name came up – a wicked woman who was Barack Obama’s senior advisor. Roseanne wrote on Twitter in the early morning hours Tuesday: “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj” – meaning Valerie Jarrett.

Many people, including Roseanne apparently, didn’t know that Valerie Jarrett is mixed-race “black.” People do know Jarrett wears short, straight hair not unlike a “Planet of the Apes” movie character. Many also know Jarrett was born in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The “Fallen Messiah” Barack Obama and his allies oppressed and marginalized Christians, but supported and covered for Muslims any time Jihadists committed terror attacks.

One of the stupidest, politically correct, media-enforced “rules” against free speech is you cannot compare black people (at least not liberal blacks) to monkeys or apes, either in jest or insult. Through lies and propaganda, people are brainwashed to see blacks as poor, helpless victims of so-called “racism” (which doesn’t even exist, and never has). It’s actually an insult to black people that whites are conditioned not to speak freely around them, and it only feeds black suspicion over white people’s true feelings. The left treat blacks like mentally handicapped children who can’t handle anything and can’t control themselves.

This mentality toward blacks enables them to continue their moral decline, having up to 77 percent of children out of wedlock, aborting a third of their pregnancies, complaining and lying about “racism,” faking hate crimes and falsely accusing whites and police, making excuses and blaming the system for their failure, begging for free stuff and “reparations,” continuing in unemployment double the national average, creating ghettoes, selling drugs and killing one another at a disproportionate rate.

The irony is that Roseanne Barr has a long history of trying to help black people, and being a pro-diversity, so-called “anti-racist” activist. She has a black godson, and pushed for a black granddaughter in her TV show’s revival. She once tweeted the purported home address of George Zimmerman, who shot the thug Trayvon Martin in self-defense – she apparently wanted a protest or citizen’s arrest of the Hispanic “white” man falsely accused of “racist” murder.

Order Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson’s book, “The Antidote: Healing America from the Poison of Hate, Blame, and Victimhood.”

Roseanne is a bit all-over-the-place politically – somewhat like Kanye West, by the way. Like Kanye, her “unforgivable” sin against the children of the lie (the liberal media, Democratic Party, RINOs and Never Trumpers) is thinking for herself and being pro-Trump. She’s extremely socially liberal – formerly a supporter of the anti-capitalist Green Party and socialist “Peace and Freedom Party.” Her nixed TV show “Roseanne” featured a transgender grandson who dresses like a girl, promoting mental and spiritual illness as normal and right. But the left’s only problem was that Roseanne is a Trump supporter!

This is an unjust and un-American public lynching of Roseanne Barr, meant to shut white people up and put fear in them. The media made sure everybody called her funny tweet “racist,” overreacting and emotionalizing the situation to make it seem so important and “abhorrent.” Even normally down-to-earth conservatives called her tweet “racist.” Logically, her tweet was either fair or inappropriate – but it was not “racist,” and she had a right to say it. Shamefully, Roseanne apologized repeatedly and profusely. Stop apologizing to the children of the lie!

They don’t care when President Trump is called an “orangutan,” or when black conservatives are called monkeys. It is acceptable to hate whites and Trump supporters. It’s a double standard. They falsely labeled Republicans “Nazis” and the Tea Party “racists” and “terrorists.” The word “racist” is more dehumanizing and destructive to whites than the so-called “N-word” is to blacks. The only solution is for whites to drop their fear.

The left seeks to regain power through intimidation of white people, the people who most support truth and freedom in America.

Some years back they made a similar example of a “white person” in the lynching of L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling. He was recorded in private not wanting his “girlfriend” to take pictures in public with blacks. He had a right to express this. But the wicked lynch mob called him “racist” and took his team away from him!

This is pure evil – oppressing white people for expressing “incorrect” opinions.

The only man they have not been able to destroy is President Trump, whom I call the Great White Hope for all Americans. Donald Trump has God on his side. He tells the truth, speaks his mind and has no fear. And he shows love for all people. He does not apologize for doing and saying nothing wrong. If we want to save our country and make America great again, we must stand up for truth and freedom of speech without apology.

