Category Archives: Uncategorized

A NATION’S ERASURE…Where is the USA?  0 (0)

John L. Kachelman, Jr. 


A failed nation is the consequence of the citizen’s complacency. A corrupt nation is the product of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats. A nation’s erasure is the Divine’s judgment on the population bowing submissively and surrendering their inalienable rights to a totalitarian group 

It is a CHOICE of the citizens. 


An undeniable, historical fact is that there is a constant rerun in civilization’s chronicles—nations rise and fall because of the citizen population. Once the citizens resign their individual rights and freedoms, then the nation’s foundations crack and crumble. 

It is a CHOICE of the citizens. 


When the citizens choose silence over common sense questioning; when the citizens relinquish all choices to the State and render foolish compliance to the inanest mandates; when the body politic is run by authorities viewing themselves as elitists —a nation’s erasure is an absolute consequence. The formula is absolute. IF a nation does ______ THEN national calamity results.  

It is a CHOICE of the citizens. 


The history of the national rise and fall of World Empires has a constant factor—the citizens did nothing. They chose to allow the decline of the national conscience and urged the national consciousness to be desensitized. They sat in silence while their nation imploded within from corruption in the highest levels of governing and accepted the fall as the enemy outside completed the nation’s destruction. This is a true fact. It is an absolute fact. It can be denied, but it cannot be evaded. It may be forestalled but its inevitability is certain. 


An illustration of this is the lament of an Old Testament prophet who witnessed the fall of the once proud city of Jerusalem. The national demise followed the historic pattern. The national fall was the choice of the citizens! The prophet lamented, 

“How lonely sits the city that once had many people! She has become like a widow who was once great among the nations! She who was a princess among the provinces has become a forced laborer! She has no one to comfort her…All who pursued her have overtaken her in the midst of distress…it is bitter for her…her adversaries have become her masters…her splendor is gone…Is it nothing to all you who pass this way?” (Jeremiah’s Lamentations, The Bible) 


The fall was the CHOICE of the citizens. Listen again to the prophet’s heartbreaking query asked to those marching through the ruins of the once great nation, “Is it nothing to all you who pass this way?” 

IF the nation’s citizens become complacent, the political leaders become corrupt, and all personal liberties are surrendered to totalitarian mandates, THEN national erasure is assured! 


The Erasure of Germany  


The historic erasure of a great nation from a recent time is the failed nation of Germany. The nation’s citizens surrendered to the controlling Politicians and disaster was ignited. The extremism of Germany’s political forces resulted in the nation’s erasure. As one notes, “Germany died with the 2nd World War, that is the tragic truth, and although the German nation continues to exist, what the German people lost with the war goes far beyond the obvious material and human losses.” 


The Erasure of Russia 


Volumes validate the erasure of Russia as a great nation. Once vying for the number one spot of “World Empire,” the national fall has been a historic rerun of this article’s thesis. The amazing fall of the USSR was the product of a number of factors eventually bringing the dissolution. The fragmentation of that one World Power continues today as its Elite Rulers attempt to crush the opposition. If you want a clear illustration of how a Police State functions, look at the current affairs in Russia. The most prominent opposition figure to Vladimir Putin, Alexei Navalny, has been found guilty of fraud and contempt of court. The charges are validated ONLY by the State’s Prosecution and intended only to silence the most vocal opposition. Not surprising is the State’s verdict that such opposition deserves nine-years in prison! The intimidation tactic is well communicated to others thinking of opposition. 


The reality of a POLICE STATE persecuting its critics is amply illustrated. Another account of Russia’s far-reaching intimidation is supplied by the mysterious death of a prominent critic of Vladimir Putin in Washington’s West End. This is drawing fury from some of the Kremlin’s best-known global detractors — but scant notice in Washington, where police say they do not suspect foul play was behind Dan Rapoport’s fall from a luxury apartment building on the night of August 14. 


The Erasure of the United States of America 


Our great nation cannot escape the inevitability of the historic constant. The historic constant is undeniable: IF the nation’s citizens become complacent, the political leaders become corrupt, and all personal liberties are surrendered to totalitarian mandates, THEN national erasure is assured! 


Numerous articles are available highlighting the national catastrophe about to erupt. This cataclysm has been in the making for decades and in recent years the inevitability has become a juggernaut. As a nation we are rushing pell-mell into oblivion as a “great” nation. Following the script for national erasure, we now see opposition threatened with sham investigations instigated by corrupt POLS and sanctioned by compromised justice. Invasion of private property is justified with manufactured reasoning. There is no objective truth in the accusations. The reality of living in a POLICE STATE that punishes opposition without due process and ignores flagrant crimes, is visible. We are now reaching the point of no-return. 


Where are We in the United States of America? 


There is hope of rescue. Surely not everyone in the governmental positions is complicit in the evil committed in the name of law and justice. Surely not every law enforcement agent in the Federal, State and Local agencies is compromised. There are those in positions who can step forward and speak out. These have information and can validate the unconstitutional evil seeking to destroy our nation. It is time for these “whistleblowers” to come forward and expose the rampant corruption, illegality, evil schemes and subversive people seeking to undermine our freedom. We implore these to become heroes and save our nation. You have the data! Realize your opportune position. 


There is justice being meted. A constant of history is that eventually Justice is meted to the individuals. In fascist Germany, in totalitarian USSR, and throughout civilization this is a never-changing fact. Eventually ALL involved in the national demise and dissolution will be exposed and punished. 


So…if you are imbedded in the corruption, NOW is the time to stand up and speak out while you still have the opportunity to save yourself from the disaster coming! We are witnessing a trickle of those brave enough to expose the evil, but we need the trickle to become a flood! Exposure and justice are inevitable. 


The Answer is in YOUR Hands 


A fable from ancient China discusses the wisest man on earth. No one could confuse him. He knew all answers. Two boys decided on a plan to stump the man. One put a small bird (or butterfly) in his hand and put his hands behind his back. They decided to ask the wise man if the bird was alive or dead. Whatever answer was given they would either kill or keep alive the bird and so thwart the wise man’s reply. They approached the wise man, asked the question and were ready to follow the cunning plan. When asked the question the man wisely replied, “The answer is in your hands.” 


