Bill Lockwood: Socialism Breeds Corruption

Socialism Breeds Corruption- “What are the consequences of such a perversion? … In the first place, it erases from everyone’s conscience the distinction between justice and injustice.”

by Bill Lockwood

Listening to the current news should cause thinking Americans to stop and contemplate one of the prime causes of our deep-seated corruption. Corrosion in government seems to have reached new depths while personal integrity in leaders appears to be a thing of the past. Hillary Clinton, for example, following the lying pattern of Barack Obama (“If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”), piles one fabrication on top of another. She actually lies about the lies she tells.

Her Benghazi fabrications, for example, are universally known and undeniable. A private email server in her bathroom in violation of federal law continues to cause people to lose their lives in Iran. The Clinton family is rife with valueless living. Obama pays ransom to the Iran government and flat-footedly denies it is a ransom. This brand of criminality is trickling down to the bottom in our once great nation. The number of people who will vote for Hillary Clinton is indicative of this.

One of the primary causes of this demise of character is SOCIALISM ITSELF. In the very nature of things socialism as a system actually breeds more corruption, both individually and in the community. Why is this?

The beginning point of socialistic theories is grounded in a deceptive sophistry. That hard-boiled lie takes the words “assist” or “help” and uses them as a club to steal from a person which he/she has earned. Under the false flag of “compassion” government lawlessly steals from one person to redistribute to others. Predictably, any opposition to this form of government plunder is met with by charges of lack of compassion.

Let’s illustrate it. President Obama pitches for an increase in welfare payments and/or recipients. Our entire system is larded with this style of government, be it Social Security, Food Stamps, Section 9 Housing, etc. This is sold to the American people from the time of FDR (Obama is not the first duplicitous chief) as a form of compassion.

Whose Compassion?

Just whose compassion services the welfare state? The productive citizen from whom the government forcibly takes to give to another? Absolutely not. If it is compassion in the citizen no forcible taking is required. The outlet of compassion is freewill giving, not paying taxes. If the socialists (aka Democrats) deny this, let them cut out the IRS tax code and learn how much compassion really exists.

Is it compassion on President Obama’s part? Not at all. No compassion for the poor exists in strong arm agent of the government who shakes down, with threat of prison, the working man to hand over earned dollars and cents to give to another. Forcing my neighbor to give his/her earnings to my other neighbor does in no way constitute compassion on my part.

For me to call this compassion is deception in its rawest form. But the above scenario is the very definition of socialism.  It is next to impossible to maintain any godly standard of morals or individual character when society has deceptively re-written its lexicon of definitions.

It is on the above understanding that the 19th century French economist, statesman, and author Frederic Bastiat wrote, “It is impossible to introduce into society any greater change and a greater evil than this: the conversion of the law into an instrument of plunder. What are the consequences of such a perversion? … In the first place, it erases from everyone’s conscience the distinction between justice and injustice.”

He was talking about socialism as the great evil. This is where we are in America. The socialistic system is a grave evil precisely because it must plunder by force the private property of the producer to begin. This in turn is justified by a deception in which the face of THEFT is masked by COMPASSIONATE GIVING. Corruption is bred into the system.

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