Read more at: http://www.wnd.com/2018/03/are-you-an-alpha-or-beta-male/#qukcj4XqHQRhzq7D.99

Read Jesse Lee Peterson’s Biography

Who’s Minding the List? 0 (0)

Who’s Minding the List?

by Bill Lockwood

Last week the Congressional Democrats were in full left-wing 1960’s hippie-socialist mode as they lawlessly staged a sit-down on the floor of Congress. Like the radicals of the old Kent State that they are, only now with suits and skirts, they chanted their pro-communist anti-gun slogans as they waved homemade signs. After Orlando, these radicals think to get their foot in the door on what the left has always been after—Gun Control. Remove the ability of the citizenry to defend itself.

“Moderate” (read “weak”) Republicans such as John Cornyn (R-TX) tried to mollify the Democratic rascals by proposing that mandatory three-day investigations be conducted by the Federal Government when someone on the “terror watch list” tries to buy a gun. His proposal would have allowed the Attorney General to block purchase of firearms while investigations were conducted. His proposal failed.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) went further. Her proposal would authorize the Attorney General to block any person from purchasing a firearm if there was a reasonable belief that the weapon might be used in terroristic attacks. Apparently, Loretta Lynch’s speech about winning over terrorists with “love” did not stick with Feinstein.

Fortunately, these measures failed to move forward. The Second Amendment is a PROHIBITION against the Federal Government from entering into this territory. The right of “the people” shall not be infringed to “keep and bear arms” is a codified right precisely to defend ourselves from an over-reaching government. Usurpation and intervention by the federal government were the two most prominent dangers to the drafters of the Second Amendment. This is why the “Bill of Rights” opens with the law, “Congress shall make NO LAW…”

Alexander Hamilton argued in Federalist #84 that since our government is only a “limited government” with only a few specified powers it would have absolutely NO authority to regulate a citizen’s freedom of speech, religion, etc. Neither is there any federal authority to register or confiscate firearms or to block sales to those whom it considers possible “terrorists.”

Now enters the “Terror Watch List.” As baffling as it is, it seems the Republican Senators and Congressmen who are intent on mollifying the thuggery of the Democrats have forgotten who writes this list! When Obama became president and Janet Napolitano was the Secretary of Homeland Security, those who were singled out for government “monitoring” were: returning “military veterans” who were “facing significant challenges” as they sought to “reintegrate” into society. This situation, per Napolitano and Obama, “could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.”

Obama’s “Terror Watch List” also included “right-wing extremists.” In Obama’s Lexicon that includes those who study the Constitution or who are Tea-Partiers, or members of such organizations as the John Birch Society. Never mind that there are currently Islamic Jihadi Terroristic Training Camps in America—for these we must spread the banquet table. But we must watch those Constitutionalists!

I will put these proposals by Cornyn and Feinstein in simple syllogistic form.
•    The the Federal Government disallows those on the terror watch list access to firearms.
•    Those on terror watch list (per DHS) include “right-wing extremists” and “returning veterans.”
•    Thus, the Federal Government disallows returning vets and right-wingers guns.

For an encapsulated view of those bold hypocrites who are minding the Terror Watch List, consider also the recent interview that leftist Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) granted to a reporter on Gun Control.

The Reporter asks Charlie: “Why should, say, the uber-wealthy have that protection [ability to carry firearms] but individuals who are law-abiding citizens in your district should not?”

Charlie: “Well, law-abiding citizens just shouldn’t have to carry a gun. You know that, so you’re not going to push me in that direction.”

Reporter: “But you’re protected by guns all over the place here in the Capitol.”

Charlie: (Laughing) “Well, that’s a little different. I think we deserve—I think we need to be protected down here.”

That attitude speaks for itself. Yes, it does make a difference who is minding the “Terror Watch List.”

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