Citizens of the United States of America…Jeremiah asks you to look at the dissolution of your nation asking yourselves, “Is it nothing to all you who pass this way?” The fable reminds us of the inexcusable fact “The answer is in your hands.” 


WHO will step forward and expose the corruption, illegalities and compromises plaguing our nation and fueling its erasure? WHO will have the courage to be a bold heroic figure standing up for the Constitutional principles and against the autocratic Elite who presume a privileged ruling status? “The answer is in YOUR hands”? 

Political Intimidation: The Control by Totalitarian Pols with an Evil Tactic 0 (0)

John L. Kachelman, Jr

Political intimidation is the one control restricting personal liberties and bolstering totalitarianism. It was once the theme of spy thrillers. No longer is this tacit fiction. Fiction has become fact. There is now a daily serving of an operational tactic once restricted to the Communist Overlords. This totalitarianism was framed on 8 August 2022 when over 30 plain clothes agents from the Southern District of Florida and the FBI’s Washington Field Office took control of President Trump’s home.

The operational tactic of political intimidation is documented. Threats, persecutions, and even murder are visible. Jackbooted thuggery marches in our streets. And, there seems to be little remorse as political intimidation threatens our Republic.

A diabolical history
Joseph Stalin mastered political intimidation as a control over his political opponents in the USSR. Stalin’s playbook was perfectly executed in the infiltration, subterfuge and murder used on January 6, 2022. And the diabolical tactic continues as the J6 protestors remain unconstitutionally imprisoned.


A present practice
We have been advised by the DEMS/Progressives/RINOS that lists are being made and reprisals are assured. We are told that re-education is needed for those with conservative positions.
This tactic is examined in an article titled “The Trump Accountability Project.” Author Anton Lupan provides analysis and details of the Stalinist tactics of intimidation and control.
“Communist dictator Joseph Stalin once said, ‘The greatest delight is to mark one’s enemy, prepare everything, avenge oneself thoroughly, and then go to sleep.’
Sadly, it appears many on the left share the communist dictator’s execrable love of revenge…
“Making ‘lists’ of political enemies is nothing new in history, as we know from the Soviet Union. Stalin, of course, never stopped with keeping track of names. He eventually took steps to torture, imprison, and terminate his enemies.
“Making these types of lists is never acceptable in a democratic society. It’s not just creepy and disgusting, it’s dangerous and downright evil.”

What other purpose can such thuggish threats serve other than scaring good people away from serving their country?
Here is a troubling summary: “After six years of investigations, harassment, leaks and conspiracies the wicked DC establishment has yet to uncover ONE SINGLE ACT that President Trump took that broke US law.” And yet the harassing, political intimidation by the DEMS/RINOS/PROGRESSIVES continues!

It is past time for the citizens of the USA to accept the accuracy of these words describing today’s political intimidation. Such “is never acceptable in a democratic society. It’s not just creepy and disgusting, it’s dangerous and downright evil.”
Adding analysis to the evil in this tactic is a source from the radical progressive side…

How Political Bullying and Intimidation Work — “The Emotional Toll of Public Bullying and Political Intimidation,” the focus was on the experience of the sheer power and psychological effects of bullying in general and public bullying and political intimidation in particular…public bullying works as a concrete method and set of political tools.
Preemptive attacks are a game of pure power; they are all the more terrifying in that they appear unmotivated by virtue of being so unexpected. In the current…onslaught, it is crucial to remember that such attacks are without apparent meaning other than conserving their power and advantage, destabilizing and defeating opponents, and destroying…social protections… power is its own justification…in Washington and statehouses these assaults are profoundly nihilistic…Such aggressors stand beyond any appeal and are unreachable except perhaps through fear and their sense of self-preservation. This is politics at its most raw.

New World Green Climate Religion Threatens Christianity 0 (0)

Bill Lockwood 


Many Christians have been oblivious that the United States, operating through the United Nations, is seeking to replace Christianity, upon which our nation was founded, by a new GREEN religion. That religion is Environmentalism and its preachers, including our president, Joe Biden, have declared a Climate Emergency. That demands that you pay homage to it with your “donations”—tax dollars.  


If one does not think that the Environmental movement is a religion, consider just a smattering of recent facts—among many others which can be brought forward. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) stated on November 12, 2019, that we are “to believe in Climate Change as though it’s a religion, it’s not a science.” That’s right–a religion, not science.  


At the Climate Realist Conference, an alternative to the United Nations Climate Conference in Madrid (2019), many world-class scientists compared the new Green Deal of Climate Alarmism to a religion, a cult.  


This included MIT Meteorologist Richard Lindzen, Dr. Ivstan Marko, a chemistry professor at the Catholic University, and others. Marko called the Climate Crusaders of the Democratic Party globalists a “climate cult” that has developed a “dangerous theology.”  


“It’s a new religion going on,” Marko explained. But the most interesting scientist was William Happer, the renown Princeton physicist, who spoke of the “non-existent climate emergency.” He hopes that “enough people will recognize the phoniness of this bizarre environmental cult and bring it to an end.”  


The problem, says Happer, is that there has been so much brainwashing done that it will be very difficult to bring people back to their senses. Christians, beware.  

Government Should Begin Liquidating Its Assets 0 (0)

Bill Lockwood 


The current debt crisis brings to the fore some basic common sense principles. In the case of families and/or individuals that are drowning in debt, unable to fulfill financial obligations, financial counseling involves liquidating assets.  Ironically, the government itself would demand this of private citizens. After all, the government wishes us to be solvent enough to pay taxes.  Likewise, Uncle Sam, racking up the debt to 30+ trillion dollars, should be urged to sell its assets—unconstitutionally held land measuring up to 75% of the western states.  


