Bill Lockwood: Hillary Clinton Proves that Incivility is in the Left’s DNA

by Bill Lockwood

Hillary Clinton is trying to get ahead of the frenzied riotous forces that she helped unleash, voicing that “civil discourse” cannot be—as long as the left is out of power. Being interviewed by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, Clinton stated: “You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for.”

Clinton added, “That’s what I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or Senate, that’s when civility starts again. But until then, the only thing Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”

As Rick Moran comments in, “The most prominent Democrat in the country has, for all intents and purposes, just given a green light to every left-wing kook and violent sociopath to be uncivil to Republicans.”

Besides the fact that the eruptive and unrestrained mobs ransacked the nation’s capital as the Kavanaugh hearings were underway; and prominent conservatives such as Senator Ted Cruz have been chased out of restaurants by tumultuous crowds; and paid screamers recently burst on the Capitol; and one Congressman, Steve Scalise has already been shot in an attempted assassination that was specifically fueled by leftist rhetoric—Hillary Clinton waves for more ungovernable mob action. Why? This is the Left’s DNA.

Observations from a Cattleman

J. Evetts Haley (1901-1995) was a famed Texas historian, rancher and conservative politician who is best known for his biography on Texas cattleman Charles Goodnight of the Palo Duro country. He taught at UT from 1929 to 1936. But these were the days of the rising tide of “progressivism”, specifically FDR’s New Deal, which Haley rightly saw as socialism. His voiced opposition brought about his dismissal. “I was fired because of my vigorous fight against the invasion of socialistic federal power.”

It is this socialistic federal power which is the topic of his 1964 book, A Texan Looks at Lyndon: A Study in Illegitimate Power. His assessments and incisive logic regarding the growth of unconstitutional government cannot be matched. Represented by the Clinton’s nasty power-machine, Haley’s warnings are coming to pass.

Haley exposes two factors that encourage Illegitimate Government in the following. One of them is deceit of the politicians; the other is a compliant and partisan press. As if writing about the Obama-era corrupted Administration, including the FBI and DOJ, Haley says,

When deceit and duplicity become accepted government policy, no sage is wise enough to anticipate the ultimate and possibly violent end. Inherently this means the abrogation of the God-given right of free speech, the perversion and hence destruction of the freedom of the press, and the denial of that indispensable ingredient of all legitimate governments, the consent of the governed.

Although speaking of the Dwight Eisenhower through Lyndon Johnson periods, Haley’s observations regarding the media are classic.

After steady if not studied attrition of these rights and principles through many years, through preferential treatment of some, and coercion and blackmail of others, vast portions of the news media in America have been reduced to sycophantic if not criminal confederates of the Establishment or the man in power. This was no less obvious in the successful buildup of a politically inexperienced army man by politicians and press to the stature of a hero worthy to be President, than in the instant, repulsive reversal of position toward Lyndon B. Johnson when adverse fate elevated him to the presidency.

Continuing in this vein regarding the complicit media complex in America, Haley writes,

One wonders if these prostitutes of the media are simply so deluded by their own inflated sense of important position and power as really to believe what they say, or whether they are so devoid of character as to slant and distort the truth for personal expediency, or whether they, like the late utterly cynical Harry Hopkins, simply believe the people are just “too ____ dumb to understand.”

With disunity in America at an all-time high, and unbridled “incivility” encouraged, violence that has already been erupting amongst the Lefties may continue to explode. Haley points out that this will only beget more violence from the right.

The existence of such a phenomenon in such an area of vital interest and concern, with its eventual effects upon the morals of the people and the national character and unity, is staggering in its potential effect. Its surface influence is reflected in the idiom of the street, in the repeated and pervasive comment that ‘you can’t believe a thing you read in the papers!’ Nor can this sweeping indictment of a once vaunted ‘free and independent’ press be swept aside as popular caprice or a momentary passion.

It is something of far deeper and more somber significance. It is a combination of the long frustrations of the little but honest people who want and seek truth, of resentment of propaganda and designed deception by those in power, of a sense of betrayal in past deed and action by those of influence and authority! More than that it is cumulative in force and effect. It is impervious to pious platitudes in political forum, press or pulpit. It is a sign of national disunity, the dangerous undertones of largely forgotten and inarticulate masses stirring with potential violence—one of the most historic, most natural and yet most terrifying reactions of people who have been denied the truth by illegitimate power. (Emp. added)

As new ugly revelations continue to explode across the political landscape indicating the abject corruption of the Obama presidency, whose administration was also illegally assisting via the FBI the much-anticipated Hillary Clinton presidency, we might suppose that J. Evetts Haley was a prophet. But deceit and corruption are simply a part of the Left’s DNA.

When men are once convinced that they are consistently being denied the truth essential to their survival, imagination alone is left with which to anticipate tomorrow, upon which to predicate their future. Even at its most adverse, an honest and healthy people with national unity solidly based on spiritual faith and morality can face and live with reality. With venality on the prowl, and corruption widely condoned if not an actual part of government policy, public apprehension feeds on imaginative fears, and the specter of the gods of wrath and violence hang over such unfortunate and uneasy lands.

Haley, the “Salty Texas Rebel” from the Staked Plains, is right on the mark. We, the honest little people, perhaps not understanding the depths of the Left’s depravity, or the twisted conniving of the Obama Administration, at least have enough common sense to smell a rat. This is why we threw out the politicians and hired Donald J. Trump—To Make America Great Again.

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