The Constitution 


Article 1, section 8, clause 17 of the Constitution provides the right to Congress to exercise authority over public lands purchased within the various states. What the Constitution does not allow is the wholesale confiscation of vast territories of the west and barring private ownership. If the federal government is serious about relieving the debt crisis it will sell off to private American investors the millions of acres of National Forests and Bureau of Land Management tracts. Consider the following.  


First, the states themselves were to retain title and usage of all lands within its boundaries unless for the specified purposes listed in the Constitution, namely, the “erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards and other needful buildings.”  What about vast corridors of wilderness locked away from private ownership by the feds in the name of “protecting the environment?”  Not there. What about massive federal stakes in the west? Not constitutional.  


Second, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 required that all new states coming within the jurisdiction of the United States would be inducted on the basis of equality.  Citizens of such territories therefore should have retained title to all lands except for purposes specified in the Constitution.  If the Federal Government had wished to acquire lands for those purposes, payment would be given to the states. Every acre of land therefore, belongs to the states unless purchased by Washington, D.C.  


Third, when Ohio was admitted into the Union in 1803, the government unconstitutionally retained title to all public lands.  It had planned to “pay off” the national debt with the sell of those lands, promising to expedite this process as quickly as possible. Promises. Promises. 


Fourth, when the territories of the western states later came into the Union from Mexico, Congress refused to sell the vast tracts of those lands. The result is that today, more than 75% of the territory of the western states is owned and managed by the federal government—inclusive of Indian reservations. Wilderness areas, national forests, national parks and other federally managed properties make up federally held lands.  


Excluding Indian reservations, the federal government ought to begin liquidating its land assets of the west to private American investors and citizens. This would not only show honor to the Constitution, but be a sober effort to relieve Biden’s monstrous spending problem. For, as we all know, when one is required by circumstances to liquidate his holdings, he will be more careful with his future spending. To ignore this simple solution while bumping up the debt limit shows no real effort to curb the problem now, nor come to grips with spending in the future.  

America a Christian Nation 0 (0)

By Bill Lockwood:

When our Founding Fathers referred to this nation, as “Christian Nation,” as did John Jay, one of authors of Federalist Papers, they did not intend that this be understood in the sense that an official church had been established, or that a “Theocracy” was in place, but rather that the principles upon which our republic rests were Christian in origin. Benjamin Morris, a second-generation American, in surveying the mass of material on this topic, summarized:

“Christianity is the principle and all-pervading element, the deepest and most solid foundation, of all our civil institutions. It is the religion of the people—the national religion; but we have neither an established church nor an established religion.”

Some of founders even referred to America as a “Christian Republic.” That generation demonstrated this by the fact that they Morris adorned public buildings with biblical symbols such as Moses crossing Red Sea; or Moses holding tablets of stone carved on the building of the Supreme Court; or the even state papers of the Continental Congress that are filled with Christianity.

One of the formative laws of the United States is the Declaration of Independence, which reads more like a theological statement to the secularists of today. Our republic posited that rights come from God and that the single role of government is to protect what God gave us, inclusive of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Republic itself is an outgrowth of Christian principles.


Roger Sherman, from Connecticut, one of the most influential of the founders, having signed not only the Declaration of Independence, but the Articles of Confederation as well as the
Constitution. He wrote to Samuel Baldwin in 1790 that “his faith in the new republic was largely because he felt it was founded on Christianity as he understood it.”

Joseph Story, a jurist who served on the Supreme Court during the founding era and wrote the first lengthy Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, commented as follows:

Probably at the time of the adoption of the Constitution, and of the amendment to it now under consideration, the general, if not the universal sentiment was, that Christianity ought to receive encouragement from the state, so far as was not incompatible with the private rights of conscience and the freedom of religious worship. An attempt to level all religions, and to make it a matter of state policy to hold all in utter indifference, would have created universal disapprobation, if not universal indignation.

The Supreme Court in numerous cases has referred to this as “A Christian Nation.” Most notable is the 1892 case entitled The Church of the Holy Trinity v. The United States. Here the Court packed its decision with a litany of precedents from American history to establish “this is a religious people, … this is a Christian Nation.”


Now it is Different

When speaking of the Bible, one denominational church manual reads, “Now it is different.” Sadly, so it is in the teaching of the founding of America, the Constitution itself, and American civics in general.

Modern Americans have become so ill-educated and misinformed on the subject at hand that even universities and professorships, endowed with tax dollars, argue vehemently against America being conceived as a “Christian nation.” They trumpet loudly that this is a “secular state” and has been from the beginning.

In 2009, for example, the church of Christ where I preach hosted a “Christianity and the Constitution” public seminar, featuring various speakers, establishing that America was designed as a “Christian nation.” Objections by letters to the editor appeared in the local paper, The Times Record News of Wichita Falls. One woman wrote:

…the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution were clearly written as secular documents, with not a single mention of Jesus or the word Christian … [I]t is a fact that the major players in the production of the federal documents were steeped in the Enlightenment: deists, humanists, Masons, and skeptics … [emp. added]

She went on to say that we had “presented discredited information” and “tortured” history to establish the claim that America was a Christian nation.

In answer to that letter, I included the following:

The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania (cited in the US Supreme Court case [of 1892, mentioned above] said that “Christianity is and always has been a part of the common law.” … The Supreme Court of 1844 (Vidal) said, “It is unnecessary for us, … to consider the establishment of a school for college for the propagation of Judaism or Deism or any other form of infidelity. Such a case is not to be presumed to exist in a Christian country.”

It was also noted in response that Noah Webster, who helped ratify our Constitution, wrote that the source of our republican principles “is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or Christian religion.”

Concluding, I added that regarding to “deists” by whom our nation was supposedly founded, that at the time of the Constitutional Convention deists were not even allowed to hold public office! An actual listing of the religious preferences of the delegates to the Constitutional convention of 1787 shows that 55 declared themselves Christians while only 3 called themselves deists. That is about 5%.


Nathan Jun of MSU

After the above exchange in the paper, Dr. Nathan Jun of Midwestern State University came in to help out the secular cause. He wrote:

In response to Bill Lockwood’s April 21 letter: The First Amendment of the Constitution states that ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion …’ Both conventional approaches to interpreting the ‘establishment clause’ – the separationist as well as the more conservative accommodationist approach—strictly preclude any implicit or explicit religious preferences on the part of the Constitution or Congress.

The United States of America is most certainly not a ‘Christian’ nation, and this is a basic and uncontroversial principle of constitutional law. Whether or not a preponderance of the founders of this country were Christians, moreover, is wholly irrelevant. The government they founded is and has been secular in principle, if not always in spirit. The antiquated, anti-Semitic Supreme Court decision that Mr. Lockwood cited (instead of, say, the Constitution) says nothing about the fundamental character of our system of government. It does, however, say an awful lot about Mr. Lockwood and, perhaps, about his particular brand of Christianity—at least to this non-Christian.

The errors in Dr. Jun’s statement are so numerous that it is only possible to note the highlights, which I did in a following letter to the editor.

Dr. Jun: sir, your philosophy is woefully misinformed. The 1st Amendment, according to James Madison, merely forbids the federal government from establishing a ‘national church.’ No one then, nor do I, wish to have an official state church. However, that is far different from speaking of our Christian nation in the sense of recognizing Christian principles being imbedded within its framework and forming the underpinning of our society. As Patrick Henry put it, this nation ‘was founded upon the gospel of Jesus Christ.’ Joseph Story, appointed by Madison to the Supreme Court, said, ‘we do not attribute this prohibition of a national religious establishment to an indifference to religion in general, and especially to Christianity … an attempt to level all religions and to make it a matter of state policy to hold all in utter indifference would have created universal disapprobation …’

I suppose that these men are too antiquated to know what they are talking about land need modernists from Universities to straighten them out. Not a Christian nation? ‘Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty as well as the privilege … of our Christian nation to select Christians as their rulers’ (John Jay, 1st chief justice of the Supreme Court).

Next, I only mentioned that the Founders were Christians in answer to another letter which opined that this country was founded by a bunch of deists and secular humanists—not as proof of a Christian nation. You missed that point as well.

Third, to cavalierly dismiss as ‘anti-Semitic’ the 1892 Supreme Court decision which identified us as a Christian nation bespeaks of dep-seated prejudice by Dr. Jun and a fundamental lack of understanding about the roots of America. It is extremely sad that our tax dollars support this type of radical expression.

In truth, the fact that this was established as a Christian nation infuriates the secularists in our country. Perhaps they ought to be thankful that the only “accommodation” that America made was to the irreligious, allowing them to live freely in a Christian nation without forcing them to support a state-sponsored church.

I am certain that if these professors, of which Dr. Nathan Jun is only one, who personally publishes an “Abolish the Police” signature on his Facebook page, were to live in a Muslim country, they might have a different perspective.

After the above public exchange, I contacted Dr. Jun by email in an effort to engage in a public discussion on Christianity in general. But his contempt for Christianity apparently knows no bounds as he tartly replied, “do not ever contact me again.”

So much for a free society where ideas can be exchanged openly in gentlemanly fashion.

We’re Changing People’s Lives! 0 (0)

By: Bill Lockwood

“We’re changing people’s lives!” President Joe Biden was practically trembling when he bellowed out his old-man tight-lipped trembling defense of his reckless unconstitutional spending bills.

Biden was referring to two large spending bills in his speech to AFL-CIO members last week. The first spending bill was the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act which Democrats passed last year without Republican support, and last year’s $1.2 trillion “infrastructure bill.”

Critics have pointed out that Biden is indeed “changing people’s lives”—for the worst. With record high inflation, with wages in the jobs market driven down by open borders, with an open warfare against the fossil fuel industry that has given us all-time high prices at the gasoline pump—Biden has indeed “changed lives.”

But let’s take Biden at his word–an extremely naïve thing to do considering his lack of character—and assume he is indeed “improving people’s lives.” What is actually occurring? Break it down.

The president sounds like any pulpit-thumping preacher doesn’t he? The message is seemingly the same. Emphasis upon the word “seemingly.”


Socialism has an iron fist hidden within the velvet glove. When I preach in the church about changing people’s lives—if we are talking about giving money for benevolence-type work such as giving to a food bank or contributing for the poor—I am depending upon the persuasiveness of the message itself.

In other words, if I insist that our missionaries in South Africa or Ukraine are needing financing in order to operate a soup kitchen, I can be fervent to encourage the coffers to grow. If people are not persuaded that these are pressing causes, or if there are more pressing causes to which they would rather give, then the collection basket is light. Or, if they wish not to give, that is their decision. The decision-making is left to the people.

What does government do? By the unconstitutional “confiscation—redistribution” program of socialism, there is not choice by taxpayers. Freedom is gone. But more.

Totalitarian thinking has so pickled the minds and judgments of politicians in our socialistic quagmire, that old man Joe can actually brag about using our money to do what HE wants to do—and brag about it.


No, Joe. You are not “changing people’s lives.” The American taxpayers are and you are just using your illegally-obtained power to make us do it. There is no “WE” are changing people’s lives.

If I am a school principal and use my authority to force a child to split his lunch with a child who has none, it comes with poor grace for me to pat the sullen child on the back and say, “See there? We just fed the hungry!”

No, Mr. Principal, if you split your lunch with the needy and I of my own accord followed your example to also share with the needy—then you can say, “We fed the hungry!”

To be accurate, what Joe should have said was, I (and the lawless Democrats) have used unconstitutional force to make you pony-up the money to “change people’s lives.” Now don’t you feel better?


by Kathleen Marquardt

The last time or two that my home alarm system repairman was here, we were talking about Operation Paperclip, the secret, illegal ploy used to spirit Nazi scientists from facing charges at the Nuremburg Trials and bring them to the United States. Yesterday, he sent me a video of author Annie Jacobsen (an excellent writer, researcher and New York Times bestseller), giving a presentation on her new book Operation Paperclip.

I watched Jacobsen’s talk and was bowled over by a statement she made in responding to a question from the audience. A gentleman asked about the scientists who were being held for the Nuremburg Trials, but were wanted by U.S. military and government officials to get these scientists brought to the US as “good scientists” i.e., not evil Nazis, instead of being tried for their war crimes. Jacobsen noted (not making excuses for the subterfuge of getting the scientists “off the hook“), that the hue and cry immediately after the war ended was  “. . .that the Soviet threat was considered extreme much earlier than we think. It was in the months after the war the Intelligence Committee, that reported to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, gave a document to the JCO that said, ‘we must prepare for total war!’ That was the quote they used. The war would be with the Soviets and would involve ABC warfare – atomic, biological, and chemical. So, we say, we must get these scientists into Paperclip or the Soviets will.”

That was the political line if people heard about these scientists. Was it true? Were we really preparing for “total war” with the U.S.S.R?

Let’s get into that.

I’m often quoting Sun Tzu’s “know your enemy”. Great advice, but when you realize the enemy is your government, it can make you wonder if you are crazy. Especially when said government is being the hailed as the savior of both the world and western culture, and, at the same time, is handing over everything to our supposed archenemy, Soviet Russia.

In the six-part series I did recently on Cancel Culture, I defined the enemy as cultural Marxism and showed how it was embedded into every aspect of our lives by Americans who, for whatever reason hate the liberty provided by the United States and its founding documents (I believe that is the one-world government globalists working with the Marxists to achieve this). But, as I studied cultural Marxism and its tools of asymmetric warfare – political correctness, Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, and the plethora of other evil tactics to disable, then destroy, our culture, I just discovered what I think is equally as important and maybe more abhorrent than all of that. That a major part of our history was re-written. What we learned in school was such a distortion of the truth, it had to be written by masters of deception.

What’s so abhorrent about that? And what does it have to do with Cancel Culture? Today, we are living in a world where, thanks to moral relativism, many of us feel like we are reeling every day when we read the latest news. There is no black and white. But there are socially and politically acceptable truths (which are lies), and condemned speech which is truth.

My reason for bringing it up now is that the highest people in our government changed the whole course of events in the world, making enemies out of friends, and friends out of those wishing us dead. Now I understand why we have been known as ugly Americans. A major event, WWII, was a defining period where those in our highest government offices were effecting these truths to lies and vice versa, lies to truth.

How do we know the truth? A few individuals in our government questioned things that were said and done. In this case it was a senator from the Russell Committee[1] who was “deeply disturbed” and showed McCarthy what were proven to be the complete and correct intelligence reports from Yalta — the intelligence report of 50 of Chief of Staff in charge of War Planning, General George Catlett Marshall’s officers “all with the rank of colonel and above” – an intelligence report which urged a course directly contrary to what was done at Yalta and confirmed at Potsdam. Yet, Marshall, as Roosevelt’s military advisor, approve the Yalta agreement, which was drafted by Alger Hiss, Andrei‘ Gromyko, and Gladwyn Jebb.[2]

The deeply damning report of April 12,1945, that was not seen by President Roosevelt:

The entry of Soviet Russia into the Asiatic war would be a political event of world-shaking importance, the ill effect of which would be felt for decades to come. Its military significance at this stage of the war would be relatively unimportant. The entry of Soviet Russia into the Asiatic war would destroy America’s position in Asia quite as effectively as our position is now destroyed in Europe east of the Elbe and beyond the Adriatic.

If Russia enters the Asiatic war, China will lose her independence, to become the Poland of Asia; Korea, the Asiatic Rumania; Manchuria, The Soviet Bulgaria. Whether more than a nominal China will exist after the impact of the Russian armies is felt very doubtful. Chiang may well have to depart and a Chinese Soviet government may be installed in Nanking which we would have to recognize.  

To take a line of action which would save few lives now, and only a little time, at an unpredictable cost in lives, treasure, and honor in the future – and simultaneously destroy our ally China, would be an act of treachery that would make the Atlantic Charter and our hopes for world peace a tragic farce.

Under no circumstances should we pay the Soviet Union to destroy China. Theis would certainly injure the material and moral position of the United States in Asia.[3]

That was the catalyst for McCarthy’s review of Marshall’s actions during WWII which resulted in America’s Retreat from Victory. (Perhaps one of the reasons he was later denounced and ridiculed – McCarthyism is the lie named after him, early Cancel Culture.)

Diana West, in her excellent book, American Betrayal, writes of the early 1945 period and a letter from Roosevelt to former governor of Pennsylvania, special representative of FDR abroad, and outspoken patriot, George H. Earle, “I have read your letter of March 21, “. . . and have noted with concern your unfavorable opinion of one of our allies at the very time when such a publication from a former emissary of mine might do irreparable harm to our war effort.”

Really? Or was that harm to the Soviet war effort? The Roosevelt administration, penetrated, fooled, subverted, in effect hijacked, by Soviet agents, as a matter of national policy, mixed them up, much to the world’s deep, vast suffering. This ‘sell-out’ to Stalin as critics tagged it (and they didn’t know the half of it), would become a bone of sharpest and most vociferous contention that the conspirators of silence on the Left, in the Democratic Party, and among the Washington elites would bury for as long as possible, desperately throwing mud over it and anyone who wanted to let the sun shine in. Why? . . .the publication of the Yalta papers, for example, would ‘embarrass’ too many people and, in the acid paraphrase of Bryton Barron, fired Yalta archivist and author of Inside the State Department, ‘lead to demands for publication of the minutes of other conferences.

By 1956, as Barron notes, only a heavily edited version of Yalta had been released, and only after a Soviet-style (Soviet-inspired?) disinformation campaign promoted the notion that the crucial role Alger Hiss played at Yalta was, au contraire, ‘largely that of a notetaker.”[4]

During WWII, the powers of the West were Churchill and Roosevelt, with a sidekick, Stalin, who was going to help the West stop the Nazis and the Japanese.

As the saying goes, history is written by the victors, but I doubt if most people understand the depth of the lying and scheming that is hidden from us – supposedly forever. A quote from McCarthy’s introduction to the book speaks of truths virtually unknown today, “If I had named the men responsible for our tremendous loss, all of the Administration apologists and the camp-following element of press and radio led by the Daily Worker would have screamed ‘the Big Lie,’ ‘irresponsible.’ ‘smear,’ ‘Congressional immunity,’ etc., etc., etc. However, it was the Truman branch of the Democratic Party meeting at Denver, which named the men responsible for the disaster which they called a ‘great victory’ – Dean Gooderham Acheson and George Catlett Marshall. By what tortured reasoning they arrived at the conclusion that the loss of 100 million people a year to Communism was a ‘great victory,’ was unexplained.”

Why was the president not given that report?

Marshall had been passed over and passed on in his early Army career and was expected to drop out and get work as a civilian. But chance(?), instead, advanced him over many more senior and experienced men, to be named Military Chief of Staff, reporting to President Roosevelt. Harry Hopkins and Mrs. Roosevelt were two of his backers. The federal government was riddled with communists.

Almost the entire plans of the war were being side-tracked or otherwise having a spanner thrown in to mess with the West’s conducting of the war to achieve interests best suited to a free world.

First, we must consider what went on at Yalta. If, as Hanson John Baldwin observes, we lost the peace because of great political mistakes in WWII, (spelled out in first part of McCarthy’s book) then it is clear that those mistakes culminated in the controlling decisions made at the conference of Teheran and Yalta. It is my judgement that we lost the peace in Asia at Yalta. At Teheran, Marshall’s will prevailed in concert of that of Stalin regarding the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe. (emphasis, mine) At Yalta, Marshall’s will prevailed, with that of Stalin, regarding Russia’s entry into the far Eastern was as a full-fledged partner entitled to the spoils of such participation. . ..

The President, bearing the marks of his approaching dissolution, traveled the thousands of weary miles . . . to treat with the tyrant, to seek accord with him, and to make the bargains over Poland and China that today plague and shame us all. The principal, the most utterly damaging, of these bargains contained the bribe he paid to Stalin for his eleventh-hour participation in the war against Japan. (Which was by then, irrelevant.[5]

The one area I want address here is China. China was a great ally of the United States and the U.S. was, supposedly, working with China to keep the USSR from taking over Asia. Roosevelt thought and said so. But those working for him had other plans for China.

Manchuria is the richest part of China. In terms of area and natural resources it may be described as the Texas of China. …[6]

It was a rich, highly developed Manchuria that was at stake at Yalta. It was Manchuria which Franklin D. Roosevelt thrust upon the Russians; it was, moreover, conferred upon the new barbarians with full understanding that the United States was thereby satisfying an old imperialistic design of the Kremlin. The very language of the secret protocol which sealed the bargain at Yalta recognized this fact. What Roosevelt ceded to Stalin at Yalta, without the knowledge or consent of the Chinese, whose sovereignty there we always had upheld, was, and I quote from the work of Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., in restoration of the “former rights of Russia violated by the treacherous attack of Japan in 1904.” The testimony before the Russell Committee shows that Chiang Kai-shek was not invited to the Yalta Conference and that the terms of the agreement selling out Chinese interests were kept secret from him. At the Cairo Conference, however, it was solemnly agreed with him that China’s rights in Manchuria would be fully respected and protected. When Wedemeyer appeared before the Russell Committee, he testified that when Ambassador Hurley informed Chiang Kai-shek of the Yalta agreement which sealed the doom of the Republic of China, Chiang was so shocked that he asked Hurley to repeat it before he could believe it.

The project was not disguised. It was a nakedly imperialistic aggression over the prostrate body of China. What Roosevelt sealed and delivered in the protocol agreed upon by him and Stalin in a secret parley consuming only eleven minutes, and thereafter kept locked away in White House safe for many months, were the historic levers of power over China. …[7]

No wonder we are considered “ugly Americans” around the world. Obviously, deep in the bowels of our government, many Communists and commie sympathizers were working night and day to both sabotage the West’s efforts in the war to keep the Russians as far away as possible from Western Europe, and to keep the citizens in the dark about the machinations going on to cancel us. With their singlemindedness, they were corrupting our entire government with their actions, and destroying the integrity of our once great nation.

What does this whole sordid transaction teach us about the good faith of the advisers of Roosevelt and the assorted liberals, Communists, Communist sympathizers. And agents of the Kremlin – the Achesons, the Lattimores, the Phillip Jessups, and the Institute of Pacific Relations – who have for so long been insincerely befuddling the people with talk of imperialism and people’s rights in Asia.

Why, merely this, that in their minds the imperialism of the west, that decaying instrument of European expansion, is wicked and must be opposed. The imperialism of Russia is not only commendable but must be advanced by every means of diplomacy and war at whatever cost to the United States. That is the liber-leftist doctrine on imperialism. Have we heard one liberal voice raised in the Senate or elsewhere in condemnation Roosevelt’s surrender to Russian imperialism at Yalta? This is the test, and by it we may measure the monstrous hypocrisy of the liberal elements in Congress and in the country which have assisted in and applauded the surrender of all China to Russia without the firing of a single Russian shot.[8]

There was a lot of talk of the U.S. trying to entice Russia into the Japanese war, which was pure disinformation. Russia wanted to attack Japan and, far more important, wanted a seat at the peace table where the spoils of the war would be divided. Back in 1942, in a meeting with Averell Harriman in Moscow, “Stalin told Harriman then that Japan was the historic enemy of Russia and that her eventual defeat was essential to Russian interests. (emphasis, mine.) Roosevelt was (falsely) advised by the Joint Chiefs of Staff that “we had a long, hard row to hoe with the Japanese and that without Russia’s help we might not achieve victory”. The Japanese were already out peace feelers, but this fact was kept from Roosevelt.

As McCarthy sums it up: Was this a sincere endeavor by the master of global strategy to advance American interest? Did we sorely need Russian assistance? Or was it another in the baffling pattern of General Marshall’s interventions in the course of the great war which conduces to the well-being of the Kremlin.[9]

Re China, McCarthy again lays it out so that we can’t pretend not to understand: Was it to the Kremlin’s interest to march its armies into Manchuria, from which they had been barred since 1905 by the Kwantung army, and to be in possession there when the war ended? If some Americans did not grasp the strategic importance of Manchuria, there is certainly abundant evidence that the Kremlin, faithful to Lenin’s dictum that “he who controls China controls the world,” never lost sight of it. . . . Any intelligent American, after giving the matter sufficient thought, would know that the aim of Roosevelt and Marshall at Yalta should have been not how to get the Russians in, but how to keep them out.”[10]

John Stewart Service was one of the men whose job was to assure the Departments of War and State that “the Chinese Communists were moderate reformers, simple agrarians in the style of Thomas Jefferson, (emphasis, mine) with no subservience to Moscow. Service sent a report to the State Department in 1944, stating:

Politically, any orientation which the Chinese Communists may once have had toward the Soviet Union seems to be a thing of the past. The Communists have worked to make their thinking and program realistically Chinese, and they are carrying out democratic policies which they expect the United States to approve and sympathetically support. [11]

I could add ten or 50 more pages of notes and quotes, but I think anyone who wants to see can read the writing on the wall – or in the reports. The point I want to make is that Soviet Russia was never the enemy of the Deep State and the upper echelons of our federal government. So that statement: ‘we must prepare for total war!’, was pure disinformation, an asymmetrical warfare tactic that they have now pulled off for 80 years.

West said: . . .we were, the whole lot of us, with precious few exceptions, a nation of Captain Hillses, a nation of Roosevelts, a nation of Hisses, a nation . . . manipulated, inured, numbed, cushioned, silenced – continually protect from the sharpest of timely revelations, continually told to be afraid of them. We were impervious to the cries of the most plaintive Cassandras, who themselves were often pressured or consigned to mumble into their memoirs or grumble off to Samoa. Only the most principled, the most shrill, the most desperate, or the most stubborn were constitutionally (in the personal sense) able to rise above the overwhelming buss and static. It was on this level where the battle royal really began, pitting the long truth-teller against the forces of suppression, in a political and informational landscape that had been denuded of all vital context. This reality vacuum, this echo chamber of lies, was both created and preserved by what Kent Cooper (executive of AP) quite intriguingly paints as autocrats in charge of both governments (U.S. and USSR). “Clothed with autocratic powers,” he writes, ‘individuals in charge of both governments demonstrated how political censorship had helped Russia to win the war and the peace while England and America helped Russia win the war but lost the peace.”[12]

Everything we thought we were taught about history is a lie. Our country betrayed Chaing Kai-Shek, China, Eastern Europe, so many areas, and would have done so to more places like Japan, if we hadn’t had Generals with integrity in those places. All because we let our guard down and allowed people like the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Harry Hopkins, Acheson, members of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), and George Catlett Marshall have any control.

I certainly haven’t covered all the lies, misdirection, and treachery here, but I hope I have shown enough to help you understand that there is a confederacy of evil men and women working against everything we represent. They should be hung.

Are we now preparing for total war? Now that we gave China (Stalin’s key to world power), and it has become such a powerful force of Marxist Communism, will they, perhaps with Iran, realize it is time to finish up the business started in the 1940s to destroy America with its Liberty loving people? We are the last bulwark. If America goes, Liberty may survive, for a while, in some small areas of the world. But not for long.

As we are working to take back our local governments, we need to be sure to remove any Marxists, Communists, or those who abet them to the detriment of our Republic and our Liberty. Otherwise, we are moving backwards.

[1] During World War II, Richard Russell chaired a special committee that traveled extensively to observe the quality and effectiveness of war materiel under combat conditions.

[2] Alger Hiss, an American Communist, Andrei Gromyko, a Russian emissary, and Gladwyn Jebb, who helped set up the United Nations and served as temporary Secretary General until the first Sec/Gen was named.

[3] McCarthy, Joseph R., America’s Retreat from Victory, The Devin-Adair Company, NY, 1954. p 5.

[4] West, Diana, American Betrayal, St. Martin Press, NY, 2013, pp 320-321.

[5] McCarthy, p. 348.

[6] Ibid, p.349

[7] Ibid. pp 350, 351.

[8] Ibid. pp 52-53.

[9] Ibid. p. 15.

[10] Ibid. p. 35.

[11] Ibid. p 69.

[12] West, p. 326


Kathleen Marquardt has been an advocate for property rights and freedom for decades. While not intending to be an activist, she has become a leader and an avid supporter of constitutional rights, promoter of civility, sound science, and reason. She serves as Vice President of American Policy Center. Kathleen now writes and speaks on Agenda21/2030, and its threat to our culture and our system of representative government.

Wayne Allyn Root: Meet the New President of the United States…Barack Obama 4 (1)

by Wayne Allyn Root

I’ve written thousands of columns and commentaries. This is the most important I’ve ever written.

This is my chance to play the modern-day version of Paul Revere. “The commies are coming. The commies are coming.” Yes, I am reporting a communist takeover. But the leader of this attack is not who it appears to be.

Republicans, Conservatives, patriots and capitalists are sick right about now. We’re in shock. We can’t believe Trump isn’t president. We can’t believe Americans voted against the greatest economy, perhaps in history. And the greatest jobs picture ever. And the greatest improvement in middle class incomes ever. And after the Covid lockdown and economic collapse, Trump produced the greatest economic comeback ever. Remember 33% GDP in Q3 2020? That was the biggest number in history. Who would vote against all that? You’d have to be self-hating and suicidal.

We also can’t believe America voted for a feeble old man with dementia who mumbles “I don’t know what I’m signing, but I’m gonna sign these Executive Orders.” And who says “There was no vaccine before I became president.” Even though he got his two vaccine shots before he became president.

We all believe the election was rigged and stolen. We all know the feeble old man now called “President” would be more at home in an assisted living home, than the White House. That man can’t be our new president.

I have news for my fellow conservatives, Republicans, capitalists and patriots. Biden’s not president. He’s a puppet. Yes, we have a new president. But his name is…

Barack Obama. 

Admit it. Now that I’ve said it out loud, it all makes sense. Obama is the real president, back for his third term, to finish the job.

Biden’s job was to stand there and look moderate, and credible, and reasonable. So as not to scare the voters. But Biden isn’t the real president. Obama is the man with the power.

Look at the radical Executive Orders, the most in history. And they all sound like Obama wrote them. This third term is “Obama Unmasked.” With Biden as the front man, Obama can finally be himself. Obama is able to do all the radical things he never dared do as the actual president.

Look at the executive orders and new laws and policies

• Open borders. No more wall. Everyone gets in, during a pandemic, with no testing for Covid. Illegal alien felons must be released from jail. Halt to deportations. Full legalization for
millions of alien lawbreakers. Include illegal aliens in the US census. Once into the country, give them the right to bring all their relatives in too, with no requirement for education, skills or background checks. Ban the use of the word “illegal alien.”

• Make every action and economic policy about “racism” “social justice” and “racial equity.” Even climate change is about “racism.”

• Re-start the Iranian nuclear treaty. Give murdering Mullahs everything they ever dreamed of, and then some, endanger our best friend Israel’s existence, and get absolutely nothing in return. And for good measure, wait over a month to call Israel’s Prime Minister, so the whole world knows we no longer have Israel’s back.

• Kill the lucrative US energy industry and make us dependent on foreign oil from our enemies again. Kill the Keystone Pipeline. Kill oil, coal, natural gas, fracking, even permits for drilling. Re-enter the Paris Climate Agreement that kills all our jobs, while allowing China to pollute all it wants. This will decimate our economy and make us dependent on the same kind of green energy that just caused the meltdown in Texas.

• Ban the use of the term “China virus.” End the trade war with China. Give China access to the US energy grid.

Even the players in Biden’s cabinet and staff are all Obama re-treads.

Trust me, I’m Obama’s Columbia college classmate. I know how he thinks. I understand his plan. This has Obama’s fingerprints all over it. This is the Cloward-Piven plan we learned at Columbia University, almost 40 years ago.

This is the 3rd  term of Obama. In his first two terms Obama tried his best to destroy the economy, high-paying jobs, healthcare, the US energy industry, the great American middle class, our relationship with Israel, American exceptionalism, and capitalism itself. He damaged us badly, but he fell short.

Now Obama’s back to finish the job.


Wayne Allyn Root is a CEO, entrepreneur, best-selling author, nationally syndicated talk show host on USA Radio Network and the host of “The Wayne Allyn Root Show” on Newsmax TV nightly at 8 p.m. ET.

Alex Newman: School: Individualism and Objectivity Are “White Supremacy” 4 (1)

by Alex Newman

Elementary school children in at least one government school in Virginia were taught the outrageously racist lie that “objectivity,” “perfectionism,” “individualism,” and a dozen or so other traits are actually characteristics of “white supremacy.” Parents were outraged. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the real world, of course, countless people of all “races” believe in those values. Anyone who implies that those characteristics and values are inherently tied to European and Western peoples would be a racist by definition, more than a few critics observed in response to the scandal.

Prominent India-born writer Asra Nomani, for instance, slammed the dangerous propaganda, calling it “political corruption at its most lethal — for the soul of our kids.” She also ridiculed the silly narrative that proper punctuation and grammar are racist.

Other critics were even more forceful. “Ironically, this type of ‘anti-racism’ indoctrination is alarmingly racist and ignorant,” observed Rita Panahi, a prominent Australian columnist of Iranian origin, in commenting on the toxic propaganda being force-fed to captive children in America.

And yet, students ages 6 through 11 at the Belvedere Elementary School in Virginia were subjected to this and more. And children all over the nation and beyond are stewing in this sort of ignorant racism being peddled by government schools, evidence available all over the Internet shows.

This particular bit of propaganda originated in the 2001 “Dismantling Racism Workbook.” It was produced by fringe leftwing extremists Kenneth Jackson Jones and Tema Okun, a vocal self-declared supporter of proud communist terrorist Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground. There is a method to the apparent communist madness.

Other traits and values that are listed in the program as characteristics of “white supremacy” include having a “sense of urgency,” “defensiveness,” “quantity over quality,” “worship of the written word,” “only one right way,” “either / or thinking,” “power hoarding,” “fear of conflict,” “progress is bigger, more,” and “right to comfort.”

Of course, these ramblings are so idiotic and racist that they would normally just be laughed off by normal people as the product of a pathetic lunatic with too much time on their hands and hatred in their heart. Unfortunately, the lunacy is being forced on gullible, naive children without any context or reference for them to understand just how absurd it is. That makes it extremely dangerous.

Consider the almost comical levels of idiocy here. Objectivity, for instance, is defined in the dictionary as a “lack of judgment, bias, or prejudice.” Do only white supremacists lack bias, judgment, or prejudice? The irony is off the charts, though it was not immediately clear if perceiving irony was also a white-supremacist trait.

Individualism, meanwhile, is defined in the dictionary as “belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence.” Do only white supremacists believe in self-reliance and personal independence? If a fair-skinned person said something so dumb, they’d be slammed as a racist — and rightfully so. And yet children are being taught this garbage as truth.

The latest scandal comes as Americans nationwide recoil in horror in response to revelations that “Critical Race Theory” was being forced on federal employees thanks to the Obama administration. President Trump promptly rescinded the Obama-era measure. But massive damage has already been done. And in public schools, it continues uninterrupted.


This clown-world level absurdity in “education” is only possible in an absurd system such as the tax-funded public-school monopoly that exists today. In a free market, no sensible parent would ever pay anything to have their child indoctrinated with hateful, racist, and ridiculous propaganda such as the garbage described above.

If parents do not wake up, it will be their children and their nation who will pay the enormous price.



Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, education, politics, and more. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook

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